Tuesday, January 19, 2010

GODDESS!!!!! grrr.....

okay its fourth period and i think i finally have enough time to make a little post. not one of my famously long ranting ones but enough to catch you up on my current affairs. I'd love to tell youthat everythings amazin and that im super happy and great and writing a million friken pages a day and that my book was coming along nicely... sadly that is sooo beyond not the case.

so basically ill start from the main and go into the deep heady world of the extremly complicated. Well as you know in january every single teenager in high school has to take exams and do summativve projects. What my school didn't plan for was timing. Usually the summatives were a feew weeks before exams so that way we wouldnt be as stressed out. so instead now i have my exams and my summatives on the same day... basically i can say its pretty crazy. I just finished my french summative and did my music exam. My science summative is due thursday and my geography, tomorrow. For french i had to create a movie about a ffrench play. science i have to create a board game (which isnt that bad) and in geo, i have to literally make, and withstand my village. Thrilling isnt it. so anyways here i am extremely stressed out. also on top of that my exams, music today tomorrow, and tuesday. my science exam tuesday, my geo thursday and my french wednesday.

btw my friend pickles says hi. she is sitting beside me reading over my shoulder.... lol she just commented on the fact that she cant be reading oveer my shoulder if shes beside me... sadly she may be right.

back on track: Im stressed im slightly crazy im totally freaking out and fighting with my dad and mom 24/ 7 is sooo not helping anything. worst of all, every single one of my teachers are like you shouldn't get stressed, just take it in steps.... yea well they dont have 3 summatives to do and 4 exams to study for!!! grr.

Actually pardon my faute. the worst thing is. justin is in the same mental state im in... none. so basically summing up my worst problem i havent really had a conversation that wasnt about school with justin since....... december 17 which was the last time i saw him before he left for arizona. shit that sucks. plus... that was the last day i was with him too... and that was wiiith people. i cant even remember when we saw each other alone. gr. so i miss him a lot and well we cant do anything this coming weekend cause im devoting my entire brain power to studying because i dont have much time this week. then finally on the 29th we're going to see each other... sadly that means i have to wait for the 29th ( which is btw our 10 month aniversary yays)

after all this im not much of a person and has absolutely no excess brain matter. When im not studying or working, im thinking about studying and working. and when im not thinking about studying or working im dreaming about it... which is just as bad. plainly saying i havent had any time to write or have a alife for the oast 2 weeks. this is soo beyond insane. im behind in my book by like 5 chapters and i cant even seem to care because im too worried about everything else going on. only 116 more days and still 17 more chapters. good thing being next semester will be a breeze so i dont even have to worry about catching up. i can jsut do 2 or 3 chapters a week for the first little while and be back on in no time. i mean seriously art english gym math what a snap! goddess i just said snap... there must be something wring with me...

until another time

PS im supposed to be writing the descriptions of my village right now... but its in french and im not in the mood. DAMNIT!

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