Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Comedy Of Errors

okay not only was watching a reenactment of shakespear awesome... but it was a 21st century spin to shakespear... i mean there was a transvestite singing put a ring on it.... pchya. So yes the play was aweosme.... thing was ERIN WAS THERE!!!!!
there was clearly another school attending and i had a feeling it was john mcCrea and turns out ERIN WAS THERE!!! GAH... so Rhuddie and I (Jordan = Rhuddie) were all like HI and she was like "HEY i miss yo- WAIT did i miss soemthing? why are you holding hands? are you going out again ??!??!??! " it was quite funny. after the play, our little group... of Jordan, Bailey Matty, and a few other people GOT LOST!!! the rest of our class had left and we had no idea where to go... so finally jordan ended up navigating the NAC to get us to the bus. That was actually scary ( that and that Bailey had Mr Monchezuki on the phone ? )
Point being it was a great day.
Though speaking of theater, OUR MUSICAL IS IN CRUNCH TIME!!!! this means that there are practices EVERY night after school and saturdays! Yes it's great seeing that much of Rhuddie ( he really is an amazing guy I'll have to fill ya'll in later) but It is just soooo tiring! all that dancing and singing and staying up late and DANCING!!!
speaking of DANCING! today i ended up coreagraphing 1 and a half minutes of don't rain on my parade for 5 people, and it's awesome. Im very proud cause we went from behind everyone to WAY ahead :P we only have like 20 seconds left until we're done!!!
pfff..... anyways my energy levels have officially run out for the day, and am now going to sleep.... nighty night!!

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