Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Broken Dish Theorem

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or missinformed beholder a black eye. - Miss Piggy.

I share this quote to you for 2 reasons.
Firstly my quote of the day is by miss piggy! how awesome is that??!
Secondly the first part of that quote is actually somewhat relevant to my discussion topic of the day.

(i sound so fancy when i say discussion topic of the day, the reality im really thinking something more along the lines of "this is what im going to be complaining about for the next few paragraphs, good luck and feel free to add your complaints in the comments " :P)]

Okay so 2 things of importance to talk about, I'll begin with the part actually relevant to the quote.

Beauty lies in the eye of its beholder. I don't know who said it, but damn did they ever have it right. Our perception of people dependsd solely of what we think of them at the time. Someone who is usually your best friend can drive you up the wall just on your mood set. Though it is rare that i get angry at my friends because i believe i have better things to be mad at then the people who care about me. So anyways it has come to my attention the very length your mind will go to disguise someone to your liking. Tricking yourself into thinking they're better than that. Now it may not be just my own brain because (for instance jordan) sometimes when you're going out they seem nice and sweet because they too care, then once things take a turn for the worst its all madusa heads and charmiron attacks. Not only that though, but your mind will block out the annoying traits of that person until someone else brings them to your attention (which i call the broken plate theory, because its like your plate version of that person was just shattered by the relevation that they are no longer perfect). Which is essentially what, naturally, we are trying to prove. On the anthropological state we are run by instinct, and part of that instinct is to find a healthy strong, essentially perfect mate. It's a primal accord that is programmed into our brains since homosapiens became a race.

With the broken dish theory in mind, I keep wondering what Ethan's faults are. Currently i can't find any because i am pre-shattering faze, but soon enough they will be brought to my attention, and im just pondering what they could be. It cannot be the way he speaks because i love his voice, and the way that he lilts his vowels and rolls his G's. Nor his clumsiness because i adore the way he's lanky without being scraggly and thin, he still has pressence. I digress, i can't find his fault, i suppose that's why its the Pre-shattered faze.

I miss ethan. I do. And i can't wait for him to get back. I majorly need a boyfriend hug right now because though i love you emmie, you dont cut it. sorry. He's probably having so much fun. I'm sort of jealous. He'll come back with lots of stories to tell. He got to travel see new things. The only thing i did was go to niagra, with is liek 5 hours away, and well, was a trip i detested. I suppose that's what you get for staying with your kin....

I can't remember my second topic anymore.... i know it had something to do with Tv shows and how it seems that now when you dont watch TV for a week it takes 2 full days to catch up. That may be just me but.....
If i end up remembering ill add it to a further post.


  1. well now that i am no longer dating ethan i can easily say i am post shatered phase now :P i wont list his faults but he is clearly not ideal, or we'd still be going out... and actually relevant to the post whilst he was away i idolized him greatly. meaning that i actually made him better in my imaginary world that he actually was... so when he got back i was actually vaguely dissapointed that he wasn't the same as i remembered. Its weird how your mind can trick you like that.

  2. PS: you can find more about the broken dish theroem from how i met you mother (which is where i originally discovered it) somewhere in the 3rd season i think... (don't quote me on that because im not too sure)
