Sunday, July 26, 2009

The week has past!!!

the week sans justin is now over!! but i've got to tell you it wasn't all bad. it seemed like a REALLY short week! from monday to wednesday I had sleepovers with Leah, a harry potter marathon ( :) ) which includes the new one, and watched i love you beth cooper. Then well i spent pretty much of the rest of the week making lans with soul that never happened... until this morning. lol they will happen eventually. and yesturday i bought the hair dye. oh by the way those plans with soul involve dying the underneath of my hair blue!
But evven in those days where it was raining and not so nice and i didn't really go anywhere it was still busy! i played harry potter 1 the PC game... im at the part where the stairs fall away but you still have to climg them to make the griffin/gargoyle statues glow.cept i messed up.... so now i have to climb down the stairs unlock the cage, climb back up get it and continue, ive got to say it has proven difficult.
Also i read a lot. I read dark angel ( which wasnt supernatural at all ) , beautiful dead ( it so is ) and the forest of claws and teeth ( take a guess ). Aflter this, other news is my sister bought a wii. so, while she or my father wasnt playing, i'd go on and play. We have mario ( im iffy at that) the sports one ( im good at tennis and boxing) and g force( i neer played). Thrilling as this all is now ive got to tell you about the plans with soul, and my other plans that are happening soon after i finish writing this.
Well the plan is around 10 soul is going to call me, im going to go to her house, where we will dye my hair, then straighten it. It'll be amazing! then we're going to the park to hang out with hung. At around 3:15 hung and I will head off to riocan to meet jeremy and justin, and whomever else actually shows up.
GothGirl xox

PS: justin doesnt think its going to be awesome to dye my hair. we'll see...... *evil smirk* course im right!

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