Monday, May 3, 2010

carbon monoxide

Interesting food for thought: Pigeons cannot lay eggs unless they are in the pressence of another prigeon. Her overies will not work unless she is looking at a pigeon.... in absense of another pigeon her own reflection will do. How Narcicistic.

as for another tid bit of information. CArbon monoxide sucks... a lot.
This affternoon i got home from a particularly pleasant day to find out im not aloud into my own home because we had a carbon monoxide leak. So now i am doomed to my front lawn for another 4 hours... and im starving.
So readers if you have food handy, eat some for me now please.
On the bright side, it isn't raining or cold. Its a very warm spring day. There are soft fluffy clouds and im sitting in the shade watching as the sun's rays glint off a nearby tree, fresh with new leaves.
So now i await our saviors the gas line people... who will probably be fat middle aged men who they they are better than everyone else which is completely absurd because they probably didn't even go to university. Our world doesn't need any more malvolio's.

People who don't get that reference, i implore you read shakespeare. And never ever ever say that he is boring. Only people with simple minds think that shakespeare in any form is boring. He's probably the best poet laureate our world will ever see. His words are but an extension of himself. I adore his work.

something i don't adore however are french peopl (anne) who write about egyptian art. In art class which i take in french we are currently studying about egyptian graphing and their proportion systems. However the article we are forced to read is impecably filled with the most inane run on sentences. Soemtimes i do catch myself in a rant... but this makes me look like mary friken poppins!!!
So i have discovered a new loathing for this authors writings.

I suppose i should make so head way in my homework... i however feel very opposed to that idea as i sit here talking to you.

So the musical is now over... officially as of today. We striked the set after school today... and now i fear ill greatly miss my grade eight friends that i have made. Liek sarah, and rebekah, and anthony, and liya and kaylene, oh I'm sad now.
I hope that we st---- OH YES!!! the gas guy just showed up. Thank the gods! though he is talking on the phone and has yet to leave his truck i can tell you that he is driving a large red pick up truck, is bald, and has this goatee thing going on.... this should be interesting.

a talleur


  1. Poor Jennibear!!!!I would eat food for you but I'm not hungry as I before i read this eat six tacos.....So...And as for the W.S. refrence..You rock Babe!!!!W.S. is my hero....(L)(L)(L)

  2. Aww, poor jen! I knew there was a reason i was so hungry this monday! you were starving! While I agree with your Malvolio reference (props for that BTW) we will never be able to get rid of the proud idiots of this world. Thank the gods we know how to grin and bear it! :P You have to tell me how this whole scene played out and when you got back inside, I'm sooo curious, I could pop!
