Sunday, June 28, 2009
JENEAH!!! lol
gonna go,
GothGirl xox
Friday, June 26, 2009
graduation, party's, dances
So first off i'll explain the poem, the best way to do so would be to simply post the poem but i dont have it here. I will ost it on the poem page as soon as i get it. But basically it's a poem about this man walking down a street and how there was a hole, and he fell down, and it took him forever to find a way out. Then again he see's the hole, yet he falls in again, this time it still takes a long time to get out. Later the man is on the same road, he see's the hole to he tries walking around the edge of it, but he slips and falls in anyway. It barely took him any time to get out. Then the next time he see's that road, he takes a diffrent one. So its all about learning about your mistakes.
Now about my sisters birthday. it was surprisingly a lot calmer than i had anticipated. Olivia was absent HALLElUJA! and her other friends are pretty calm. I like Kira, always have, such a calm book type, like me. and Ashley... im not sure about her. She's a whinner and anoying but shes no olivia, and she is tollerable. The rest of that day wasnt too bad. Though my mom insisted that i "be sociable" and hang out with the partty. Oh joy. besides that i went to sues, tried on my dress. and then the following day, went to work. I got the dress and picked up my moms bathing suit for her. and worked, it was fun. that day i wove thread. Oscar didnt put up a fight this time so thats always good. One day that machines going to bite someone, i just hope its not me. though i did have a run in when i was winding the threat at first.... the lever wouldnt stay down long enough for me to tighten the switch. .... i just realized i probably just lost half or ya.... Oscar is the machine we use to whind thread, onto smaller reals... opposed to the berthas ( big ass rolls of thread) so that with the small rolls we can put them onto the sewing machines.But oscar is very tempermental and old. and doesnt always work nicely. lol
I really should get my calenday so that i dont leave anything out.... okaay now we are working on the 23... tuesday. GRADUATION! oh well do i have a long day to tell you about. I dont remember ALL of the details... again LONG DAY! but ill do my best. K, well i woke up and got ready, then Katie picked me up and we went to the ceremony, this was held at the centerpoint theater. We showed up at the amazing glass window filled with students. all 300 of us. After meeting with everyone, hugs, the "you're so pretty's" , the ceremony began. We all got in line acording to class and name. once alphabetically placed ( me in between Adam and blake , joy) we all filled in according to class. ( all very organized) we then got into our seats (in perfect rows of twenty of course) and sat down. Tatyanna came out and sang o'canada, and then it really began. Rheuben being our MC, it was even more proffesional. Seriously that kid reminds me of a teacher himself. HE EVEN SIGNED MY YEAR BOOK ALL TEACHER LIKE!!!! its like you're my friend, not a teacher who wishes me well with my future studies ! ugh. anyways. awards were handed out, then one class at a time, the graduation papers. when they called Racheal Fausette i so expected (cutting up caribou) Hacking Moose to be called up. and the funny part is, i know racheal. i just didnt realize she was THE racheal. lol. too bad erin wasnt next to me it was just soo PERFECT !!! lol its like our official last day of being in middle school and we finally figure out who the famous Racheal Fausette is.. too bad about Hacking Moose. then we filled out and did the hugs. Jim and sue even came, though both my parents were no shows. ( not that i expected) but still i was happy theey came. then after the anoyingly long task of getting to Katie's car and back, i headed off with Kelsey.
WE then went grocery shopping and this was me, kim, and kelsey all in grad dresses, so we got a few really funny looks lol. Then once that was done, we went to kelsey;s house and had a hilarious BBQ. Then we went to the park and hung out on the swings. Oh emma was there too..... was she at the grocery's too.... no... i think she came right before the BBQ.... ya that sounds right. so Em was there was really fun. Then we headed off to tthe dance. which Ive got to tell you was kind of a dissapointment. it wasnt all that great and the dance floor was really small. so we got our own table and had to add like 5 extra chairs ( too many friends lol ) though almost none of us spent anytime at the table ( the pizza was nasty and we were all full ) We met up with Schwa and then picked a corner and started dancing (though most of the music was pretty bad) so when and schwa went to get something to drink we noticed that the other corner was much less crowded so we could have more dancing room so we moved over there telling kelsey and katie and asking them to tell the rest. but apparently that didnt get over to emma so she got mad at us. now we should have told her oursleves but we figured shed be told.
After in the parking lot she kind of spazzed and now i feel bad. But what could we have done? and then my mom never wshowed to pick me up and thank god erins parents were late too they gave me a ride.
Now the 24th. Emma had stopped being mad at us. thank the goddess. But sadly she only stayed till fifth period and then that was her last day and we didnt even see that much of her because at reccess was a casting party for the play. WE had a class party, helped Mr leohr with putting away stands and stuff. and then got all our art back. We also packed up all our stuff in our lockers. I brought half of it home that night. But the whole day i had nothing gold can stay ** stuck in my head.
Finally the last day of school... again the dance was a major dissapointment. worse than the last actually. i was wearing the dress i made and mrs van dusen and mr leohr loved it. mr guidon not so much. In the morning we had the talent show. fun fun. then after a caotic recess of getting all my last minute signatures. finally the dance. but sadly i really wasnt in the mood for dancing. i was way too hot in the gym and the lights were too bright. also mr guidon made me put a tshirt underneath my dress that is made of lycra so doesnt breathe. so i was like dying. also the music absolutly sucked. like no good songs played at all. It was horrible. then we had the slide show which surprisingly we were in TWICE! and it was so beautiful i started crying, not not as much as some poeples. then the good byes. Turkey boy wasnt there so i didnt get a chance to give him a hug goodbye. but everyone else i did.... i also have a feeling that adam might slightly like me, creepy thought. because when i hugged him he HUGED ME AND WOULDNT LET GO!!! and then he said hed really miss me, and i was so shocked i didnt say anything back. there were a lot of tears and hugs and more tears... but i knew id be seeing my freinds over the summer at least once and we'd be staying in touch. I love 'em but im not going to cry for a good bye, ill see them againn no doubt about it. when i find really good freidns distance doesnt change that MUCH.
Finally we come to today. i cleaned my room, went over to Jsutins and we "watched" about 5 minutes of a movie, played rockband. some random killing game, played piano, took walkes back and forth between jermy's, justin's and some other persons house so that jermy could feed their guinea pig. lol. it was fun. oh bubles was there too. yupp................... ...........................
so i think you are now officially caught up.
GothGirl xox
OH and im having a sleepover with leah tomorrow :D YAY!
** Nothing gold can stay poem by robert frost ( on poem page )
Saturday, June 20, 2009
family crap and religous bullshit
And then now today! OMG I CANT STAND HER! its not even 2 and shes so pissing me off its not even funny!!! i mean i wake up and i watch this movie called kiss the bride, and its about gay guys and stuff, so then my mom starts freaking andmy grama's in town and shes like a nun, so she starts spazzing about it being sin, and that it was wrong and reciting all this biblical shit i couldnt careless about, and my mom is like spazzing cause it was "nasty" cause they were two gay guys dating, and i was like whats wrong with being gay? i mean all it means is that you like your same effing sex ! like im not into that, but i have gay friends, and i find it cute, and they're there screaming at me LIKE I CAN DECIDE WHO THEY LIKE!!! seriously my grama even doused me with holly water, which totally pissed me off, i mean SERIOUSLY??? not only that though, i mean im not even christian or catholic or whatever! im wiccan i beleive than anyones could be right, but that you should just beleive in the goodness of others, and do your best in this world and try to overcome all the hard times because its all like a giant test and each little task was supposed to happen, and that you were suposed to get through it because then you're stronger. like that poem with the holes** so why the hell are you in my room shoving religous crap down my throat? dad totally agrees with me on this one. ya, so basically, pissed, but not only that, i cant go see justin this weekend, or see leah! im getting really tired of these family weekends. i mean its been three in a row!
Not only that but to days my sisters bday party so the house will be infested with young screamng anoying kids. i really dont see how anyone would want them. also because my grama was in town i get kicked out of my room to sleep in my sisters nasty hole of a room. and because its so dust covered i had to breathe through my mouth, so in result when i woke up my throat was dry, so my mom like spazzed and was like no you have to use throat spray, so she shoves my mouth open and sprays this crap down my throat that made it hurt EVEN MORE! i mean gross! and then she expected me to be all smiles so when i went to rinse my throat out with water she smacked me! LIKE WTF!!! ugh!!and at the moment its only 1:20 i woke up at 12. I HAVENT EVEN BEEN UP FOR TWO HOURS!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrr
gothgirl xox
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
5 day catch up
so the last time i posted, it was friday... saturday i went to my aunts, oh what a joy. though i did manage to convince my dad to stop by smart set and get that very hot toronto dress along the way. that alone was worth it. though that also meant cancelling with leah :( sunday i did absolutly nothing. monday i went to schwa's house after school to do our dance. we managed to finish our edited song. ( 3 minutes) Then tuesday we presented our dance, watched twilight in math class. and played jeopardy in music. end of the year is weird. not to mention our desk search for me and schwa so that we werent sitting on the floor. always a plus.
then today i stayed home and hopefully ill be able to go tomorrow. dont want to waste anymore time i have to hang with my friends before we go our seperate ways. No doubt about the fact that we'll obviousl stay friends, we just wont be able to hang as much, me and leah are proof of that. anyways
Gothgirl xox
Friday, June 12, 2009
Plays drama and AHH!
Then today same for school wise, pretty slow and once again i sat on the florr with schwa because our desks were in the library, also we had a meeting for all grade eights to practice for the "graduation" ceremony... I dont really get the point, i mean we arent really graduating, we are just changing school for me i dont see the point of celebrating i have to leave all my friends !! grr. so anyways we walked into the gym in alphabetical order, sat down, moved, sat down, went outside lined up, sat down, got up went back into the gym, sat down and listened to a speech done by mrs cranddal ( basically meaning you cant understand a thing) Yup thats about it. Then after school i went to emmas house and we hung out, i read, finished another book, and then after being given 2 hot dogs by her mom left for school ( again) i managed to actually eat one of the hot dogs, now it took give or take half an hour to do it, i threw out the other one.
Once at school we werent aloud in cause there was no responsible supervisiion.... IM RESPONSIBLE :P anyways, we ended up going in anyways, though i dont think mr wellum really should count as responsible, im way more so than he. I mean seriously, the whole time we set up the spot lights, jordon and him were talkin g about quotes they could put on things ( ex: 100% all beef) YA THIS IS A TEACHER!!! anyway... we set up, i did makeup ( ya im that skilled ) i serveed pie, I set up the food counter, and i didnt other little odd jobs for mrs van dusen such as look for a radio and scoth tape a wire to the ground. though this meant i didnt need to pay.... so YAY! it was fun actually alot like the stuff i do at work though more showing-ee.... then after all the drama, I had to do five o'clock shadow with a broken eyeliner pencil on jessica who also plays alex. It was interesting.... anyways at the end it actually looked really cool. and i helped tatoo nancy, who also plays Big Earl Ella, ya interesting, it was fun though, then the show started and it was really cool. and no one messed up , well enough that it was apparent. i would say a perfect show!
Then i got home, thanks from a ride from schwa and her mom. and theres people here, a lot of people..... Eric, David, Max, Andree, Andrea, Olivia, My dad, Karen.... and ya... the only other people i can think that are missing are Thomas his wife, and their 2 kids... actually it would probably be much better had they shown up, thomas is really funny, and his 2 boys are my age so id actually have peoples to hang out with, instead im stuck babysitting a three year old while my sister plays with her friend olivia.
Love ya,
GothGirl xox
OH i forgot to talk to you about my queenly duties.... lol Anyways lately there has been a lot of group drama and its actually kind of getting on my nerves... now im not going to mention names and instead place holders, cause i dont want to hold it against my friends but i do want everyone who reads this to understand whats going on in my head of the late. so usually group drama is kept on the low, escalades during dances because of *@* but then the drama drops pretty quick, and its all passed, but latelly its been isuues all the time with *@* and its starting to get on my nerves, now i get that she can have issues and stuff, but must she demand MY opinion i mean i dont really care!! and then %$% is bugging me too because unlike her usually little qwps and bursts of anger latelly she been whinny, and anoying, and again insists on telling me about it! its like i know im like "queen" of the group or what ever, but that doesnt mean i can solve all your problems!!! urgh.... i know i know, its cause i listen and give good advice when i can, and im a leader,m and have those qualities and stuff, but that doesnt mean i want to hear your constant complaints!! Its just cause latelly ive been hanging out with ^&^ and !#! and others, and they havve been less dramatic by like a lot, so ive just gotten used to no drama, and then the group splitting up, and fighting all the time and me being caught in the middle having to choose.. Now this girl ill mention her name just cause i know she diesnt read this, and well shes not really my friend anyway, more like a really anoying person who refuses to go away. Its kit kat, not katya, kanjana?? i dont know the spelling, and i know its not her fault but the girl is on my last nerve and a lot of my friends agree so its not just me, She is like following me around, and always trying to be part of our group but we dont really know her and god is she eever anoying, i mean even her voice is anoying, its high pitched and squeeky and happy and hyper all at the same time. Im really not trying to be mean but ive got to get this out, i dont like her, not that shes done anything wrong i just... dont. sorry.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Crazy person?

Has this ever happened to you? what should I do? I feel like a crazy person HELP
GothGirl xox
Friday, June 5, 2009
My weirdness :P
My mom got me shelves to solve the whole clutter thing but that basically means another task for this weekend, not to merntion a HUGE Science exam on tuesday. The LAST one. the sucky thing is though, its in french and about water, i mean how thrilling can you get!! ? ugh. Anyways, im gonna be doing it wednesday instead because im getting braces tues. basically that means im going to have a tough time consentrating in class, though im gonna try to convince my dad to let me stay at home the next day.
Now most of you know that im well a bit odd.... well to tell you the truth i ALWAYS get odd looks, if not for what I'm wearing for the peoples i hang out with or the things that we talk about,..... or me anyhow. Well this one i plan on enlighting those of you who DONT know me on exactly how odd i am. well either im goth or im willow..... ( the willow refrence is from the series buffy the vampire slayer, basically it means i wear weird clothes) I mean for instance today the 6th of june i wore tight blue skinny jeans, an old looking velure low cut brown top, and knee high black tie up boots. Skilled i know. Now an explination for who i hang out with... well just try to imagine this. Im a partial goth... not full out emo and not punk just nutral. But then oi have my goth friends... and im sorry but those peoples can scare the shit out of anybody especially if they're trying. Then theres my .......... well the school gang i hang out with.. the only way i can think of describing us is: WE are all kind of nerdy and we dance and burst out singing randomly and then when we are just sitting down talking (especially me and schwa) we talk about math theories and equations and theories on all sorts of diffrent topics, and whenever someone non gifted randomly pops into our conversations well they kid of get this look on their face like huh? and then theres my other friends..... hate to break it to you but they're kind of preppy. Not that thats bad just that... picture it, a bunch or preppy hyper teenagers, and a short goth hanging out together. its an odd picture. And that answers that question... well actually it answers the other one too.... of what we talk about. I mean the part about our theories and stuff.
So those are my friends, my weirdness and well theres much more but im pretty sure that it is physically impossible to describe them properly.
Love ya
GothGirl xox
Thursday, June 4, 2009
slapped swatted and OW!
it was an average day, average evening. But then, after the sun set the monster came out. I think of my mother kind of like a werewolf. The similarities are incredible, the only diffrence is my mom doesnt grow hair, fangs and claws. Even at that..... And then there s the moon cycle, my mom pretty much ditched that, so i don't even know WHEN to expect it! She just randomly lashes out at me for no reason. and last night was a perfect example.
As i said before average day, average evening. I had just put my computer away, it was 10 and i knew anyminute mom would be coming in to tell me to put it away. Apparently beating her to the punch wasnt such a great idea because APPARENTLY theres some unseen force that doesnt permit my mom to leave my room without complaining. Seeing how i was already ready for bed there was nothing there so tshe looks around. And well the big bad wolf found something to nawe on, Me! She randomly starts yelling at me because my room is messy... but i had just cleaned it that morning and the only thing that could pass as unorganized were two glasses on my dresser and elastic maybe the position of some of my toilettries and a few pillows. But that didnt stop her, she yells and yells and when i try to recouperate she yells MORE! Serioulsy by the end of it i had been slapped 3 times, thrown across my room, and kicked out. or well, not kicked out as in the literal sense but more of, plans.... My mother actually made plans to evict me! WE HAVE A CONTRACT!!! i mean what kind of a mother kicks their daughter out in such a proffesional manner?? I felt like one of her employes not her family. I mean in it, it states what i get to keep and when i have to leave by, IF i dont pass her one month test. Which isnt really fair because out of the " month " i have to prove to her that i'm part of the family, im really only there 2 weeks, and even at that i have stuff planed! Absurd it really is!
Earlyer that evening i had told justin why i was so happy when he told me he loved me, and well it was just reproven to me. though i could have lived without the play back. Not only do i have bruises, have to pass my test, and spend WAY less time on the comp. but i have to spend the next 2 weekends painting the downstairs bathroom... Oh joy.
You know, im tempted to fail the test on perpos, but i have to go through the contract once more and decide if loosing is less that keeping, if i do get "sent" to my dads. You know it wouldnt be so bad there. Not any more atleast. I mean now he's happy or as happy as Mr" i hate my life can be." And besides he usually just ignores me, i mean that's not so bad, i like soliditary anyway, thats actually kind of the reasong mom spazzed. Cause i spent all my time on the comp and in my room.... actually the argument was too much on the comp but when my rebutal was that im writing a book she continued that i could write downstairs.... yeah cause i have such great consentration downstairs with a screaming sister and anoying nagging mother. Also that apparently my room is getting too cluttered when i reality its the same as its been for the past 2 years. Excpet maybe a tad mo9re cause ads moving so almost all of my stuff is at my moms, but as soon as he moves will go right back to balance. I really dont get her, ya know? i mean jshe was fine like three seconds earlyer and then shes like spazzing at me, and When i started crying she got madder. and thats when she threw me accross the room because i " needed a reason to cry about" liek her yelling in my face wasnt enough. Im really not good qith confrontation.
The weirdest thing though, was that twhile all this was going on my mind was in total gifty mode. I mean a million thoughts a second but i was aware of EACH one. I mean as they passed now i only remember a few, but i mean even those are extreme.
Like the part where i was brushing my teeth and she was saying how the reason why she was so angry was because i was like my father and that she left him for the exact reasons that i was doing now. i was thinking that it would be great to be at dads house right now, but at the same time i was contradictinmg myself and thinking about all i'd miss at my moms. surprisingly none of them included my mom or my sis. Mostly it was about my room. So thats when my mind kind of laughed and was like yea, see now you're jsut proving her right, you do love your room more than you love her. So THEN i started arguing with myself stating that technically theres was nothing wrong with it because my mom had way more negative qualities than my room, and that the ONLY negative quality of my room was that it was small and even at that its way bigger than my old one.
And then at some point i started thinking about my scent theorie and finding a few problems with it, and like issues with the psychological references that i had used, because you know at the moment ( seeing how its my latest theory) there are a few bugs to work out. and its only in the first stage.
There was more, like plans were rushing through my head on how i could smart talk my way out of this situation, most of the ones i pu into action just got me slapped so i stopped. and then kept thinking of ways i COULD answer if she would stop for a second and let me talk for once.
Great night eh?
Goth Girl xox
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
1.Science notes
2. Breakfast..... / lunch
3.finish Kiss of Life
4. Go to my ortho apppointment
5. finish my jeopardy questions.
6. work on my english report ( but thats due in 12 days so no rush )
7. Blog about my theories ( if possible )
8. Tan cause its just soo nice outside. roofing in other words... maybe ill invite leah over after if its still sunny so we can roof :P but i doubt ill be aloud if shes at her moms.
So thats todays schedual but i also promised i'd post what going on in the long run.
Today ortho for getting elastics.
Monday 8 Jeopardy project is due.
Tuesday 9 Science test / Ortho appontment im getting braces.
Friday 12 Emma's play the maudie special
Sat and Sun 13, 14 camping with lee
Monday 15 Book/ english report Due
Friday 19 Montreal trip (stay home)
Tuesday 23 Granduation celebration + Dance
Wednesday 24 Class party
Thursday 25 Last day of school , also an X-day so DANCE!
Yup so that`s pretty much it... though at one point we are going out as a class for swiss chalet. but i don`t know when that is exactly.
Love ya,
GothGirl xox
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
24th to the 2nd
Sunday 24
Well not much really happened i jsut cleaned my room and thats about it.
Monday 25
We had a math test. And in gym we started sockput!! you know that idiotic sport where you throw a heavy metal ball as far as you can?? Well i like killed my slef on it!!! its so heavy i could barely even lift it let alone THROW it! I also had a ortho appointment that we missed. its starting to become a habit and its very anoying!
Wednesday 27
Finally my band trip starts! After a huge argument the night before with my parentts about bringing my laptop i ended up winning only to decide myself that it would be better if i left it just incase i loose or break it, i mean the bus driver isnt the gentlest person with the lugage. So now i wake up at 6 so i can be at the school for 7am. i had to leave at 6:15. it was discusting. Once i get there we pack up the bus, well i should say buses. bus 1 was for lugage, bus 2 for instruments, and i was on bus 2. finally time to go at 7:30 we leave. and guess what?? i had forgotten to charge my zen so within half an hour of leaving ottawa it dies!!! i was like super now what for the next 4 hours?? I ended up playing on Schwa's I-pod touch. by the way i sat next to her the ride there.
So first stop is at Carelton place high school. now you may ask: Why would a middle school play for grade 9 to 12?? well the answer to that is simple. We are way better than they are even at this stage isnt that jst sad?? i mean my question is, how bad ARE THEY?? Now as you probably know the band Tour was basically practice for the trip. Unpacking should have taken 10 minutes which is like pro, but that is not what happened. See i guess everyone forgot everything they had learned becuse it ended up i had to start directing where precussion goes ( i play flute .... ) and then set it up cause no one else knew how! I mean everyone knows that timpany goes on the right side of the small precussion then the bells., then the basedrum then snair ... then bases.. i mean how hard is THAT!!?? Anyways first their choire sang they were good , i mean they actually had a chorale! and their bass and tenors were really good. Finally time to go. I packed up small precussion with Amy and then Voila we left, the rest was other's problems.
Seccond stop. Finally in toronto we go to the zoo. now you may say oh cool.,,., trust me it really isnt cause no one told us that it was going to RAIN ! so everything is wet and cold. Ick! everyone kept saying things wrong it was super funny. I mean emma kept saying hon, but i always heared hung... so i was like what is it about him?? and Schwa kept trying to describe the greenery and she kept saying it so funyly and making her sound like an idiot with a good vocabulary. Basically we jsut went to all the indoor stuff. then we went to the gift shop. and guess what THERE ARE UNICORNS!! i mean the zoo had a whole shelf of them so they have to exist! right? lol We did actually see tigers though.. and this really kick ass tree kangaroo... yeah im serious... it was SOO ADORABLE!!! Emma got me a stuffed owl for my birthday present (from the zoo gift shop) it was awesome! i mean its smallish white grey and black, and really soft and fuzzy with big brown eyes. totally Athena.
Third Stop, the mall.... oh yeah. How they came up with the idea to leave 60 kids aeround a mall in toronto i dont know but hey it was fun and only one person got in trouble. so that always a plus, and no it wasnt me, or emma. or kim for that matter. It was fun i ate teriaki for dinner and i ate it withj , gaspp, actually chopsticks and everyone was like AMAZED! it was soo funny. like yea i do know how to use them. it was nummy. thank you leah for introducing me to oriental food! then i got Orange juice. great mix i know but i jsut love that stuff!! ever since i went to florida 2 years ago, again with thank you leah! we went to a few stores. in total i got 3 emo hand things. A book. i ACTUALLY think thats it.... wooow....but i tried on lots of hats and dresses.. theres actually one at smart set that i absolutly love but it was too expensive though i showed my dad the pic and he said hed get it for me cause it was just so pretty... actually here ill just post the pic.
Cute right?? though i look messsed :P its strapless just btw,
So then Final stop the hotel. I shared a room with Emma, Schwa and Kim. I shared a bed with Emma. Now i tried to get internet on Schwas ipod. but it said found wifi but it REFUSED to connect. it was anoying. then lights out and it only took kim an hour to calm down enough for us to all Die. Long days suck.
Thursday 28
7 am..... worse time of day EVER. So we get up, and eat this HUGEbreakfast.. i hate breakfast, im sorry but im just not hungry before 10, but i ate... thank god or i would have passed out later. So we packed up the bus and headed off for Lord Lansdown Public school.... THEY FILMED HAIRSPRAY THERE!!!! i was on the set for hairspray!!! i walked on the same floor as john travolta GASP!! lol no im not some creepy fan crazed person just thought you ought to know. :P One thing about this school that was kind of funny. there were onlu 7 white kids... not trying to be racist but you have to admit thats pretty funny, i'd hate to go there, i'd feel so left out ALL THE TIME!! and its not like you can change that! lol poor kids. So we played it was really standard. We changed in their maze of a change room, and Seriously i have no clue how they get around that school its messed. i mean it makes merivale like a straight hallway comparetivly! and thats saying something! WE had cookies and then mr leohr laughed about my clothes, it wasnt very nice. I was wearing garage sweat pants with a white T- shirt with a navy dress over top, and then emo sleves. you know they really do need a name, i have no clue what to call them. so for now... ill just call then gloves but im not talking about the winter mittens k? and then gold skull earings. it was funny, cuse it was totally hot but he was like wow what a weird combo.
Then we went to the hockey hall of fame... do you realize how LAME that is?? i mean i hate watching it so why would i want to know its history? and we stayed there for like an hour. I basically did this like programme thingy that was so funny cause it was like you got to be the anouncer, and like talk over plays and stuff, it was so funny there was this one guy that was standing and the camera shook and then suddenly he was on the ground... you were like what happened? and then there was another one that there was a fan holding up a flag in front of like the whole play!! it was hilarious. then we played this like knowledge quiz and aquafina ( my team, basically me and kelsey) always won... we both dont know anything about hockey or its history, so we just chose things and na,mes that sounded funny, and we got like better than hockey lovers. we were like skill. then i passed out on the bench. Finally we could go, but NO it took like 10 minutes to get out of the gift shop, we were like how the hell big is this thing??? and the thing about this building was the roof!!! it was like insane architecture and like ALL glass. it was AWESOME! totally anabeth haven. Then we ate lunch at food court. and LEFT!
But heres the thing. None of us had any rain coats or umbrella's and it was POURING! good thing we found a indoor side walk. WE then walked to the CN tower. It wasnt all that amazing cause it was foggy so the only thing you could see was fog, Schwa evven danced on the glass floor, em was still too scared to do so much more than slide her feet on it... Then we had futuristic icecream, that was like freeze dried. It was insane!!! I LOVED IT! The sadly it started raining and we still had like an hour to blow before the buses got here. it was discusting out there, and yet the teacher decided we still had to have a big group photo in this random fish pond thing...... i really didnt get it, maybe it was supposed to be art or something but I just found it odd.
Squish squish, squeak, squish, drip, drip, drop, SPLASH! that was pretty much the whole hour. I mean we walked and walked my sweater is light pink, it was almost purple it was so dark, and it was heavy, and my hair was like dripping and my shoes... god my poor shoes. and then when we finally got to dry land mr leohr insisted we continue.... i was like WHY ON EARTH??? so then we got to more dry land and we painted with our clothes on the cement wall. HA. i actually have pictures :P we continued walkinng now just 100% given up on staying dry. WE stopped quickly at the hotel and i changed, and then tried blow drying my shoes but they were still wet after all that :( Then we went to Medival times!
Now it would have been great if i would have been dry but it was still a blast. we started out by jsut hanging around mr loehr was knighted and later i looked over and he was trying to drink but kept missing his straw it was hilarious. we looked at the horses and talked with the executioner who tried chopping Katya's head off but the king walked in and like had a fit., it was sooo funny. katya was having a laughing attack. brendan had a staring contest with him but he won, sreiously it went on for like 20 minutes. And my god the blue team was soo anoying! i mean they were frm ottawa too so we said hi and wanna know their response..... we're better than you, like gee nice rich snobby school you come from! ught they pissed me off so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so once the show actually started and they were anouncing the knights. yellow knight ( our team) like was spazztic cheering. and the rest were like quiet. and then like then they anounced blue and all you hear is us booing. Schwa leans over to me and wispers. hey i guess they met the snobs too :P We ate and cheered and ive got to say we were the loudest by FAR! and the blue team had their whole school and we just had gr8 band..... like seriously a quarter of the full population. seriously though at one point i was ytelling do loudly the enire blue team was glaring at me so i just turned and blew them a kiss, that got the really angry except for this one goth chick she laughed and gave me a thumbs up, The yellow knight had thrown me a flower cause i was so loud except Arian stole it, the bitch. jk jk. but seriously it was awesoem. and the yellow knight ended up winning. Sadly much to my demise, we had to eat with our fingers.
After we finished with the ceremony there was this waiter where the executioner used to be ( it was the same guy) but he claimed up and down that the reason they looked so similar was cause they were cousins, and when i brought up the fact that they had the same haircut he said that it was because their uncle had cut it. mmhmm suuure. Any ways "cousin of executioner" 's name was Daniel. he was awesome and gave me a hug. seriously everytime we weren't doing anything we were standing there talking to the peoples who worked there... and when i say we i mean me and schwa. But mostly we just talked to DAniel. he was sick!!! but sadly when autograph time came i only got the intro person and the yellow kight and the executioner/ daniel didnt have a pen :( o well i have pics.... on schwa's camera, she said she'd send me the pics. im counting on that.
btw i ran out of memory on my camera at the CN tower... so i plan on updating all the pics i took with my friends camera's as soon as i get them... that or i'll post the link to the facebook picture album. btw on FB i use the account name Jennifer Labelle. Thats not my real name but thats what i use. :P
Friday 29
Bye bye schwa !!! sadly schwa had her preformance of the little mermaid the musical to do back in ottawa so she had to leave in the morning. We ate breakfast. and then it was time to go we seriously walked her to the door all the while holding onto her arms. i laughed it was super hilarious. Then we were off to wonderland... my hair was a mess so i just didnt bother to straighten it. Also my shoes and sweater were still sopping wet so i wore no sweater and flip flops... thank god it was actually warm and sunny that day! Now it's wonderland you don't need a huge discription. but i will tell you about little like inside things... like at first i was in a group with all my friends but then they insisted with fusing it together with this really bitchy group. so me emma and katie switched into Megan's group. Now at the time we didnt realize that that group doesnt like rides. Now we did go on the rides actually we went on almost every ride except for the dropping ride and the sledgehammer.... so in words yes i did go on the bohemoth and compared to dudlee do right and the hulk in florida it was NOTHING! well.... not NOTHING but pretty flippin' close! Megan's dad was the shaperon for our group and he kept like talking to me about Justin and i didnt really know what to say cause the first thing he asked was so which side of jsutins family are you on?,.... umm let me think... NONE.. i answered that i wasnt family.... so then... you know here
MD: but i saw him hugging you.... so how do you know each other?
J: Well, we 're going out...
MD: ahh thats very.... hmm... well you are being responsible right?
J: *cough choke cough* WHAT??
MD: Well you're so young.. i mean you arent using tongue or anything.
J: mmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm RIIIIIIIGGGHHHTT......
walk away cause of a huge awkward silence... and thats pretty much the whole day with her dad. but besides that and the groups constant complaining that they didnt feel like going on the rides. it was fun. At the end it started raining but it was kind of nice cause it was so warm... and OH this was sooo funny! at the end we went on this ride dragon Fire... no one was there so me and Emma aand Katie got the whole roller coaster to ourselves, and they were like you have to scream really loud so that you bring peoples. So seriously 3 teenage girls shreiked as loud as they could for the entire ride.. when we pulled in at the end the place was full. :D YA BABY!!! and thomas M was there and he was like laughing and Andrew P. just gave us a thumbs up, it was hilarious.
Oops I forgot that half way through we played a concert and it was pretty lame cause we had to watch the show before and after us. and we got a C!!!! i know!!! but atleast Josh didnt mess up this time. and we were competing against high school bands. STILL! C!!!! But during the waiting part i look over and mr leohr is poking his cheek with the conducting stick, it was funny, and when i mentioned it after he threatened to make fun of me because he had the mic on stage!!! omg i'd have died!
Back at the hotel Eric got something in his eye so it was all big. and It was finally my day for shower. So I c;leaned up my stuff, packed up my bag, called justin cause it was our 2 month anniversary mark, and then i took my shower. When i got out everyone was in the halls, so i got out and saw there were cookies!! YAY! and so It was cool, then we had to go to our rooms, and Emma went in the shower... all the shaperones including Mr Leohr was gathered around our door.... so well me and kim kind of.. well spyed on them through the peep holes in the door and the crack to listen. The night before there had been a big scandal:
someone had called mr leohr's phone crying and it was an ottawa number so he got kind of worried. so he had to check all of the rooms to make sure we were all there. And then again and again... till they foun out it was a wrong number. but in the mean time, we all got very worried and it was late so we were tired, and every 5 minutes there would be someone knocking on our door, it just got to the point where when someone knocked we jsut yelled " ITS NOT US!!" the shaperones just laughed and were like we've already been her? Like no shit sherlock!
So we decided that maybe something else was going on, sadly the most interesting thing was that there was loud noises from the room accross so they had to make sure they had actually gone to bed.
Saturday 30
Last day!!
Again with the big breakfast this time though i drank coffee cause i was soo tired, it was actually really good. french vanilla :P YUM. this morning we had a clinic with Colin Clarke ( basically the comedian of the music world ) apparently ceadarview had gotten the same guy, but i only found that out sunday. So fun fun early morning clinic, but the high light of it all is this is the loast time we are going to play these songs as a band so there is really no reason to improve upon it now! but no we had to. It ended up being really fun and because he was late i got 20 more minutes of sleep on the bench next to where we were playing, i felt like such a hobo though, i mean i was sleeping on a bench. Then as soon as we got here there was this big problems with flutes and chairs, and then we found out that it was all the clarinet's fault because they had skipped a chair wich screwed up the seating!. WE played and the warm up was really fun cause it was like 30 minutes long of just rounds woth scales and difrent beats and stuff. It was hard, but fun. then we played, and he called me a loser cause i came in early, like its not MY fault he queued us!!! i was just the only one that noticed cause i look up while i play cause i've almost memorized all the songs.
More bus, then to the science museum, i was thinking jsut LAME! the whole time, but once we were there it was actually pretty cool. I mean there was lots of interesting stuff, though i didnt want a baby before now!!!! ICK EWWWWW!!!!!!! it looks like aliens are exploding inside you!!! The way your mind works is cool ( i meant the way your mind works the category in the museum) there were lots of like tests and hands on stuff. the sports thing was hard, though i won almost every time against em, except for that one wheel chair race, but i only lost my like 0.5 seconds. also i really wanted to go see their space section so we went.... but the big ... ughj i cant remember the word... the room where you look up at the stars and like its like being outside but like PERFECTLY clear. like at my cottage... well anyways that room was closed when we went but it was still kool. and on the way out we got to see old rock going back BILLIONs of years!
I sat Next to Emma on the way home. We watched grease and get smart. the only thing i can remember from both ( that time ) is the quote " Her sister's such a bitch.." when the big dude is crying in get smart.... i was like half asleep for the rest
Then we get home! first we unpack, and stuff, and we do speaches, thank you, yup great trip. parents pick us up etc etc. My mom drives me to her place i pick up my laptop and then off to dads. There i tell him all about it though in way less detail i was tired. I talked on msn with Justin for a while, then i passed out.
Sunday 31
seriously i can't even die that day!!! i was going to see star trek with Jsutin jeremy and patrick.... wow for a sec i jsut forgot pat's name :P
It was a slow morning but then i had to run to moms get my purse and then run back to my bus stop. i didnt miss it thaknk god. so i was a bit late, but then Justin and Jeremy got there, soon after either hung got there or we just walked in... and then Pat was there and it was all O HI !! OMG!! i forgot hung in the beginning GRR! Anyways. we got our tickets. and watched the movie, and yes this time we actually did watch some of the movie lol. though kissing was involved seeing how im not gonna be able to see him for... 2 weeks. I told him i loved him, and i do! and HE SAID IT BACK!. it took all my mental stength not to jump up and dance in the middle of the theater i was so happy :D!! lol wouldnt that have been interesting?
Then we hung out at walmart after stoppng at pizza pizza, and then DQ ( i got onion rings LOVE those things ) Jeremy got stalked by some fat chick in a blue sweater. lol, then we were kicked out of the garden center cause James wasn't there, I liked him better :( o well, then we bought an insane amount of pop for no reason. I got 2 bottles cause i paid more... like 3 $ or something.... it was interesting... i called my dad and he came to pick me up shortly after everyone had already left. then we headed off to the musical.... seriously the traffic was so bad i missed human stuff which sucks, but hey i was there for the rest. NOW omg. i have so much about this....
Basically it was totally, totally.... well POSITOOBITY!!!!!! it was AWEOSME!! i sang along ( well as best i could with a sore throat ) and i danced too.. it was soo funny though cause at one point during positoobity Alex ( king triton )was looking at us weird ( kelsey emma and me ) and after was like umm why do you knwo the dance? SCHWA!!! :P then he laughed. Okay now schwa had taught me about stage kissing, but i had never seen it done before so at the end at the big kiss scene i was looking REALLY hard....... but to me it just looked like a real kiss... now i later found out today. that It really WAS a real kiss. Duncan ( prince Eric ) had asked out Kelsey R ( Ariel ) right before the 5:00 show! So he actually kissed her infront of his parents and a whole audience... imagine how cool that would be!!!! GASP! another dramatic thing that happened was that Cora ( gull #3) got a nose bleed in the show because mathieu ( some random bad dancing turtle ) slapped her across the face. And that they found out that the guy who plays grimsby ( john) is gay!!! it was awesome, apparently all the guys had already met his boyfriend. but they girls only found out now.... :P ANOTHER thing was that schwa had to use a big fork for the dingle hopper so when she threw it and tried to catch it she stabbed herself. I foget who but at some point in positoobity when they role the rock off stage they rolled it over some girls hand and it was like bleeding so they had to fix that. And the big eal lost her voice soo it made it hard to sing. They got an opera singer to sing Duncan's part cause he cant! Another thing! during this one song when the rock is half off stage half on Mathieu lays on it and the only thing keeping him from tipping the rock over is the eals sitting on the other end!! dramatic!
Dont you love all the drama that goes on during plays :P! LOVE IT! Theresa was awesome! she played ursala! and it was sweet!! Oh and btw whover wants to know Schwa played scutle, and Elena ( schwa's sis ) played flounder. OH and one of the mersisters was sick so she wasnt there. so they had to cover her part. and at one point the girl who plays sabastian forgot her lines the the reprise of under the sea. so they were practicing behind stage right before the show. and i just realized now but shes (sabastian girl ) isnt in the blue sheet listing all the actors so i cant even look it up! i think it might be malory ill have to ask schwa.. still, it was awesome.
Monday 1
wow i actually have to go to school discusting! it wasnt all that bad though. at one point mrs van dusen said something, and i started talking about sue my boss at tagger wear and she was like OH im getting my bathing suit from there..... this place is small and usually for sincro teams how mme managed to find it i dont know but wow small world. Schwa was absent that day. oh and i found out i can't go to the montreal trip cause GRR!! i just cant.
Tuesday 2
finally at today this has been long i know but i am now 100% caught up.....i had a geo test today. Tomorrow i have an ortho appointment I WILL NOT miss it!!! and im staying home from school cause everyone is going to be gone on the carelton trip. Also if i dont clean my room my mom is taking my laptop away so guess what? im cleaning and i have to finish my science notes and possibly questions for the english section of the jeopardy game...... Oh.... and work on my english report.. and possibly do that post for theories. but i'll defenetly post my calendar so you can know ahead of time whats up with moi.
Love ya,
GothGirl xox
Ps: ive got another theorie that guys have a subconsious primal instinct about claiming with the use of scents.