Friday, June 26, 2009

graduation, party's, dances

So sorry i havent posted in a while i totally didnt even notice that much time had gone by, it seems like i posted yesturday, and Emma of all peoples reminded me :P Now last post I put ** on the poem with Holes, but i never got a chance to explain because i forgot. Also i mention my sisters Bday. and a few other things i should tell you about. This will probably be a long post ive got so much to catch you all up on. So brace yourself. though i doubt it'll beat the record.

So first off i'll explain the poem, the best way to do so would be to simply post the poem but i dont have it here. I will ost it on the poem page as soon as i get it. But basically it's a poem about this man walking down a street and how there was a hole, and he fell down, and it took him forever to find a way out. Then again he see's the hole, yet he falls in again, this time it still takes a long time to get out. Later the man is on the same road, he see's the hole to he tries walking around the edge of it, but he slips and falls in anyway. It barely took him any time to get out. Then the next time he see's that road, he takes a diffrent one. So its all about learning about your mistakes.

Now about my sisters birthday. it was surprisingly a lot calmer than i had anticipated. Olivia was absent HALLElUJA! and her other friends are pretty calm. I like Kira, always have, such a calm book type, like me. and Ashley... im not sure about her. She's a whinner and anoying but shes no olivia, and she is tollerable. The rest of that day wasnt too bad. Though my mom insisted that i "be sociable" and hang out with the partty. Oh joy. besides that i went to sues, tried on my dress. and then the following day, went to work. I got the dress and picked up my moms bathing suit for her. and worked, it was fun. that day i wove thread. Oscar didnt put up a fight this time so thats always good. One day that machines going to bite someone, i just hope its not me. though i did have a run in when i was winding the threat at first.... the lever wouldnt stay down long enough for me to tighten the switch. .... i just realized i probably just lost half or ya.... Oscar is the machine we use to whind thread, onto smaller reals... opposed to the berthas ( big ass rolls of thread) so that with the small rolls we can put them onto the sewing machines.But oscar is very tempermental and old. and doesnt always work nicely. lol

I really should get my calenday so that i dont leave anything out.... okaay now we are working on the 23... tuesday. GRADUATION! oh well do i have a long day to tell you about. I dont remember ALL of the details... again LONG DAY! but ill do my best. K, well i woke up and got ready, then Katie picked me up and we went to the ceremony, this was held at the centerpoint theater. We showed up at the amazing glass window filled with students. all 300 of us. After meeting with everyone, hugs, the "you're so pretty's" , the ceremony began. We all got in line acording to class and name. once alphabetically placed ( me in between Adam and blake , joy) we all filled in according to class. ( all very organized) we then got into our seats (in perfect rows of twenty of course) and sat down. Tatyanna came out and sang o'canada, and then it really began. Rheuben being our MC, it was even more proffesional. Seriously that kid reminds me of a teacher himself. HE EVEN SIGNED MY YEAR BOOK ALL TEACHER LIKE!!!! its like you're my friend, not a teacher who wishes me well with my future studies ! ugh. anyways. awards were handed out, then one class at a time, the graduation papers. when they called Racheal Fausette i so expected (cutting up caribou) Hacking Moose to be called up. and the funny part is, i know racheal. i just didnt realize she was THE racheal. lol. too bad erin wasnt next to me it was just soo PERFECT !!! lol its like our official last day of being in middle school and we finally figure out who the famous Racheal Fausette is.. too bad about Hacking Moose. then we filled out and did the hugs. Jim and sue even came, though both my parents were no shows. ( not that i expected) but still i was happy theey came. then after the anoyingly long task of getting to Katie's car and back, i headed off with Kelsey.
WE then went grocery shopping and this was me, kim, and kelsey all in grad dresses, so we got a few really funny looks lol. Then once that was done, we went to kelsey;s house and had a hilarious BBQ. Then we went to the park and hung out on the swings. Oh emma was there too..... was she at the grocery's too.... no... i think she came right before the BBQ.... ya that sounds right. so Em was there was really fun. Then we headed off to tthe dance. which Ive got to tell you was kind of a dissapointment. it wasnt all that great and the dance floor was really small. so we got our own table and had to add like 5 extra chairs ( too many friends lol ) though almost none of us spent anytime at the table ( the pizza was nasty and we were all full ) We met up with Schwa and then picked a corner and started dancing (though most of the music was pretty bad) so when and schwa went to get something to drink we noticed that the other corner was much less crowded so we could have more dancing room so we moved over there telling kelsey and katie and asking them to tell the rest. but apparently that didnt get over to emma so she got mad at us. now we should have told her oursleves but we figured shed be told.
After in the parking lot she kind of spazzed and now i feel bad. But what could we have done? and then my mom never wshowed to pick me up and thank god erins parents were late too they gave me a ride.

Now the 24th. Emma had stopped being mad at us. thank the goddess. But sadly she only stayed till fifth period and then that was her last day and we didnt even see that much of her because at reccess was a casting party for the play. WE had a class party, helped Mr leohr with putting away stands and stuff. and then got all our art back. We also packed up all our stuff in our lockers. I brought half of it home that night. But the whole day i had nothing gold can stay ** stuck in my head.

Finally the last day of school... again the dance was a major dissapointment. worse than the last actually. i was wearing the dress i made and mrs van dusen and mr leohr loved it. mr guidon not so much. In the morning we had the talent show. fun fun. then after a caotic recess of getting all my last minute signatures. finally the dance. but sadly i really wasnt in the mood for dancing. i was way too hot in the gym and the lights were too bright. also mr guidon made me put a tshirt underneath my dress that is made of lycra so doesnt breathe. so i was like dying. also the music absolutly sucked. like no good songs played at all. It was horrible. then we had the slide show which surprisingly we were in TWICE! and it was so beautiful i started crying, not not as much as some poeples. then the good byes. Turkey boy wasnt there so i didnt get a chance to give him a hug goodbye. but everyone else i did.... i also have a feeling that adam might slightly like me, creepy thought. because when i hugged him he HUGED ME AND WOULDNT LET GO!!! and then he said hed really miss me, and i was so shocked i didnt say anything back. there were a lot of tears and hugs and more tears... but i knew id be seeing my freinds over the summer at least once and we'd be staying in touch. I love 'em but im not going to cry for a good bye, ill see them againn no doubt about it. when i find really good freidns distance doesnt change that MUCH.

Finally we come to today. i cleaned my room, went over to Jsutins and we "watched" about 5 minutes of a movie, played rockband. some random killing game, played piano, took walkes back and forth between jermy's, justin's and some other persons house so that jermy could feed their guinea pig. lol. it was fun. oh bubles was there too. yupp................... ...........................
so i think you are now officially caught up.
GothGirl xox
OH and im having a sleepover with leah tomorrow :D YAY!

** Nothing gold can stay poem by robert frost ( on poem page )


  1. congrats on graduation! what are you going to do next year??

  2. im going to do grade nine, and high school lol

  3.'m sure you missed me syb...when are you going to put up our quotes..and don't say as soon as i do
