Thursday, September 30, 2010

How i became a real person

Today, i got my papers declaring that i am now indeed my own individual. which rocks. but the adventure in getting them involved a lot of waiting.... i mean a lot. they say the patient are rewarded. all i got was wet.

So as i am about to inform you (if you dont already know) we are hours away from hitting the ottawa record for the most rain since 1942. Mom picked me up during 3rd period and we went to licoln fields mall to get our papers. it started out not too bad, we got misted, but apart we were relitively dry. We waited in line for nearly an hour, then had to wait to get the papers and even then it was an extremely lengthy proccess. After sarching that mall up and down we realised that the oc transpo place wasn't there. Though we did find a really cool cheap dress place that i WILL be going back to. We than looked in more malls desperate to find the oc transpo place. Finally (after several explinations that its at licoln fields satation, mom decides to ask the star bucks employee, and he instructed us to GO TO LICOLN FIELDS STATION! We then walked all the way to the station. By this point my old shoes are sopping wet and i feel liek a drowned rat. Only once arriving we found out that we were going to have to wait for nearly 2 hours because there was a line for several meters out the door. now nearing 4.30 we wait in like next to this guy and his cousin, they turned out to be a lot of fun to talk to so it wasn't that bad. Finally I got my picture taken though it wasn't really that great. and we walked back to the car. By this point i have given up on staying dry and if weren't for tap tap i would have died from boredom. So that is how i became a person, albeit a wet one. (procceeding my return home i went straight to the bath and soaked) Oh well i did get teriaki, so that's good.

Besides that the only thing relitively new with me is that i was elected grade 9/10 concert band representative in the music council, and i've gotten two very interesting projects. The first is in history. I have to make a file folder (like a medic) about a soldier in the first world war (based on a real canadian soldier's file at that time) and describe all of the ailements and how to treat them.
The second is an english media project. We had to pick our favourite poems and create a video about them. I decided to use leisure (the first poem incuded in my last post) and the video should be wuite fascinating, if it turns ou thte way im imagining it in my head. I might post it. depending how it turns out.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Poems about life and death

Leisure by: william henry davies
What is this life if, full of care,
we have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs,
and stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
and watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
enrich that smile he eyes began.
A poor life this is, full of care,
we have no time to stand and stare.

the depths this poem reaches, the reality that it brings us is the truth. life is so glorious, so beautiful, and yet by caring about life me miss out on it. Our heads are so filled with idealistic worries and complaints that we forget to see the good parts. We ignore whats right in front of our faces and in doing that we loose the oppertunity to be trully happy. Therefore by wasting energyworrying about happiness we loose it. Ironic how most of us just pass life by without realy living. We're all so scared of death but most of us are already there. If you aren't living life then what are you? Sometimes we must all just take the time to enjoy life and its wonders. We must all stop and stare because if we don't then our lives aren't really worth living. In today's society there's so much stress that we forget why we're stressing at all. We work to make a life happy and good, but then we work so much that we couldn't possibly arrive there. William Henry Davies had it right. And beauty should be personified because beauty is alive. It lives on inside all of us, we just have to look around with optimistic eyes. Though that may not be easy to do, it is necessary.

Emma i want you specifically to listen to this because i know that lately you've been feeling really low. We had to do poetry analysis for a media project in class and this really touched me and the severity of the true ringing of each word struck me like a bell. And i hope that it manages to reach you too because you have to start living again. You can't keep wollowing in "what ifs" or "whys" or "just maybes" because if you keep it up one day soon you'll wake up and just realized how much time you've wasted, how much of life you've missed, and you can never get those precious minutes back. I love you so much so i want you to read this all ver carefully twice, three times over minimum. But these messages go for anyone. you can all feel the sincerity in your hearts and your souls.

The balance between life and death are so fragile. We never know when our time will come, so we have to make the most of everything. My cat was very ill today, i feared for his life, and recently found out that one of my friends could have died this summer. People die every day. Car accidentals, freak collisions, fires, random events that none of us can control, whipe our loves ones from this earth. But we must all keep living because only then can they live on. They live on in our memories, and they live on through nature, but we have to live on because if we waste away more than one person will have died that day.


Grieve not by: mary frye
Do not stand at my grave and weep:
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the softly falling snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain.
I am the fields of ripening grain.
I amhe morning hush.
I am the graceful rush
of beautiful birds in circling flight.
I am the star shine of the night.
I am the flowers tat bloom.
I am in a quiet room.
I am the brids that sing.
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry`:
I am not there. I did not die.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Forcibly forced to post.

Dear readers, i've been forcibly demanded that i post by my dearest friend emma, so here it goes:
to be honest i don't have all that much to account. I've decided i want to start blogging more, but without copy and paste i find that difficult because i have to spell check and because most of the time i just don't have internet. But hey I plan on at least giving it a try.

So i promised myself that I'm going to finish writing the final copy of my book by the end of the month (week preferably) because ever since school started i've been too busy to go to work let alone write. So everything's just gone on the back burning, at least all that i can't bring to school. My "free time" between classes and during lunch i usually spend writing my short story, which im sorry i can't tell you about at all. So if i finally finish writing i can edit in those times instead. I only have 2 scenes to go, so it shouldn't be too difficult. But i relaized that if i don't do it now i never will because if schools busy now, i can't imagine what it'll be like later on.
As for school, its been busy as every only now i've also started band, jazz, choir, diversity club, and tutoring. So by the time i get home im so burnt out i just want to eat and sleep. I haven't even had time to READ in the past 3 weels, which is saying a significant amount considering who your reading about.
I've fallen in love with history, even though its in french and my first period class. High school history is nothing like elementary crap. Those teachers are forced into it because they are homeroom teachers. In high school it isn't like that because the teachers actually liek the subject so they teach it in a much more interesting manner. I'm actually considering taking world history next year instead of french... i probably will if i can ask mr rogers.
In math i'm sitting at the "smart person" table and have unanimously been elected leader though i can't imagine why(S*). I'm acctually partially teaching the class in partnership with mr czudner. Not quite, but pretty damn close. I'm tutoring people at my table too so usually i don't do my own work... or what i do do makes me so bored out of my mind i wonder why im in this class at all... and the resonse of course is, because i can't skip a grade and do the harder courses. what poo. but thats what you get for being the eternal seniors at the highschool.
In english we're doing poetry and its actually incredible. i'm totally kicking ass though once more im not that surprised. Though i have realized i don't really enjoy paraphrasing in analysis.
Finally music. I've actually improved conserderably and the class has turned out incredibly hilarious. With everyone in grade 10 music shoved into one class its like putting all the best friends and clans of geeks together... hence MASSIVE party. And we actually sound really good. And we ended up scaring the shit out of the grade 9's because well first we made them think they were crazy by doing all sorts of weird things at cue's they never could figure out, and then when they asked us about it we proceeded with a "what do you mean, i have no idea what you're talking about" mood. and then we showed them the difficulty of the music. Which for us is actually considerably easier than what we're playing in class.
Apart from school and my novel i don't have much to say. that has pretty much taken over my life. My mom bought herself a laptop, i need new headphones preferably skull candy ones, and i went to see easy A with Cori and Sarah. OH and sarah i have discovered has the most incredible stuffed animal collection. Including a perry the platypus that makes platypi sounds and an owl that screeches and is complete with a swiveling head.
OH and pickles got a harry potter music book for flute and whilst we were playing the hedwig theme we recieved a round of applause. and we felt sooo cool :P
Finally we got our yearbooks, only 4 months late, nonethe less they are awesome, though not hand drawn which dissapointed me, they are fanciful and well made.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

hit by a bus and forced to do the delta theorem!

So turns out life moves pretty quickly if you let it...
remember when i disccussed how life was like highways and sometime there was heavy traffic and others you zoomed by at 400 miles an hour.... when i'm have the race of my life right now, or so it would seem.

Since last posting... which is shockingly a lot farther back then i remember, i have camped with gramama for 2 weeks, rode 20 miles a day, went swimming, hung out with erin, got attemptedly converted to jehova witness, worked, worked, painted, worked, had dinner with duckman matt sue and jim like old times, got officially ditched by my ex best friend, participated in the charity weekend, solved family drama at our anual corn roast chez dominiques, and ummmm OH nearly finished my book. I am literally like 3 pages away from finishing... I'll probably finish saturday or sunday....
So busy.

OH not to mention school.
So i went on the first to pick out my locker, turns out i actually got the ideal one. third from the close end in the main hall (opposed to last year's last on the far end of the never-to-be-used hall.) And i'm surrounded by my school friends.
Then on the first day of school i started my oh so "wonderful" grade ten year.
My classes follow as such:
1. History (in french) with Mme Lelou (-.-)
2. Math with mr czudner (awesome)
3. English with Mrs Mendham (awesome)
4. music with mrs godrey (meh)
And everything's been extremely busy. It's been constant work, ive been going to bed at like 9 every night even though i usually go to bed at 11, just because i'm so tired, and i haven't had time to do anything since classes have started. I have gone to school, worked, come home, worked, and eaten and slept. and repeat. honest to god. The only like i did anything out of pattern was today when it was gone to school, worked, gone to dentist, writhed in pain, gone to orthodontist, writhed in more pain, gone home, writhed in pain, slept. frig skip the fucking eating :P its do PHYSICALLY possible at this point.
How on earth i'm going to play flute tomorrow i have no idea seeing how i can barely move my mouth let alone actually make the proper ombersure. I have a feeling that my participation in class disscussions tomorrow is going to be extremely slim.

I have more to say but to be honest, I'm too tired. This is the first week of school and already i feel like i've been hit by a bus and then forced to do the delta therum. and i'm good at math!


PS I redyed my hair so now its epic! electric blue for the win!