Monday, January 19, 2009

CAtch up

sybils back!!!
I'm sure just those few words have you jumping up and down in your seats! lol. Well this will basically be a cath up on the past few days.... they've been slow.... but with me I can make anything fun! So the last time I posted was tuesday. I don't know what happened on what days so I'll just randomly list them out.... 1. Me and kelsey started planning poo's funeral.... :( OMG did I even tell you poo died??? Ya so hes dead and I cried and now we are in charge of his funeral whitch will be next weekend :(
2. Me, Athina, and Kelsey have started a new DT project in memory of poo. It'll be split into three parts. Poo, the basket and the bed. It'll be sooo cute once done. Okay well i think thats all about poo... sooo moving on.
3. I was sooo bored I started a runescape game and its surprisingly not as geeky as I thought. :S... well much. If any geeks are out there that read my blog and have a runescape account add me I'm Nix_Of_Moon eww that sounds soo geeky but whatev.
4. I'mm getting back at work whitch is great! YAY MONEY
5. ugh..... I think thats it for the school days.... OH I presented my brain project with Athina and now we are doing reviews.
6. LOL i almost forgot one of the funniest things this week. Our french play. well I'm sure your first thoughts are EWW french and plays....UGH. but no that is not the case because we got to write it and pick the parts. I'm Isabelle the little girl, figures ... I need an eye roll happy face. GEEZE. So anyways we were practicing in the hall and our group is Athina Andrew and I so you see where this is going don't you? It was hilarious but one of the funniest parts is that Alex was practicing next to us with her group and Colin had a long black wig and Alex made really weird sound effects..... But practicing hitting Andrew and running after him was sure fun :) YAY ME!!
and lastly 7. Mme. Le French actualy is starting to like me! I know gasp. but ever sinceI moved desks shes been like really nice towards me. :) like today she even patted my head and was like O sybils sleepy. Cause I was practically falling asleep. lol

Now. The marvelous weekend of fun! Well friday I clwaned my room and learnt cursive, so now "I speek like I'm Irish" not that thats a bad thing..... why'd i quote that?w.e. So that was slow but when saturday rolled around things started to pick up! Starting with the movies.WE wnet to see bride wars and then we went to leahs moms. It was quite funny because first we stopped by walmart to get a few supplies... like face masks 2 bottles of 2 littres of pop.... clothes, candy you see where this is going! But whence we got to her moms house i really how hyper we planned on becomming.
The thing that really wasn't fair though was that Robin (her brother) had a friend over and he was REALLY cute and nice and I automaticly fell head over heals. ;) I had glimpsed an Angel )O(
lol jkjk so then we drank all the pop watched season one of how I met your mother and did our face masks whitch btw you should never do withou profetional help I mean it was disasturous!!!
Then we finnaly fell asleep ands woke up and a reasonable hour taboot. Then we were off to shopping at bashore whitch was the whole point of the trip. WE had a great day and i was reasonable. I got this awesome new sweater, a new purse, 3 new shirts and sweat pants. the shirts were 5 $ btw. I KNOW STEAL. !!! So then it was time to go home and thank god because we were beat. and NOW I came back to school worked a bit on my book and umm chilled.
Until later
GothGirl xox

1 comment:

  1. wow that was long..and i know it's sad that poo died.. I'll miss him..even though when i meet him he ate my shirt
