Saturday, April 10, 2010

the highway of time

Most people consider time as a line, stretching on forever and going back as far as we can tell... but a straight line is always consistant, time is not.
At one point time seems to crawl by at such a tiresome pace its unbearable, and other times it seems you don't have enough hours in a day.
So i consider time more like a highway. Sometime the road speeds by, and others (traffic) barely move at all. Currently I'm on the Queensway and just speeding up. It seems that all of a sudden everything is pilling up faster and faster and i dont have enough time to balance it all.
All week i've been working on the musical and in my "spare time" doing homework. I've had to write newspaper articles, edit them, and create a newspaper. on top of studying to mid terms and EQAO. My life has been so hectic so many deadlines closing in I've been going non stop for the past week and a half. So after my saturday practices (2 at the same time) one from 10 to 4 and another from 11 to 3 30. bouncing back and forth during intermisions and breaks. I worked more on my essay for english. Then on my newspaper. And yet tomorrow; my "relaxing" day I have to finish the newspaper, write the perfect outline for my essay, AND do a few practice runs for EQAO.
ugh. And also I'vev been having this knawing erge to write lately and i simply haven't had the time, which is inconvinient because i am rarely in this sort of mood. I would write now, instead of blogging only i know i won't have enough time to really get into it, and they I'd have to tear myself away again and i ablsolutely hate that, especially because I'm at such a volatile state in the novel itself.
Going to sleep.

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