Sybil's back!
This weekend I didn't really have a OMG filled weekend. But ! I did get out of grounding for a while. I got to sleepover at Leah's and We had a blast Not to mention all the jokes duckman tried to pull. WE ended up screaming the whole time lol! And I have a confetion to make i am now totally addicted to a game called cube field. It may seem really lame but is highly addictive! you just can't stop. It took me forever just to get me to take the time to write this. I mean from the beggining to end it just gets longer and longer. the whole point is to not hit any cubes and the longer you stay alive the more points you get! Now my high score is 160,195! I'll upload all my high scores lol. If you want to play too just google it.
Goth Girl xox
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
well ok then?
I'm back!! Sybil that's me,
So yesterday I had losts of issues and I didn't really know what to do. I still feel a bit constricted but now I've learned to deal with it. I got a hug from emma and Athina and I just got back from visiting Leah. So now I really don't even have the choice of moving out because Duckman ( sues brother) has come to live with them. So i don't really have any room to stay. I guess it's for the better though I mean everything happens for a reason.
So today I got my report card and I almost cried! I had gotten streight a's (except for french spelling) I'm like there must be some mistake!! but then I turned the page and sawthat I'd falled Gym. So then I said " wait no this is right!" I'm really bad at anything active except for swimming, gymnastic and dance. So my dad appoligized nad we're cool. But I still am like expecting the next one because it seems I'm always in a fight.
Until Next time,
Goth Girl xox
So yesterday I had losts of issues and I didn't really know what to do. I still feel a bit constricted but now I've learned to deal with it. I got a hug from emma and Athina and I just got back from visiting Leah. So now I really don't even have the choice of moving out because Duckman ( sues brother) has come to live with them. So i don't really have any room to stay. I guess it's for the better though I mean everything happens for a reason.
So today I got my report card and I almost cried! I had gotten streight a's (except for french spelling) I'm like there must be some mistake!! but then I turned the page and sawthat I'd falled Gym. So then I said " wait no this is right!" I'm really bad at anything active except for swimming, gymnastic and dance. So my dad appoligized nad we're cool. But I still am like expecting the next one because it seems I'm always in a fight.
Until Next time,
Goth Girl xox
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I don't know what to do .... I'm just sad all the time.
hmm, I guess I'm back aren't I? I'll probably sound so emo in this blog but I just have to get it out.
I just balled my eyes out for like 4 hours... I still am crying actually. I want my friends, Emma and Athina and Leah. I'm just sooo sad. I miss them and I'm in major need of a hug :( My dad refuses to stop yelling at me a
nd now I just want to leave, My chest hurts all the time now because I'm just always holding in my tears. Even at school its hard not to sart balling in class. It feels like someone is squeezing my heart and won't let go. i feel so alone, even when my friends are around. I've been ccrying myself to sleep for what seems like forver and I can't even remembre what it feels like to be trully happy and carefree. There so much weight on my shoulders all the time, but now I'm tired. Now I don't know what to do, I want to just take off and get away from everything, move out and hope things get better. I was really thinking on that possibility but today my dad just told me he would commit suicide if I left :( I love my parents I really do but I feel so constricted. I'm being crushed and I just need someone to pull me out, but no ones around. I've been hoping for so long, Hoping things would get better and I could feel happy again.

Goth Girl :( so sad
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
already fighting :(
I'm back,
Sadly its getting harder and harder to stay positive... positoobity not nogitife ( inside joke ill explain later) But i'm managing i guess.... Ya so after my last entry i went on yahoo, checked my e-mails, then had dinner wich was really quiet. Just me and my dad, it was odd. Afterwards I started reading like I usually do and dad was updating my laptop. It was fine but he is a ver nogative ( negative) person. I mean it comes off him in waves, kind of like Ares. (yes the god of war) and well its hard to stay calm with him around. So he starts yelling and swearing because yet again something doesn't go the way he wants it to. And of course he takes it out on me and starts asking Zeus for help when really he should have been asking Hermes( it said to elavate?) or Hepheastus. Anyway it pissed me off so I started yelling and well you see where this is going. It was loud. So only the second day at dad's house and we are already fighting... I seriously need to lay down the law I'm tired of getting yelled at. I love my parents, I do. but I can't take this anymore, somthing is going to change, and it's going to change now!.... Or when I get enough courage to actually bring it up...
until next time,
Goth Girl xox
Sadly its getting harder and harder to stay positive... positoobity not nogitife ( inside joke ill explain later) But i'm managing i guess.... Ya so after my last entry i went on yahoo, checked my e-mails, then had dinner wich was really quiet. Just me and my dad, it was odd. Afterwards I started reading like I usually do and dad was updating my laptop. It was fine but he is a ver nogative ( negative) person. I mean it comes off him in waves, kind of like Ares. (yes the god of war) and well its hard to stay calm with him around. So he starts yelling and swearing because yet again something doesn't go the way he wants it to. And of course he takes it out on me and starts asking Zeus for help when really he should have been asking Hermes( it said to elavate?) or Hepheastus. Anyway it pissed me off so I started yelling and well you see where this is going. It was loud. So only the second day at dad's house and we are already fighting... I seriously need to lay down the law I'm tired of getting yelled at. I love my parents, I do. but I can't take this anymore, somthing is going to change, and it's going to change now!.... Or when I get enough courage to actually bring it up...
until next time,
Goth Girl xox
Well I guess I just topped yesterday!
Sybil here,
Usually Mondays are the worst, 'cause everything goes so slowly but I got to tell you this week Tuesday is my worst so far. Well first of all I had band first thing in the morning, not fun, I had to get up at 6am but of course I didn't. So now totally late, I'm runing around like a chiken with it'ss head chopped off trying to get ready. Then my mom comes in and starts yelling at me cause I'm not ready yet. So once I'm in the car, freezing by the way, She goes on and on. I mean like not taking a breath for ten minutes, until we get to school. So I run in and end up getting there early. So worry for nothing. Then I take out my flute- have you ever done that before? Cold flute smells really bad!-and started playing. Then when we started Varients on an old English Carol I got put on the drum part. I figured it would be easy I mean I was playing Cimbels, triangle and Cabasa. Ya I thought wrong. I have to switch instrements in like two beats! anyways you don't really want to hear about that. Well basically it just REALLY didn't work. So then He starts yelling at the flutes and stuff- I'm back as a flute- And it's first thing in the morning so we're pretty peved as it is. So with all the yelling going on that morning it just put me in the attitude of ripping peoples throats out. No its not pretty.
Then in class I got detention last reccess with Mrs Van Dusen for like talking or something, and all around really sucky classes. Then at lunch I was starving and barelly had any food cause I didn't have time to pack a big lunch. Then at reccess I practiced my drum part and thanks to my friends including Flirt. Then more lame classes, And then detention. Detention was probably my hilight of the day. It was quit and nobody was talking to me and It was nice. Then Addam got kicked out, how he managed that i don't know- probably cause I was brading my hair. Then we had Gym.... If you have ever seen me in gym you'll know why i hate it. I am so clumsy and well uncoordinated. So that was interesting, then math. I forgot my homework. Ya real smooth.
Then on my way home this idiot in front of my poured water all over my lap. So walking home in the snow - Ya i said snow, did I mention EWWWW EWWWW EWWWW. It was cold and wet and gross and i was wet! Not too pleasant and it was the first snow fall so it was mooshy and slushy and nasty! Then i was locked out of my house. funfun. Then my dad got home and let me in. Then I did a whole pile of homework and now I'm talking about it. Emma made me feel better about it but still, EWWWW really slow day. It was like one of those days that so much happens but It seems like it take forever! That was it today + Snow + band +precussion+ wet &cold+ ugh! = a very pissed Sybil. Now I've got to go and try to stop being negative because you know negativity is bad for you. So hapy thoughts.... happy thoughts.... ect. ect.
Until next time ,
Goth Girl xox
Usually Mondays are the worst, 'cause everything goes so slowly but I got to tell you this week Tuesday is my worst so far. Well first of all I had band first thing in the morning, not fun, I had to get up at 6am but of course I didn't. So now totally late, I'm runing around like a chiken with it'ss head chopped off trying to get ready. Then my mom comes in and starts yelling at me cause I'm not ready yet. So once I'm in the car, freezing by the way, She goes on and on. I mean like not taking a breath for ten minutes, until we get to school. So I run in and end up getting there early. So worry for nothing. Then I take out my flute- have you ever done that before? Cold flute smells really bad!-and started playing. Then when we started Varients on an old English Carol I got put on the drum part. I figured it would be easy I mean I was playing Cimbels, triangle and Cabasa. Ya I thought wrong. I have to switch instrements in like two beats! anyways you don't really want to hear about that. Well basically it just REALLY didn't work. So then He starts yelling at the flutes and stuff- I'm back as a flute- And it's first thing in the morning so we're pretty peved as it is. So with all the yelling going on that morning it just put me in the attitude of ripping peoples throats out. No its not pretty.
Then in class I got detention last reccess with Mrs Van Dusen for like talking or something, and all around really sucky classes. Then at lunch I was starving and barelly had any food cause I didn't have time to pack a big lunch. Then at reccess I practiced my drum part and thanks to my friends including Flirt. Then more lame classes, And then detention. Detention was probably my hilight of the day. It was quit and nobody was talking to me and It was nice. Then Addam got kicked out, how he managed that i don't know- probably cause I was brading my hair. Then we had Gym.... If you have ever seen me in gym you'll know why i hate it. I am so clumsy and well uncoordinated. So that was interesting, then math. I forgot my homework. Ya real smooth.
Then on my way home this idiot in front of my poured water all over my lap. So walking home in the snow - Ya i said snow, did I mention EWWWW EWWWW EWWWW. It was cold and wet and gross and i was wet! Not too pleasant and it was the first snow fall so it was mooshy and slushy and nasty! Then i was locked out of my house. funfun. Then my dad got home and let me in. Then I did a whole pile of homework and now I'm talking about it. Emma made me feel better about it but still, EWWWW really slow day. It was like one of those days that so much happens but It seems like it take forever! That was it today + Snow + band +precussion+ wet &cold+ ugh! = a very pissed Sybil. Now I've got to go and try to stop being negative because you know negativity is bad for you. So hapy thoughts.... happy thoughts.... ect. ect.
Until next time ,
Goth Girl xox
Monday, November 24, 2008
My book
Goth Girl here,
Okay well ever since i was a little girl i loved reading and books. I learnewd how to read at the age of 2 and a half. By first grade i was reading 400 page novels. Now i can read a 600 page book in a afternoon. I don't speed read i chose to read every word and i enjoy all of it. The thing that really got me caught into books is the adventure. You can imagine yourself as somebody diffrent and see something through diffrent eyes. Do things you would never do otherwise, all in the textural plathora of pages, I have a large vocabulary for someone of the age of 13 and i don't often use it. And the thing is i love to write too. To make up something incredible and let other peoples explore the workings of my mind. Give them the same feeling I get each time I open up a new book. Ever since I learned to read i wrote. I'd make short stories or begin a novel but never finish it, or by the time I take it up again it seems foolish. But I've had enough of starting somthing but not being able to give people my book and say it's done. I want that feeling of accomplishment.
In the past few months I've been having these wonderfly pictorial dreams. They were so graffic and real. All in all I made them out to be two streigns of thought. Two diffrent stories told in bits and peices. I wrote them all down and now I started to write them. The thing is I never seem to have the time or the feeling to just open up the file and write. But I'm fed up of not having a book with my name written on the cover. I want to show the world my thoughts, and I'm going to finish my book.
This means that I won't be blogging as much but i will keep you up to date with all the main stuff. But I doubt many will miss me 'cause at the moment I only have one follower but whatever.
until next time,
Goth Girl xox
Okay well ever since i was a little girl i loved reading and books. I learnewd how to read at the age of 2 and a half. By first grade i was reading 400 page novels. Now i can read a 600 page book in a afternoon. I don't speed read i chose to read every word and i enjoy all of it. The thing that really got me caught into books is the adventure. You can imagine yourself as somebody diffrent and see something through diffrent eyes. Do things you would never do otherwise, all in the textural plathora of pages, I have a large vocabulary for someone of the age of 13 and i don't often use it. And the thing is i love to write too. To make up something incredible and let other peoples explore the workings of my mind. Give them the same feeling I get each time I open up a new book. Ever since I learned to read i wrote. I'd make short stories or begin a novel but never finish it, or by the time I take it up again it seems foolish. But I've had enough of starting somthing but not being able to give people my book and say it's done. I want that feeling of accomplishment.
In the past few months I've been having these wonderfly pictorial dreams. They were so graffic and real. All in all I made them out to be two streigns of thought. Two diffrent stories told in bits and peices. I wrote them all down and now I started to write them. The thing is I never seem to have the time or the feeling to just open up the file and write. But I'm fed up of not having a book with my name written on the cover. I want to show the world my thoughts, and I'm going to finish my book.
This means that I won't be blogging as much but i will keep you up to date with all the main stuff. But I doubt many will miss me 'cause at the moment I only have one follower but whatever.
until next time,
Goth Girl xox
God I hate mondays!
Are there any of you like that, i mean I don't just hate it because its the beginning of the week but the fact that it's just sooooo lame!! Nothing ever happens. Well anyway sunday was pretty slow, my grama left and i wrote a 8 page thing on greek mythology wich i might add came very handy in class today -totally by accident! So now that I'm absolutely stuck on it my new fav show is Valentine. Also i read this really good book called generation dead. It's very interesting, I recomend it.
So basically I'm in my room blasting Evanescence and writing this. WE also got 50 more signatures for the I hate Thomas MacMillan Club witch is really good.Oh and today Emma* Asked Andrew out and got put down :( Oh and we got married-- just kidding-- ya that was all that happened lately..... I just switched houses for the week. I'm gonna go 'cause there isn't really much to say ....
Goth Girl xox
*Emma: she is one of my bestest buddies and well really funny. She's in Athina's dance class and well I love her :) lol that's pretty much it.
Are there any of you like that, i mean I don't just hate it because its the beginning of the week but the fact that it's just sooooo lame!! Nothing ever happens. Well anyway sunday was pretty slow, my grama left and i wrote a 8 page thing on greek mythology wich i might add came very handy in class today -totally by accident! So now that I'm absolutely stuck on it my new fav show is Valentine. Also i read this really good book called generation dead. It's very interesting, I recomend it.
So basically I'm in my room blasting Evanescence and writing this. WE also got 50 more signatures for the I hate Thomas MacMillan Club witch is really good.Oh and today Emma* Asked Andrew out and got put down :( Oh and we got married-- just kidding-- ya that was all that happened lately..... I just switched houses for the week. I'm gonna go 'cause there isn't really much to say ....
Goth Girl xox
*Emma: she is one of my bestest buddies and well really funny. She's in Athina's dance class and well I love her :) lol that's pretty much it.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
So much to catch up on!!
Okay so back from dinner,
Now that was pretty much my thursday, Friday I went to school was pretty much all emo and then went to work. I was too nervous to actually Speek to them about moving in with them so I just ignored it as much as I could but I have a feeling that they could tell that somethings up. Their great like that and they were cool to know that i just wasn't ready to talk about it. I think I'll tell them next week... I mean I love leah and all and she already knows but we just dont really go into emotional stuff with each other because then we just wouldn't be able to stop so i told her kind of jokingly. but when I'm going to tell them I don't really want Leah around. She just wouldn't get it. I know that sometimes she thinks its a bit weird that i like her parents so much but the thing is they are more my family then my own is, and really Leah finds me weird all the time.
And then saturday.... All I can say is ...... TWILIGHT!! I swear I started hyperventalating. I went with a bunch of buddies and met two awesome new ones. Alexandra and Charlene. They are both kick ass and just all together vamptastic. We went to the movies together and held hands screaming and then to starbucks and indigo-- my all time fav store-- all at riocan-- the local, best mall ever! We had a blast and then at pizza pizza with just Leah and Charita*-- did I mention her yet? I think I did....--Today was so much fun and then i got home and my grandma is there and my uncle Steven. So basically you are caught up until now.
Talk to ya later,
Goth Girl xox
* Charita- Leah's gifted buddy, and also one of our grade six musical geeks! She comes from india and is so funny, and clueless... but sadly she'll be moving back to India to get married:( I'll miss her!
Now that was pretty much my thursday, Friday I went to school was pretty much all emo and then went to work. I was too nervous to actually Speek to them about moving in with them so I just ignored it as much as I could but I have a feeling that they could tell that somethings up. Their great like that and they were cool to know that i just wasn't ready to talk about it. I think I'll tell them next week... I mean I love leah and all and she already knows but we just dont really go into emotional stuff with each other because then we just wouldn't be able to stop so i told her kind of jokingly. but when I'm going to tell them I don't really want Leah around. She just wouldn't get it. I know that sometimes she thinks its a bit weird that i like her parents so much but the thing is they are more my family then my own is, and really Leah finds me weird all the time.
And then saturday.... All I can say is ...... TWILIGHT!! I swear I started hyperventalating. I went with a bunch of buddies and met two awesome new ones. Alexandra and Charlene. They are both kick ass and just all together vamptastic. We went to the movies together and held hands screaming and then to starbucks and indigo-- my all time fav store-- all at riocan-- the local, best mall ever! We had a blast and then at pizza pizza with just Leah and Charita*-- did I mention her yet? I think I did....--Today was so much fun and then i got home and my grandma is there and my uncle Steven. So basically you are caught up until now.
Talk to ya later,
Goth Girl xox
* Charita- Leah's gifted buddy, and also one of our grade six musical geeks! She comes from india and is so funny, and clueless... but sadly she'll be moving back to India to get married:( I'll miss her!
I'm leaving, final straw!
Sybil here,
I know its only been two days, but for a girl like me a lot can happen in that time! Lately my blog has been pretty slow because nothing has really happened but now.... well you'll see what i mean.
So as you know I'm in the band. Well thursday after school I have practice 'till five. Practice is usually really quick and then everything goes smoothly but that day was way diffrent, That day probably changed my life for ever. See after band my mom has to pick me up -- 1. because we live insanely far away and 2. because my dad lost his liscense for drinking under the influence. This time she forgot. She went all the way home -- wich takes about an hour -- and doesn't even notice I'm gone. I mean i know i don't really talk that much and I'm usually up in my room at that point so watever... and we didn't always get along so great anyway. So when i called to ask why I was still at school freezing my ass off outside she freaked and came to pick me up.
So everything seems fine right? I mean ok what's the big deal? How could that change your ife forever, you got forgot from band one! For crying out loud!!....... but you see that wasn't really the problem. She came and got me and was explaining why it took so long -- the traffic-- and as we past it she pointed to it and my reply was " oh wow." in a very sensire way. i really was thankfull, but of course it being my mom and I she automaticly started an argument. So we fought and i went through the whole routine of being chewed out. Now the thing you should know about me and my mom; She should be in anger management, and she overacts wayyyy too much. And well i don't, i always stay calm and level headed because when your angry nothing seems to change anything so i gave up on it. So i always do the same routine when getting yelled at, wait for her to completly yell at me, scream, get most of it out and then i answer as calmly as i can. That day i tried but it didn't really work out. and then she started acusing me of things i never did. And so i snapped i started yelling and crying and well just plain freaking out. By the end of it we were both so mad she even dropped me off Sue's and told me she never wanted me to come home.
Now she has threatened to make me move out so many times before that npw it was all just part of the argument. But that was the last straw, she wouldn't even let me go home to pack up my stuff to leave, she just dropped me off and told me never to come back. So I talked her into giving me one more chance -- again. and she did. But now I don't care anymore nothing is holding me back. There used to always be something holdin me back from leaving but not anymore that was it. I'm slowly going to start to move out and next timme she threatened I was gone... that is if its okay with Sue And Jim. Because i love my dad and all my i would never be able to stay there full time.
So that's it, I'm leaving for good this time... I've got to go for dinner but ill finish the rest later.
Untill later,
Goth Girl xox
I know its only been two days, but for a girl like me a lot can happen in that time! Lately my blog has been pretty slow because nothing has really happened but now.... well you'll see what i mean.
So as you know I'm in the band. Well thursday after school I have practice 'till five. Practice is usually really quick and then everything goes smoothly but that day was way diffrent, That day probably changed my life for ever. See after band my mom has to pick me up -- 1. because we live insanely far away and 2. because my dad lost his liscense for drinking under the influence. This time she forgot. She went all the way home -- wich takes about an hour -- and doesn't even notice I'm gone. I mean i know i don't really talk that much and I'm usually up in my room at that point so watever... and we didn't always get along so great anyway. So when i called to ask why I was still at school freezing my ass off outside she freaked and came to pick me up.
So everything seems fine right? I mean ok what's the big deal? How could that change your ife forever, you got forgot from band one! For crying out loud!!....... but you see that wasn't really the problem. She came and got me and was explaining why it took so long -- the traffic-- and as we past it she pointed to it and my reply was " oh wow." in a very sensire way. i really was thankfull, but of course it being my mom and I she automaticly started an argument. So we fought and i went through the whole routine of being chewed out. Now the thing you should know about me and my mom; She should be in anger management, and she overacts wayyyy too much. And well i don't, i always stay calm and level headed because when your angry nothing seems to change anything so i gave up on it. So i always do the same routine when getting yelled at, wait for her to completly yell at me, scream, get most of it out and then i answer as calmly as i can. That day i tried but it didn't really work out. and then she started acusing me of things i never did. And so i snapped i started yelling and crying and well just plain freaking out. By the end of it we were both so mad she even dropped me off Sue's and told me she never wanted me to come home.
Now she has threatened to make me move out so many times before that npw it was all just part of the argument. But that was the last straw, she wouldn't even let me go home to pack up my stuff to leave, she just dropped me off and told me never to come back. So I talked her into giving me one more chance -- again. and she did. But now I don't care anymore nothing is holding me back. There used to always be something holdin me back from leaving but not anymore that was it. I'm slowly going to start to move out and next timme she threatened I was gone... that is if its okay with Sue And Jim. Because i love my dad and all my i would never be able to stay there full time.
So that's it, I'm leaving for good this time... I've got to go for dinner but ill finish the rest later.
Untill later,
Goth Girl xox
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Im home! some advice...
Sybil here,
okay well today ive got a few things to say. but first i must tell you what happened next since the computer lab. Well as i started my "book report" mr.K came in and he was like are you working hard? and it was so hard to laugh i mean ya we were working like pigs!! so Andrew made another elf video of some of my friends...
if you want to watch it. Its very funny.
So then my advice... 1. don't forget your homework at school because it gets really hard to finish it... ya that's right smart me, i forgot my homework. It wasn't really important though so you can't really blame me. 2. Give your teachers a break, I know sometimes it feel like their just out to get you ( trust me i know!) but really they are just doing their joband sometime it gets hard. So give them some slack.
I got to get going but ill blog again soon,
Goth Girl xox
okay well today ive got a few things to say. but first i must tell you what happened next since the computer lab. Well as i started my "book report" mr.K came in and he was like are you working hard? and it was so hard to laugh i mean ya we were working like pigs!! so Andrew made another elf video of some of my friends...
if you want to watch it. Its very funny.
So then my advice... 1. don't forget your homework at school because it gets really hard to finish it... ya that's right smart me, i forgot my homework. It wasn't really important though so you can't really blame me. 2. Give your teachers a break, I know sometimes it feel like their just out to get you ( trust me i know!) but really they are just doing their joband sometime it gets hard. So give them some slack.
I got to get going but ill blog again soon,
Goth Girl xox
Lying to teachers??
Wow I feel like such a rebel!
right now i'm in the computer lab at school, me and andrew stayed inside at reccess and wandered the school looking for a teacher to supervise us. That's when we happened upon Mr. K. did i talk about him yet? i think i did. Anyway we convinced him to let us stay in to work on our "homework". We are working really hard aren't we? Andrew is right now making one of those dancing elf video's their so funny!
So he might get back any minute so i better finish up here and sign out quickly i just wanted to show how much of a rule breakey i am :) ya right this is pathetic!
until next time
Goth Girl xox
right now i'm in the computer lab at school, me and andrew stayed inside at reccess and wandered the school looking for a teacher to supervise us. That's when we happened upon Mr. K. did i talk about him yet? i think i did. Anyway we convinced him to let us stay in to work on our "homework". We are working really hard aren't we? Andrew is right now making one of those dancing elf video's their so funny!
So he might get back any minute so i better finish up here and sign out quickly i just wanted to show how much of a rule breakey i am :) ya right this is pathetic!
until next time
Goth Girl xox
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
WOW I seem so busy!
Ello Goth Girl here,
Srry I haven't blooged in a few days I've just been so busy! The parade was a blast! We got there and it was freezing! and we were trying to get our costumes on but it was too windy so we went into rogers. Then we were so hyper Mr. Leohr could barely keep us in line. Once we finally had everything adjusted and ready we started practicing wich i might add went horribly! We couldn't hear at the front so we couldn't tell when to come in and we were walking too fast and it was just really funny. I was standing next to Micheal* so we had lots of jokes. And then he randomly started eating taffy!
Once we got started everything seemed to fall together because we had lines to follow and the wind had died down. Maybe Zeus gave us a brake! ( just so you know I'm absolutly absesed with greek mythology) See it was still cold but it was fine and everything was just really fun. We had a blast on the way! but the end we were so tired but then we saw Mr.Laundry and his family and they live really far away so it made us feel really happy and our principle even walked with us for a bit!
Then we got to the independent and the parade was over! we ripped all our uniforms off and started to go crazy, we probably looked like we should have been in a mental assilum but if you got to know us you could tell that that is just how we are. My mom was really late so I had to wait there alone with Erin, Andrew Alex**, Grant***and Zach****. Because we were still there Mr Leohr bout us cookies and we were the only ones left so we got to eat the whole thing!Then Alex left and then Andrew then Erin, And then Grant . I took up a bet with Zach on who would be here last but then my mom came so it was all good. Hope he didn't have to be out there for long! :)
Then yesterday I went to work after school and I'm almost finished my twilight pants! i can't wait to post pictures of them!!!
micheal: he's in my class and i call him turkey boy( thats a long story) hes kind of geeky but deffinatly funny
Alex: She is one of my friends she is very athletic and very popular. we dont hang out much but we are buds.
Grant: VERY geeky guy at my school, no one really likes him but he always seems to be there.
Zach: My friend vikki's* boyfriend ( at the moment) he plays Baritone and is really funny.
Vikki: She is one of my really good friends, she is so hyper its funny, some times she can be a bit perverted but we love her any way!
until next time
Goth Girl xox
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Can't wait!!
Sybil here,
I'm about to go to the Santa Claus parade! I've been getting ready all day and completly forgot about all my home work so I'm now going into hysterics because i have like four tests tomorrow!! and one for histoy too! I suck at history but the thing is i try it just doesn't make any sense to me!
So basically I'm screwed unless i stay up until when ever studying. God I'm such an idiot! Si i can't really tallkkk right noww because i should be cramming but of course I only just remembered! So i absolutly can't wait for the parade because it will be a lot of fun. Too bad it's snowwing! That means it is very cold so I'm wearing like 3 layers so i don't freeze.
I'll fill you in on how it goes later, bii
Goth Girl xox
I'm about to go to the Santa Claus parade! I've been getting ready all day and completly forgot about all my home work so I'm now going into hysterics because i have like four tests tomorrow!! and one for histoy too! I suck at history but the thing is i try it just doesn't make any sense to me!
So basically I'm screwed unless i stay up until when ever studying. God I'm such an idiot! Si i can't really tallkkk right noww because i should be cramming but of course I only just remembered! So i absolutly can't wait for the parade because it will be a lot of fun. Too bad it's snowwing! That means it is very cold so I'm wearing like 3 layers so i don't freeze.
I'll fill you in on how it goes later, bii
Goth Girl xox
Saturday, November 15, 2008
My life at work and at school
Ello Goth Girl here,
I had so much fun today at work. I work at Tagger Wear Costom Bathing suits! WE also make Yoga pants, hoodies, Sports wear and more. Today we started a new idea, twilight pants!!! On the bum it says Twilight and on the top there's an apple! They are really hard to make but look so cool. I love twilight! I hope the movie isn't a disapointment. I came up with the idea, and Sue loves it! We migh now actually sell them though because each one takes so long to make.
So I said that i was going to tell you a bit about my teachers and school... Well basically I'm in home room 8J, Van Dusen. I have 34 other class mates. The school is a lot of fun we do so many activivties and like we all pretty much get along, Our school beleives that all students learn in diffrent ways wich means that we get choices in everything! I like most of my teachers and other teachers at the school, but there are a few that i could like without. I've already told you about Mr. Leohr so I'll just skip him.
Mme.Van Dusen, My home room, she doesn't beleive that you learn out of a text book so we do almost everything oraly- to my demise- She's really great but if you do one thing wrong she hates you for like a month! She teache's me History and French.
Mme. Crandall, well let's just say she's been teaching for way too long and now she's just grumpy! She doesn't teach you anything and thhen expects you to know the answers. She is very anoying and well everyone hates her because no matter how hard you try she fails you because you can never understand what she says! She teache's me Science.
Mr. Tracy, He's my DT teacher (wood shop). He is really great and is really funny he has a open mind about everything and likes to have fun.
Mrs. Lutz, She is probably my best teacher this year. She teache's me English. She like to have fun and be creative she is almost always positive and you can really trust her.
Mme. Pellitier, She was my homeroom teacher last year, She is so funny she's young and like to have fun and be diffrent she is always doing stuff that's funn except her verbs she goes nuts on those.
Mrs. Noonan, She teache's me Math. She is very on spot and gives lots of work, not many people like her but I do, then again I'm a genuis at math soo...
Mr. Laundry, Well he's okay but he makes me actually work hard and to tell you the truth i suck at any physical activity1 i try but i just can never do anything!
Mr. Hogg, He's our princible principle, he's great, no matter what you do he always tries to see your point of view before he punishes you if he does at all.
Mr.K, i can't even say his last name let alone spell it so like everyone else we call him Mr. K. He doesn't teach me anything but he had to be mentioned because he does our luch watch and he always keeps us in late for no reason!
Mrs. Wallace, she used to teach me English and Math. She is really creative and is always coming up with great ideas.
I think that's all.... if i ever mention others i will add them with a **.
Until next time.
Goth Girl xox
Ps: I do plan on adding pictures of these people and my friends and stuff but i don't have any so i plan on doing that later!!!
I had so much fun today at work. I work at Tagger Wear Costom Bathing suits! WE also make Yoga pants, hoodies, Sports wear and more. Today we started a new idea, twilight pants!!! On the bum it says Twilight and on the top there's an apple! They are really hard to make but look so cool. I love twilight! I hope the movie isn't a disapointment. I came up with the idea, and Sue loves it! We migh now actually sell them though because each one takes so long to make.
So I said that i was going to tell you a bit about my teachers and school... Well basically I'm in home room 8J, Van Dusen. I have 34 other class mates. The school is a lot of fun we do so many activivties and like we all pretty much get along, Our school beleives that all students learn in diffrent ways wich means that we get choices in everything! I like most of my teachers and other teachers at the school, but there are a few that i could like without. I've already told you about Mr. Leohr so I'll just skip him.
Mme.Van Dusen, My home room, she doesn't beleive that you learn out of a text book so we do almost everything oraly- to my demise- She's really great but if you do one thing wrong she hates you for like a month! She teache's me History and French.
Mme. Crandall, well let's just say she's been teaching for way too long and now she's just grumpy! She doesn't teach you anything and thhen expects you to know the answers. She is very anoying and well everyone hates her because no matter how hard you try she fails you because you can never understand what she says! She teache's me Science.
Mr. Tracy, He's my DT teacher (wood shop). He is really great and is really funny he has a open mind about everything and likes to have fun.
Mrs. Lutz, She is probably my best teacher this year. She teache's me English. She like to have fun and be creative she is almost always positive and you can really trust her.
Mme. Pellitier, She was my homeroom teacher last year, She is so funny she's young and like to have fun and be diffrent she is always doing stuff that's funn except her verbs she goes nuts on those.
Mrs. Noonan, She teache's me Math. She is very on spot and gives lots of work, not many people like her but I do, then again I'm a genuis at math soo...
Mr. Laundry, Well he's okay but he makes me actually work hard and to tell you the truth i suck at any physical activity1 i try but i just can never do anything!
Mr. Hogg, He's our princible principle, he's great, no matter what you do he always tries to see your point of view before he punishes you if he does at all.
Mr.K, i can't even say his last name let alone spell it so like everyone else we call him Mr. K. He doesn't teach me anything but he had to be mentioned because he does our luch watch and he always keeps us in late for no reason!
Mrs. Wallace, she used to teach me English and Math. She is really creative and is always coming up with great ideas.
I think that's all.... if i ever mention others i will add them with a **.
Until next time.
Goth Girl xox
Ps: I do plan on adding pictures of these people and my friends and stuff but i don't have any so i plan on doing that later!!!
Music is my life!! almost literally.
Sybil here,
I'm so tired. But the worst thing is I have a lot to do today! I have to Study for my history test, My science test, I have to write a french repost, and practice for precussion enssemble! Tomorrow I'm going to be in the Santa Claus parade with my friends. We are the Bucket bregade, wich basically is the garbage gang. Our music teacher Mr. Leohr* does this every year. It's a lot of fun but sadly this is the last year I'll be able to do it :(

Ya in my family everything is about music, I play flute and Drums, My sister Andrea plays guitar and Clarinet, my dad is a precussionist, Leah plays trumpet, Jim plays french horn and baritone and trombone, Sue plays flute like me and my mom is completly left out. So I'm in band and Precussion Enssemble. In band i play flute, sadly I'm only second flute, precussion Enssemble I play the recycling bin. It's a lot of fun but it takes practice too. And since this is the last year I'm at SWC I thought I'd try to be in as many things aas possible, but I'm impossible at sports. :)
I love school and all but sometimes i wish I had free time because right after I finish that I have to go to work. That makes for a really busy schedual!
I've got to go for now but next time I'll talk about my school and the really anoying teachers there.
Goth Girl xox
Mr. Leohr, he is abnoxious and gross and is insanely stuborn but if he likes you then your fine. ( thank god he likes me) Any way he's fat and he conducts all bands and Jazz Band znd really anything related to music. Even though almost everybody hates him he's really okay if you get to know him. He even laughs some times ( gasp!)
I'm so tired. But the worst thing is I have a lot to do today! I have to Study for my history test, My science test, I have to write a french repost, and practice for precussion enssemble! Tomorrow I'm going to be in the Santa Claus parade with my friends. We are the Bucket bregade, wich basically is the garbage gang. Our music teacher Mr. Leohr* does this every year. It's a lot of fun but sadly this is the last year I'll be able to do it :(

Ya in my family everything is about music, I play flute and Drums, My sister Andrea plays guitar and Clarinet, my dad is a precussionist, Leah plays trumpet, Jim plays french horn and baritone and trombone, Sue plays flute like me and my mom is completly left out. So I'm in band and Precussion Enssemble. In band i play flute, sadly I'm only second flute, precussion Enssemble I play the recycling bin. It's a lot of fun but it takes practice too. And since this is the last year I'm at SWC I thought I'd try to be in as many things aas possible, but I'm impossible at sports. :)
I love school and all but sometimes i wish I had free time because right after I finish that I have to go to work. That makes for a really busy schedual!
I've got to go for now but next time I'll talk about my school and the really anoying teachers there.
Goth Girl xox
Mr. Leohr, he is abnoxious and gross and is insanely stuborn but if he likes you then your fine. ( thank god he likes me) Any way he's fat and he conducts all bands and Jazz Band znd really anything related to music. Even though almost everybody hates him he's really okay if you get to know him. He even laughs some times ( gasp!)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friends and foes.
Goth Girl,
Well I had nothing better to do so I thought that i might get you all caught up with my friends and foes:
Nathalie, she's my mom and she's french very stuborn and always gets her way. sometimes she gets violent if you get her angry enough but we try not to do that as much as possible.
Andrea, she's my kid sister, she's nine and i guess you could call her cute if you get over the fact that she's such a brat. She is always in my hair and drives me nuts but i still love the little twerp.
David, my dad, he is a drummer and right now he is working at a counter place. He is such a perfectionist its insane, everything has to be his way but the thing is he expects me to do it for him. the thing is im 14 I'm not going to do his work!
Leah, she's my bestest friend since grade 5, i love her so much i actually think i'm closer to her then I am of my own family. She now goes to a diffrent school then me because she has to be put in a gifted program. - oh im gifted too but i cant afford to get put into a program- We are all but attatched at the hip:)
Sue, she's my boss and my adopted mom. I haven't actually been adopted by them but they are all but my family. Sometimes I'm over there more then I'm at home. She is also Leah's step mom.
Jim, Leah's dad and my adopted father. He is so fun to be around he just always lightenes the mood i mean he even sings mary popins songs in public! Even though he's weird I love him.
Erin, she has been one of my good friends since grade 1! We sometimes get into rough patches and that's okay but sometimes it gets very dramatic.
Athina, She is one of my freak buddies. She's very happy and playful. she dances and sings and is really outgoing but sometimes she seems so invisible like no one even see's her. She plays a big part in my life because she's one of the only people that stays by me no matter what.
Colin, this guy in my class who thinks he's so great but sometimes gets on my nerves. He used to make fun of me but right now we're cool. I wonder how long that will last?....
Matt, flyboy, he's one of my good friends. We are in the same class and get along great but the thing is he's weird around me at school. :He's dating Erin right now wich seems really odd but hey that's life.
Kim, she's my other outsider, she never really fits in anywhere and people are always a bit freaked out by her because she is a bit odd but i will always stand by her. Even though she's crazy she's a really great person that is hard not to get along with.
Andrew, He's my class buddy. We hang out with him during class and he's really funny ad stuff but he wouldn't be caught dead with us any other time. So i don't really know about him.
Tattyanna, the school bitch! She is always in other peoples buisness and she needs to learn when to quit. That pretty much sums it up. She's a rich snob who thinks she's better then everyone else because her mommy's a model. She used to be my friend until she back stabed me now she's the biggest lier on the planet!!
Those are the basic people that will be seen a lot in my blog. If i mention anyone that's not on here I'll make a ** and at the end give a short discription.
until' next time,
Goth Girl xox
Well I had nothing better to do so I thought that i might get you all caught up with my friends and foes:
Nathalie, she's my mom and she's french very stuborn and always gets her way. sometimes she gets violent if you get her angry enough but we try not to do that as much as possible.
Andrea, she's my kid sister, she's nine and i guess you could call her cute if you get over the fact that she's such a brat. She is always in my hair and drives me nuts but i still love the little twerp.
David, my dad, he is a drummer and right now he is working at a counter place. He is such a perfectionist its insane, everything has to be his way but the thing is he expects me to do it for him. the thing is im 14 I'm not going to do his work!
Leah, she's my bestest friend since grade 5, i love her so much i actually think i'm closer to her then I am of my own family. She now goes to a diffrent school then me because she has to be put in a gifted program. - oh im gifted too but i cant afford to get put into a program- We are all but attatched at the hip:)
Sue, she's my boss and my adopted mom. I haven't actually been adopted by them but they are all but my family. Sometimes I'm over there more then I'm at home. She is also Leah's step mom.
Jim, Leah's dad and my adopted father. He is so fun to be around he just always lightenes the mood i mean he even sings mary popins songs in public! Even though he's weird I love him.
Erin, she has been one of my good friends since grade 1! We sometimes get into rough patches and that's okay but sometimes it gets very dramatic.
Athina, She is one of my freak buddies. She's very happy and playful. she dances and sings and is really outgoing but sometimes she seems so invisible like no one even see's her. She plays a big part in my life because she's one of the only people that stays by me no matter what.
Colin, this guy in my class who thinks he's so great but sometimes gets on my nerves. He used to make fun of me but right now we're cool. I wonder how long that will last?....
Matt, flyboy, he's one of my good friends. We are in the same class and get along great but the thing is he's weird around me at school. :He's dating Erin right now wich seems really odd but hey that's life.
Kim, she's my other outsider, she never really fits in anywhere and people are always a bit freaked out by her because she is a bit odd but i will always stand by her. Even though she's crazy she's a really great person that is hard not to get along with.
Andrew, He's my class buddy. We hang out with him during class and he's really funny ad stuff but he wouldn't be caught dead with us any other time. So i don't really know about him.
Tattyanna, the school bitch! She is always in other peoples buisness and she needs to learn when to quit. That pretty much sums it up. She's a rich snob who thinks she's better then everyone else because her mommy's a model. She used to be my friend until she back stabed me now she's the biggest lier on the planet!!
Those are the basic people that will be seen a lot in my blog. If i mention anyone that's not on here I'll make a ** and at the end give a short discription.
until' next time,
Goth Girl xox
Hey Goth Girl here,
I'm starting a blog because I have so much to say but no one to tell. so atleast on here it seems a bit better than talking to myself or anything else. I'm diffrent i must say, most people call me weird but if i weren't weird then i would never get away with half the stuff i do. i have lots of friends and i have a lot of fun. the thing is, all that is great and all but i have way more drama then that! for a starter my parents are devorced, so that adds a whole complecation to my life. One week i can stay out 'till whenever, then i switch houses and i have to be in bed by 9pm. It's very confusing and I'm often lost but I usualy find my way around. See i also have all that teen drama going on in epic proportions because of course im the class freak. I admit i do have my quirks but that's no reason to get all huffy about it.
Now I may seem a bit hyper and well totally valley girl sometimes, but I'm really not. Actually that's part of the reason I am a freak. I dress almost in completly black, I'm usually very mellow and don't talk much but when i have my good days, and I'm happy and with friends, I'm never shy. I will get up onto a table in the middle of public and start singing. but i really can't stand those popular " I'm so great cause I'm pretty and have a boyfriend" freeloaders. if it were up to me I'd make it illigal. Really they piss me off. their so froofy and happy and dramatic all the time and i get sick of it. I won't really pay them any mind unless they get in my face or bug my friends. Then it's personal and i don't take that crap! Tatyanna sure learned that quickly.
Any way I don't really have that much time right now but next blog I'll fill you in with the people in my life right now. Friends and Enimy's.
until' next time,
Goth Girl xox
I'm starting a blog because I have so much to say but no one to tell. so atleast on here it seems a bit better than talking to myself or anything else. I'm diffrent i must say, most people call me weird but if i weren't weird then i would never get away with half the stuff i do. i have lots of friends and i have a lot of fun. the thing is, all that is great and all but i have way more drama then that! for a starter my parents are devorced, so that adds a whole complecation to my life. One week i can stay out 'till whenever, then i switch houses and i have to be in bed by 9pm. It's very confusing and I'm often lost but I usualy find my way around. See i also have all that teen drama going on in epic proportions because of course im the class freak. I admit i do have my quirks but that's no reason to get all huffy about it.
Now I may seem a bit hyper and well totally valley girl sometimes, but I'm really not. Actually that's part of the reason I am a freak. I dress almost in completly black, I'm usually very mellow and don't talk much but when i have my good days, and I'm happy and with friends, I'm never shy. I will get up onto a table in the middle of public and start singing. but i really can't stand those popular " I'm so great cause I'm pretty and have a boyfriend" freeloaders. if it were up to me I'd make it illigal. Really they piss me off. their so froofy and happy and dramatic all the time and i get sick of it. I won't really pay them any mind unless they get in my face or bug my friends. Then it's personal and i don't take that crap! Tatyanna sure learned that quickly.
Any way I don't really have that much time right now but next blog I'll fill you in with the people in my life right now. Friends and Enimy's.
until' next time,
Goth Girl xox
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