hmm, I guess I'm back aren't I? I'll probably sound so emo in this blog but I just have to get it out.
I just balled my eyes out for like 4 hours... I still am crying actually. I want my friends, Emma and Athina and Leah. I'm just sooo sad. I miss them and I'm in major need of a hug :( My dad refuses to stop yelling at me a
nd now I just want to leave, My chest hurts all the time now because I'm just always holding in my tears. Even at school its hard not to sart balling in class. It feels like someone is squeezing my heart and won't let go. i feel so alone, even when my friends are around. I've been ccrying myself to sleep for what seems like forver and I can't even remembre what it feels like to be trully happy and carefree. There so much weight on my shoulders all the time, but now I'm tired. Now I don't know what to do, I want to just take off and get away from everything, move out and hope things get better. I was really thinking on that possibility but today my dad just told me he would commit suicide if I left :( I love my parents I really do but I feel so constricted. I'm being crushed and I just need someone to pull me out, but no ones around. I've been hoping for so long, Hoping things would get better and I could feel happy again.

Goth Girl :( so sad
*hugs*I'm sorry i wasn't on...but I'll make you laugh...Dun't worry...Lol...see you later