Saturday, November 15, 2008

My life at work and at school

Ello Goth Girl here,
I had so much fun today at work. I work at Tagger Wear Costom Bathing suits! WE also make Yoga pants, hoodies, Sports wear and more. Today we started a new idea, twilight pants!!! On the bum it says Twilight and on the top there's an apple! They are really hard to make but look so cool. I love twilight! I hope the movie isn't a disapointment. I came up with the idea, and Sue loves it! We migh now actually sell them though because each one takes so long to make.
So I said that i was going to tell you a bit about my teachers and school... Well basically I'm in home room 8J, Van Dusen. I have 34 other class mates. The school is a lot of fun we do so many activivties and like we all pretty much get along, Our school beleives that all students learn in diffrent ways wich means that we get choices in everything! I like most of my teachers and other teachers at the school, but there are a few that i could like without. I've already told you about Mr. Leohr so I'll just skip him.
Mme.Van Dusen, My home room, she doesn't beleive that you learn out of a text book so we do almost everything oraly- to my demise- She's really great but if you do one thing wrong she hates you for like a month! She teache's me History and French.
Mme. Crandall, well let's just say she's been teaching for way too long and now she's just grumpy! She doesn't teach you anything and thhen expects you to know the answers. She is very anoying and well everyone hates her because no matter how hard you try she fails you because you can never understand what she says! She teache's me Science.
Mr. Tracy, He's my DT teacher (wood shop). He is really great and is really funny he has a open mind about everything and likes to have fun.
Mrs. Lutz, She is probably my best teacher this year. She teache's me English. She like to have fun and be creative she is almost always positive and you can really trust her.
Mme. Pellitier, She was my homeroom teacher last year, She is so funny she's young and like to have fun and be diffrent she is always doing stuff that's funn except her verbs she goes nuts on those.
Mrs. Noonan, She teache's me Math. She is very on spot and gives lots of work, not many people like her but I do, then again I'm a genuis at math soo...
Mr. Laundry, Well he's okay but he makes me actually work hard and to tell you the truth i suck at any physical activity1 i try but i just can never do anything!
Mr. Hogg, He's our princible principle, he's great, no matter what you do he always tries to see your point of view before he punishes you if he does at all.
Mr.K, i can't even say his last name let alone spell it so like everyone else we call him Mr. K. He doesn't teach me anything but he had to be mentioned because he does our luch watch and he always keeps us in late for no reason!
Mrs. Wallace, she used to teach me English and Math. She is really creative and is always coming up with great ideas.
I think that's all.... if i ever mention others i will add them with a **.

Until next time.
Goth Girl xox

Ps: I do plan on adding pictures of these people and my friends and stuff but i don't have any so i plan on doing that later!!!

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