Thursday, June 4, 2009

slapped swatted and OW!

When i first made this blog, i was thinking wow it's going to be so dramatic. but i was starting to think that before i had just been a tad melow dramatic. Well last night that was once again proven wrong.
it was an average day, average evening. But then, after the sun set the monster came out. I think of my mother kind of like a werewolf. The similarities are incredible, the only diffrence is my mom doesnt grow hair, fangs and claws. Even at that..... And then there s the moon cycle, my mom pretty much ditched that, so i don't even know WHEN to expect it! She just randomly lashes out at me for no reason. and last night was a perfect example.
As i said before average day, average evening. I had just put my computer away, it was 10 and i knew anyminute mom would be coming in to tell me to put it away. Apparently beating her to the punch wasnt such a great idea because APPARENTLY theres some unseen force that doesnt permit my mom to leave my room without complaining. Seeing how i was already ready for bed there was nothing there so tshe looks around. And well the big bad wolf found something to nawe on, Me! She randomly starts yelling at me because my room is messy... but i had just cleaned it that morning and the only thing that could pass as unorganized were two glasses on my dresser and elastic maybe the position of some of my toilettries and a few pillows. But that didnt stop her, she yells and yells and when i try to recouperate she yells MORE! Serioulsy by the end of it i had been slapped 3 times, thrown across my room, and kicked out. or well, not kicked out as in the literal sense but more of, plans.... My mother actually made plans to evict me! WE HAVE A CONTRACT!!! i mean what kind of a mother kicks their daughter out in such a proffesional manner?? I felt like one of her employes not her family. I mean in it, it states what i get to keep and when i have to leave by, IF i dont pass her one month test. Which isnt really fair because out of the " month " i have to prove to her that i'm part of the family, im really only there 2 weeks, and even at that i have stuff planed! Absurd it really is!
Earlyer that evening i had told justin why i was so happy when he told me he loved me, and well it was just reproven to me. though i could have lived without the play back. Not only do i have bruises, have to pass my test, and spend WAY less time on the comp. but i have to spend the next 2 weekends painting the downstairs bathroom... Oh joy.
You know, im tempted to fail the test on perpos, but i have to go through the contract once more and decide if loosing is less that keeping, if i do get "sent" to my dads. You know it wouldnt be so bad there. Not any more atleast. I mean now he's happy or as happy as Mr" i hate my life can be." And besides he usually just ignores me, i mean that's not so bad, i like soliditary anyway, thats actually kind of the reasong mom spazzed. Cause i spent all my time on the comp and in my room.... actually the argument was too much on the comp but when my rebutal was that im writing a book she continued that i could write downstairs.... yeah cause i have such great consentration downstairs with a screaming sister and anoying nagging mother. Also that apparently my room is getting too cluttered when i reality its the same as its been for the past 2 years. Excpet maybe a tad mo9re cause ads moving so almost all of my stuff is at my moms, but as soon as he moves will go right back to balance. I really dont get her, ya know? i mean jshe was fine like three seconds earlyer and then shes like spazzing at me, and When i started crying she got madder. and thats when she threw me accross the room because i " needed a reason to cry about" liek her yelling in my face wasnt enough. Im really not good qith confrontation.
The weirdest thing though, was that twhile all this was going on my mind was in total gifty mode. I mean a million thoughts a second but i was aware of EACH one. I mean as they passed now i only remember a few, but i mean even those are extreme.
Like the part where i was brushing my teeth and she was saying how the reason why she was so angry was because i was like my father and that she left him for the exact reasons that i was doing now. i was thinking that it would be great to be at dads house right now, but at the same time i was contradictinmg myself and thinking about all i'd miss at my moms. surprisingly none of them included my mom or my sis. Mostly it was about my room. So thats when my mind kind of laughed and was like yea, see now you're jsut proving her right, you do love your room more than you love her. So THEN i started arguing with myself stating that technically theres was nothing wrong with it because my mom had way more negative qualities than my room, and that the ONLY negative quality of my room was that it was small and even at that its way bigger than my old one.
And then at some point i started thinking about my scent theorie and finding a few problems with it, and like issues with the psychological references that i had used, because you know at the moment ( seeing how its my latest theory) there are a few bugs to work out. and its only in the first stage.
There was more, like plans were rushing through my head on how i could smart talk my way out of this situation, most of the ones i pu into action just got me slapped so i stopped. and then kept thinking of ways i COULD answer if she would stop for a second and let me talk for once.
Great night eh?
Goth Girl xox

1 comment:

  1. poor syb... i feel bad for you...i'm giving you a hug tomorrow///a really big one
