Tuesday, May 26, 2009

barmitzvah pics

sybil here,
its tuesday today... and i'm sitting at home, i dont have much to tell you but i just wanted to name a few things off,
monday was totally lame, today was boring as well though the gourmet lollipops caused a fuss for nothing. But i wanted to say that band trip is tommorrow ill tell you all about it and post pictures... which reminds me i have the barmitzvah pictures....
AWWW look at his eyes!!!
lol this one is kind of blurry :P

lol love my photo shop skill!!

And so concludes today... lol

GothGirl xox

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Busy Barmitzva's

Sybil here, and WAY tired, Saturday was soo long, seriously i took like 2 naps today and i kept spacing out. My mom was like i better not ever drink because i'd take a week to get over the hang over :P I probably would too. But i never plan on drinking because it's totally descusting. and i never want to end up like my dad, i mean anything that can do that to someone is evil. Short and simple.
Anyways back on subject it was long. So i'm here to tell you all about it! Friday i went shopping for my dress, then my mom woke me up at 11 and was like SYBIL! where's your dress and skarf, and started spazzing, and i was really tired all ready i mean i hadn't slept so well the night before. So FINALLY i get to bed at like midnight, so she insists on waking me up early too! like seriously 5 am SYBIL! time to get up!!! Seriously?? anyways. i got up, not that i was given much of a choice, i took a shower got ready, curled my hair... well no, streightened my hair, curled the bottom, and then put a can of hair spray in it to get it to stay, but hey it looked nice, actually Justin insisted on telling me more than a few times :P HEY not that i mind! :D
So then at 9:40 exactly Cori came and picked me up, Carley ( his dog ) apparently really liked my, but i was used to it thanks to hailey and cassey, and bill..... and Magey, and well ALOT of cats. So no big, We went to pick up richard, argued about the address for a while... well no they argued i sat and watched, justin had never told me the address so i had no clue. Cori ended up being right. Then we got there and some lady was like are you jewish.... ummm not that im aware of. and like gave us booklet things.... they actually didnt do a thing to help. just kind of gave us descriptions on what USUALLY happens... like gee thanks! so helpful. Megan waS there so i talked to her, it ended up being that Charita didnt come so once again i was the only girl. but at some points i talked with Megan and i got along with most of justins family, especially his grand parents, Alexa, and his other cousin with the biyfriend from england... Anyways we arent there yet. So we sat near the back, cause we couldnt really follow so we didnt want to intrude. Then like part way through a few other peoples joined us. But then we found out that ALL of justins family is INSANELY TALL!!!! we couldnt see a thing! and whenever i tried looking between them they'd move so i couldnt see again, you know i just gave up. Basically im not going to give you a full description of the ceremony cause.... well i couldn;t follow most of it, and well its all a jumble anyways. Basically there was a lot of singing in hebrew, talking, opening and closing or arcs... ( or so the hebrew book with the english translations we were reading from stated. though i didnt see any arcs) umm LOTS of hebrew chanting, did i mention the chanting? lol it wasnt that bad, it actually sounded pretty cool, at one point they had this awesome corale going, though i thing it was an accident, and the girl made a nice harmony. Basically i learned a few things.... who am i kidding i learnt like the WHOLE time! Like for instance that they read backwards. and that apparently it takes 10 minutes to chant 4 lignes, also i think i figured out what symbol beleive is.... also that justin CANNOT sing, he told me, but now i know. :P also that megans dad ( not too sure of this ) works there... not sure exactly of his title.... also that the thing justin had to carry around the room was heavy, or looked like it. and that people poke him with the books as he walks by, not too sure on what that was about either.... and finally i learned that whenever you asked justin about anything hebrew or like envolving it, he tells you to ask his dad ( lol like im going to strike up a conversation with his dad!)
Near the end of the ceremony Justin said this very funny very good speaks, koodo's to him. and then read this hebrew story that was REALLY interesting, though i doubt i actually got the meaning behind it all it was really kool! ( and the reason i can say this was because of the english translation!) After a while i got really good at following hebrew siging and stuff by estimating the amount of time it takes for them to sing a symbol... and reconizing repetitions. It was cool. And must i say that Justin looked very handsom in his nice black suit? :D Then we ate lunch, peoples left, i helped pack up and stuff, and HA even got to show off my french skills!! thank you caterers! seriously the amount of food left over, i dont know how they plan on finishing it all! so we went to Justin's house, he changed into very hot sweat pants ( lol they were funny) we "watched" jonah ( his brother) play tony hawk the video game and later on halo. then Justin changed back into his suit, though this tie with a black under shirt. We went helped set up ( ish) and welcomed peoples, and can i say that when you hang around the barmitzva boy you get alot of pictures taken of you! like seriously maybe theres a possibility of justin actually getting a good picture of himself. He's sending me some of me and him later, ill post them. We hung out with weird mexican music, and talked and all the guys got play boy bunny tatoo's! they were funny. and justin got himself a characatcher ( how do you spell that??) and he looked sooo funny!!! Cori kept it ( said he was going to hang it on his wall , bad pun... just realized )
So ya.... it was fun, dinner was good, justin exploded his taco, not really sure how that happened, we ate soup and stuff. then Justin did the candle lighting ceremony where you thank a bunch of peoples. WE GOT TO LIGHT ONE!! lol go friends!! woot! lol... Jermy made a speach and Cori made a toast ( it was soo funny) i like cori now, not so evil after all :P Then ricahrd, patrick, and Cori went up to the piano and started playing and singing they were actually REALLY good. seriously they were better than the DJ's and their sad break dancing ( actually they had very good break dancing, just bad music ) another reason cori isnt that bad, he went up and break danced ! lol it was funny. I danced with justin though i've got to admit its hard to dance in high heals and well i discovered something ELSE ! Justin is very bad at dancing too!!! like seriously i didnt even bother teaching him waltzing cause he couldnt do the swaying thing right! it was very pathetic, but hey i like him anyway! i don have a clue why, and actually ricahrd asked me that.... actually no asked is putting it lightly, he bugged me for about 6 hours, trying to figure out WHY i liked him, and im not actually sure.... i just..... DO! lol. thats enough for me, he;s funny, nice on certain subjects ( like me ) hes sweet, and good looking ( actually my mom wouldnt stop commenting about that after..... actually that will be on the sun post ( later ) cause she has a theori on why i like him but im not there yet. So yeah. not too great at dancing, but still it was nice. Sandy , his neighbour, insisted on taking like 5 pictures of us... hopefully some turn out. again with the, ill post them. and ya, i talked to a bunch of his cousins, got along great. it was cool.... actally me and justin got SO many pictures taken of us! it was actually kind of funny. Finally thenight was over, actually by this point i was soo tired i was having "Jen moments" ( my friends will get that ) every five seconds!! Justin ekpt askind if everything was all right, and it was... aparently i look depressed or something , but hey i wasnt just spacey... :) It was great thouhg, Then my mom came, and it was time to go home, i got home straight to bed and i was OUT!
Then today i wake up at like 11. eat, go back to bed, wake up at like 1. Clean my room, do my homework, talked with my mom, sat outside, read this book called call me hope which reminds me of my own like soo much!!! exepct that its even worse... well not anymore but before... i have a theorie on that.... maybe i should just make a seperate post called my current theories! LOL Schwa would get a kick out of those! though she's aware of most of them, like my time loops theorie... Well lets not get into that now, right now i want to tell you my mother's theorie:
This one doesnt have a name because well it's not mine, so it's not like i can name it. but apparently im insecure, but i dont show it like everyone else, im insecure but i use that to my advantage most of the time.... this is the part that was totally like omg how dense can you be... she then proceeded on saying that she didnt know why i was insecure maybe it was kids at schoool (no SHIT!!! but again with not anymore) and then saying that it souldnt possibly be at home! NO cause you calling me stupid and ugly on the daily basis doesnt do anything like that at all!!! ( seriously if you want to know how bad my mom is read call me hope by gretchen olsen my mom's worse, and well my dad just ignores me, like im not even there. For that read the schwa was here, by Neal Shusterman. both very good books though both short. anyways back on topic... so she thinks that the reason i like justin, as well as other reasons, is his arrogence, because it makes me feel safe and gives me no reason to be insecure because the arrogence isnt directed at me and more towards other topics... ( seriously its possible, i mean i alwasy feel way more relaxed when im around him... as well as other reasons... and he is arogant.... in his own swave manner.... maybe my mom actually has a point! ) well whatever the reason i am happy, so it's a plus..
GothGirl xox
PS i am actually going to make a theorie post and the theories in it are :
time loop theorie
the gifted theorie ( which i just found out might be cancelled out because my dads a possible gifty... )
schwa theorie ( not about schwa's but SCHWA the person of my friends)
Depression theorie
and possibly others... but at the moment i cant remember any more :P
PPS this is going to be insanely long but hey its been a busy weekend.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A day of sports... and i had... FUN?

Gasp i know. Most of you are thinking... Sybil fun with sports?? I mean im not the most atjletic person if you know what i mean.... well thats not true... im very fit and active just not....... the "Atletic" and "Sports oriented" person.... im failing gym class..... But i like gymnastic and dance, and yoga and those type of activities. So i almost didnt go to the sports day cause i fugured omg, another day of misery and running and GRR!!! but well it didnt turn out that way. I actually wore sporty clothes and had to raid my ssiters closet to get them. it was pathetic. So I did up my sneakers and head off to school... In the morning it was really cold because it was supposed to me +26C later i had worn shorts... i was freezing. my body tempature is 3 degrees lower than normal anyways. So i was ya a tad cold. So of course that meant we were walking to merivale! Finally ariving we had an assembly thing and then headed off with our group. The only person i actually hang out in my group is Emma, so it wasnt all bad, but i wished schwa and kels would have been there too. WE were given these T shirts that said " sports day the girls way" it was pretty sweet, oh and btw this whole day was only girls. so We played all sorts of sports and they were really fun. like in the first half we 1. Had a meeting and like "talk" about high school and what its like and stuff. 2. We played a bunch of really tacky games in the gym. and 3. Lacross outside. Now Lacross was acctually really fun. but the thing was it was still pretty cold So the metal bar that you hold on the stick like froze to your skin. Then we had lunch. And it was hot dogs and fruit and veggies it was nummy. :D After lunch we had a guest speaker she was hilarious! Then we played 1. Yoga ( we were video taped it was sweet) 2. feild hockey ( it sucked and a bunch of girls skipped most of it by going to the bathroom and 3. rugby which was really fun. By the end of the day we were all very tired and sweaty cause it had gotten VERY hot. WE were then given like bags of stuff and a rose and chocolate that the school had made. IT WAS AWESOME!!! and my rose was sooo prefect!
When i got home i was going to bug justin about it but sadly he wasnt online... and actually he never came online until i had to go.... soo yeah.... i didnt really get to bug him about it. oh and by the way i switched houses and forgot my ring on the table :( im going to have to go to my dads tomorrow to get it. i need it to finish my outfit for justins barmitsva
fun day :)
GothGirl xox

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The day of many Problems

HAHA the past two days have been soo fun! lets start off at tuesday

Okay so this day wasn't actually the best and involved a lot of..... lets put it as issues. you'll see soon enough. Okay well i wake up 10 mintes before my bus comes so i like sprint around looking for my stuff and get out of the house... forgetting my band shoes. smart i know. Anyway that was problem #1. Finally at school, Kelsey gives me this beautiful jagged black glass ring. Of course i go and cut myslef on it. (Problem #2) So then i'm in class and i realize i had comppletly forgotten my history binder in my locker ( problem #3). After i get back from my locker i realize that all my pens are dead so i have to go back to my locker to get new ones ( Problem #4) Besides that the day went pretty well. After the final bell rang i still had to stay at school because of the concert that night. So no problem right? WRONG i had barely brought anything for dinner and i was really hungry. (Problem #5) So i called Justin and those of you who know Viki know she;s.... diffrent. So anyways im talking to him and she comes up and she's like ... well like Viki, so it totally creeps him out :P ( Problem 6)
So problem after problem and finally the concert starts.. figures we'd be after the gr 7 so we have to wait on the floor. I was really thirsty, i mean i drank 2 cans of pop in like 10 minutes. Justin couldnt come of course, so i was sitting on the floor like " Why did i promis not to get mad at him again?" ... oh well. Ill see him sat. WE play and its all pretty good, no big mess ups right? Then i was really tired so i kind of got home and wanted to pass out... sadly i had promised to talk to Justin on msn when i got home. I should really stop promising things, what ever. and then i had home work. so... i stayed up longer.... then i went to bed...,. fun night eh?
GothGirl xox
The day of 6 problems that are counted here, probably more i just forgot.

Monday, May 18, 2009

so yeah....

Hello, sybil here,
It's now monday, and victoria day so we didnt have any school. Basically though what happened was i went to the movies with Justin. It was fun...... we went to see Angels and Demons but we didnt really watch much of the movie. Some lady like freaked it was funny she was like can't you guys like shut up! lol NO:P
The we waited for the bus for like an hour.... this is after we saw Ellise. ya umm...... yup it was fun.. LIKE EXTREMLY!!! but i cant really describe it...
so ya.
GothGirl xox

Sunday, May 17, 2009

whats in like to be 14?

So much fun. People have asked me whats its like to be 14. Finally I actually have an answer for that. HILARIOUS! Okay well the thing is... I turned 14 at 11:11 pm on May 16. I was born on a full moon,but sadly there was only a half moon out last night. So basically im here to tell you of my leading up to the conclusion.
First off, I wake up and watch I love lucy which by the way is absolutely hilarious. And then I call my mom and ask her when she's coming to pick me up. I pack up a few things and wait for my mom. And waited... And waited. Finally I get a call. Its mom. Her car battery had died in her Subaru. Lol. So she calls paula to come pick me up. We head out to her place, and try jump starting the car but it didn’t work. So we just used paula's car and went to the metro. There we got food. Lots of chips :P
Then I get home and im waiting for people to come and junk * ( ill explain the and junk thing later )... when hung says he's leaving. And then Justin asks something and freaked because hung had already left, it was funny. Minutes later Hung shows up. It was funny because it was really awkward. I mean majorly! We kind of just stood there and talked. And at one point we were standing and talking with my mom in my room. And he looked really awkward so I asked if he wanted to sit down. And my mom says this! : " Jen think about hungs perspective right now... I mean he's in a girls room and hes going to go sit on the bed with his friends girl friend?? Does that make any sense?" my answer to that was... ummm well when you put it THAT way :S heehee but for me my bed is like a couch cause I spend so much of my time in my room and its like the only seating besides the floor.
So then the door bell rings again. Thank GOD!!! I mean literally saved by the bell :P and its Justin. Another plus. Now I actually laughed at this part. The two first peoples at my party are the two guys. Now that wasn’t the actually funny part, I was laughing at the fact that justin is usually always late, and hes now one of the only people on time! IRONY!
So we are all sitting on the couch just kind of talking.. and cause no one was really there it was kind of awkward cause my mom was just kind of sitting there talking to us... so me and justin weren't really touching cause I mean what was running through my head is omg, what would her reaction be?? I don’t really know what justin was thinking but my guess is somewhere along those lines. So then people started getting here, and I mean one after another. Everytime I'd finally sit down again I had to get back up to answer the door. It was skill. At first I had the weirdest feeling that it was timed! Wouldn't that be weird?
Basically for a while after that we were all just sitting on the couch and the seating around it. Now me and justin still weren't really touching cause like..... I don’t really know actually, but we didn’t. And then my mom desided it was time to take pictures of everyone sitting down it was funny. And Basically me and justin like sat closer for the picture and then just never really moved. It was comfortable. :P but someone *cough mom cough* kept calling me as soon as I'd finally start relaxing. Ugh it was soo annoying I mean like insane! Then we had pizza and talked more, we did presents and cake.... I don’t really remember it which order... I got green day tickets, a 120$ total for indigo, 20$ for the movies, and 40$ just in cash, and a CSI board game. Anyways... then we sat on the couch and talked more. And this time I actually sat with justin like normally, cause mom wasn’t hovering anymore.
Then we went upstairs to pick the movie. Peoples discovered piggy/ cow and were like throwing him around it was so sad. But with help of tall friends I put him at the top of my closet. OH! And Schwa got me this kick ass card that said " I picked you a flower, but it was a venus fly trap and it bit my head, so I killed it and got you this peice of grass instead" and on the inside she taped a peice of grass it was hilarious. I hung that up on my doodle wall. Then we argued about movies, Adrienne left for a bit, and we ended up watching the prestige.
At one point my mom left, so avoiding everyones looks, me and justin started kissing, though apparently we did a horrible job of hiding it cause every one saw. Including my mother. But she just said AWW how cute... and then later yelled at me, cause she didn’t want to see it, especially not on her couch. So easy to say we weren’t really paying attention to the movie... but we had both seen it anyways so we could add commentary in when needed :P... Leah and Adrienne were on my laptop and everyone else got bored so just hung out upstairs in my room,.... except hung. I think he was the only one actually watching the movie. SADDDD......
The hung and justin left, and we all ditched and just went upstairs and talked., and junk :P!!!!!! OKAY now I can explain that! Last year there was this girl that shall go unnamed that used to always end things with and junk. SO ... we were laughing at that because it was so funny. Basically for the rest of the night we just talked and played truth or dare, and leah wouldn’t let me see my computer... she kept it hostage. Talking to peoples, yelling at justin through my account, the usual. It was funny. We watched russel peters too. At some point Schwa went into my sisters room to sleep. And then we actually tried going to sleep because we had been so loud my mom sent us to bed... sadly we didn’t get to bed until like 3 in the morning because KIM wouldn’t stop laughing. So leah left and slept on the couch downstairs. And then we FINALLY got some sleep.... after much proding kim... now that song didn’t help!!!
" Im a small wet boy, diving too deep for coins.... im a FAT house cat! Something something POISON RATS!!!" ..... ya we sang that for a while....
WE slept... I have to admit it was difficult to fall asleep and even once I did sleep it was aabss ( always aware but still sleeping ) , the first stage of sleep. And then everytime anything would happen you'd wake up again and I was REALLY uncomfortable. I don’t actually know why. To fall asleep I had to consentrate SO hard on relaxing like seriously I had to slow my breathing, bring my heart rate down.... one by one. It took a LONG time. THANK GOD I had seen justin earlier, that helped my relaxing quite a bit. I just had to remember, little details and stuff and id calm down..... HE SMELLS REALLY GOOD!!!!! That was a nit off topic but its sooo true. :P hehee.
Now at 7 in the morning everyone decides it'll be really fun to get up. With only 4 hours of sleep. I was not happy.... but surpisingly not sleepy. Me and Addy went downstairs and ate cold pizza for breakfast cause we were hungry. Five minutes later kim come downstairs looking for us. And doesn’t even bother to check the kitchen meanwhile we clearly said we are going down for FOOD! ;)
Then we hung out in andrea's room and had a major stuffed animal/ pillow/ beany bag chair fight. It was me, erin and Adrienne vs kim and Schwa. Schwa switched to our side :P it was fun. And btw leah was still sleeping by this point. WE talked more, and then peoples started leaving. Then once it was only me, Schwa and Kim we started singing little mermaid the musical songs. It was fun. ;) which reminds me !! at some point during our truth or dare game a slow song came on, and so brought up the talk of dancing and waltzing and dances..... so there are two basic things that follow this.
1. First of all, you know how Schwa actually goes to dance class, well she teaches me a lot of dancing. So I know how to dance to a lot of actually dances, like waltz, Russian waltz, two step etc etc. So Me and schwa started dancing in the hallway ( BY THE WAY JUSTIN [just so when you read this you'll know] at your barmitsva next weekend, I'm making you actually dance, and I promis I wont laugh if you're bad. And besides most of them have 9 steps max. And at the start ill lead. Cause I actually know how, but im sure you will catch on quick )
2. It also brought up this really funny story about a former dance. ( this is in adriennes view) Okay well matt is dancing with matt, ( they are going out) and im looking around and I got back to erin for some reason and then suddenly I notice that his hands are in her back pocket... like HELLO lol it was so funny. And then we asked erin about this and she was like " I never even noticed....." I kind of freaked I mean..... how could you not notice someones hands in your back pockets??? First of all how was he positioned so that he could do that and still dance??? That was my question [ hey justin maybe you can answer that next weekend]
So those were our interesting stories.
Then My dad calls and hes like so when are you coming over because we are going to steven's to celebrate your birthday.. ge thanks for telling me. At that point I was getting ready for bowling. So I call justin and told him I couldn’t go. And so instead we are going to angels and demons tomorrow. Yup..... fun fun. And I have a feeling that its going to be better than bowling would have been because its going to be just me and him so like no audience :P
So now we are at stevens and im typing cause well I thought since I don’t have internet I relaly don’t have all that much to do and since I don’t have my notes for my book I cant really write in my book. So instead im blogging and will copy and paste when I get home.
Basically though from when I cancelled this is where it picks up.....
So I pack up my stuff and clean my room, kind of quick. And then I call him cause hes still not here so I was like um where are you... he still didn’t answer so I just started reading my night world books. Im already done the first one isn’t that sad... anyways so im sitting on my step waiting... he never came. So I called justin and we talked. At one point I sat on the roof but it was too windy so I went back to the couch. ... FINALLY he came. Like 2 hours later.
We get here and I mostly read. And then we have dinner and then do the happy birthday thing. Like the singing thing. And then we ate pie and rice chrispy squares. It was nummy. And then I decided to write this, but at first I decided to write in the car because you know theres kids and stuff and its my laptop.
So I go in the car and start writing... now you have to understand that my cousin lives in the middle of a dense canadienne forest.... soo majow bugs and much COLD!! I hate cold. So my fingers like froze as i was typing. So I came inside and now its time to go soo biii
Gothgirl xox

Friday, May 15, 2009

the universal rule

Why is it that i always have to have bad days before my birthday? I mean is there some universal rule that i have to be slightly depressed before my one year mark of aging? hmm? cause that would be such a stupid rule! i've been noticing a few stupid rules lately actually. but im not there yet. Lets just say that today has been all downhill.
Well i mean it started out pretty good. my birthday is tomorrow. ill see justin, he'll meet my friends. the people coming at this point are : 1. Leah 2. Schwa 3. Adrienne 4. Erin 5. Hung 6. Justin. Sadly emma can't come.
WE had a science experiment and it was really cool. we imploded a can with water! we heated up the can and dumped it in a bucket of ice water, the diffrences in pressure caused the can to implode. My teacher got scared shitless. she jumped like 5 feet and hit the white board. But then we had to fill out a laboratoire, and i didnt really get why it happened so i couldnt answer the questions properly. i did my best but i probably made a bunch of mistakes.
Then at reccess miss friken o'donnel took my mp3 player! i was soo mad! i mean why is there a rule that says you cant listen to music at reccess. again with STUPID RULES!!! it wasnt so bad though because i could get it back at the end of the day.
Then there was gym. Me and schwa literally waited in line 30 minutes because people kept going in front of us. some peoples went 4 or 5 times and we went once. and i tripped it was horrible. then after class he dissmissed everyone but us. because he wanted someone to wait for katie because she hadnt gone. now then we went a few more times and she went a few times and so did one or 2 people who complained that 7 feet wasnt far enough! frig i got 3 the first jump! We got a note though so we didnt get in trouble for being extremly late.
The in english we worked on out jeopardy project. but mr shoenemark just talked the whole period so we didnt get much done.
Now reccess again. I talked with teggin ( my twin ) and hung out with a bunch of like parkwood hills kids. it was fun and then we sat and talked with the rest of our group + grant ( he doesnt count as part of our group)
Then we had 2 other classses... they were pretty lame, i had already finished the maath questions the period last so i just sat there and doodled. and in geo we took notes and i didnt have a book so it was very difficult.
So finally the end of school, i rush to the office to get my MP3 player before my bis came. when i got there they said that the rule had changed and that i now had to bring a note from my parents that says i could get it back. the thing is its a long weekend so i have to wait till next tuesday to get it back!!!!!!!! UGH so now imm really depressed! and mad at the same time!
Now im here ranting about it.
GothGirl xox

Thursday, May 14, 2009

omg a weeks catch uup

oh my god! i cant beleive its almost been a week since i last posted !!! So weird seems like only 2 days ago. Sunday was weird but the rest of the week has been pretty slow. I mean well because it was mother's day mom got to do what she wanted. and oh how she took advantage: well first lets start at breakfast. We had rice, soup and ribs.... talk about odd. and THEN she made me wear a pink sparkly frilly dress. it was horrible. Hung and Justin laughed at me :( lol. So sunday was odd, and then Ricky came over and insisted he fixed my hair. no prob there lol i have awesome gay uncle hair dressers for a reason :P So ya then he was like why didnt you call me when this happened. and i was like cause you live far. but he argued that with his new sports car he was faster than the police :P lol it was funny.
Monday was lame, so was tuesday, and wednesday, today was no better.
Lol the only things that have happened in the past few days are:
  • we did more paper mashe which was horrible! i got covered again !
  • we had band practice, got yelled at for chocolate the usual, got our itenerary's for band trip
  • my mom was stupid and missed my ortho appointement so im not getting braces till WAY later
  • and then when we reschedualed the ortho appointment we schedualled it for when im in toronto so it had to be changed again to later.
  • i talked with justin some more lol no diff
  • my birthday has officially been organized ( 2 days away ;) )
  • Mr rayjak came in and it was fun
  • we did oral presentations and crap it was lame. Nancy and josh got picked, though i thought it should have been sheridan and josh.
  • we did fitness testing and i rocked!!!! i mean like i did 100 sit ups, 25 push ups, +16 inches for trunk flexibility, and 12.1 seconds for agility run :D
  • everyone keeps saying they've got the "perfect present" for me but then they refuse to tell me what it is!!!

Ya so thats pretty much it.

GothGirl xox

Saturday, May 9, 2009

monday to thursday and saturday

Okay well basically not much ramatic happened, though the week went very fast because we were so busy. Fisrt off tuesday i went to school and let me tell you something. it was a releif! Now we were signed up for the jazz cafe by this point. but we still only had ideas about what we were going to do... not the actual skit. So we worked on that ALOT during the week. Also we had health. it's alwayss interesting, especially with my class. Schwa got picked for public speaking... i choked on my presentation and she did AMAZING! but still read the friday one and you'll see what happened. That was basically my week. working insanely hard with schwa and kelsey to get the skit ready and the song ive got a theory.
Now saturday the actually interesting part of the day. okay well i woke up around ten. my grama and mom were not here... so i asked andrea and she just said they went shopping... i had no clue to weither or not it was to tagger wear or just out. so ya i got worried when it hit 2 o'clock and they still weren't home. because of course, i had somewhere to be at 5:3o. They finally got home and thank god had been to tagger wear. Now you must realize that my grama was in town which means that i got new books YAY!!! and so i read the first one.. and i actually just finished it before i started bloging. its the night world series byt LJ Smith. really good. but not the point so at 2 i was still in PJ's then my mom insist we look at all her pics. by the time we are done that its 3. now i run in the shower go really fast. then get out blow dry my hair, then straighten it. then brush my teeth and do my nails. then straighten my hair again because it had started to curl again ( cause of the humidity) and i finished at exactly 5. it was skill! So anyways me, my mom and grama jump in the car without really even knowing where we are going ( and yes i know my mom was actually driving me, first time in like a year, but i was happy) so finally we get to this house in stonebridge ( rich peoples houses ) and my grama starts saying that even their door looks rich ( it was stain glass) and trust me i gasped when we pulled up to this thing its OMG!! like WOW! insidentally justin was out with jermy to pick a movie thank god jungyung was there too. we hung out in the basement... then cori came. then jesse. then FINALLY justin and jermy. Now this is where it got interesting and im not really going to give you all the details cause.... wow....
Basically the evening consists of us all sitting around playing video games... then something happes and it always ends up a full body pile up with justin at the bottom. then Pizza came and we ate and watched scary movie 3... wich was ALOT less scary then i remembered..... still there were parts i crawled on justin lol. i doubt he minded :P anyways once the movie was done, most of the guys started fighting with lightsabbers and me and justin just kind of sat together.... and you know.... well to sum it up we went from not kissing to 15 minutes straight lol...... but ya you dont need dets on that one..... :P then peoples started leaving till it was only me justin and jermy left. and we went downstairs and jermy played ... something... all i remember is that he kept dying. lol. and me and justin sat and.... umm kissed and ya...
OH i forgot at one point we went upstairs and again with OMG!!!!! his room was llike double the size of mine and i have a pretty big room. and justin played metroide and ive got to tell you the fish things are definatly creepy. and jermy showed us his chili house on google earth. Then my mom came and the whole way home she kept talking about how justin really is cute and that she was surprised a geek like me could get a boyfriend let alone a good looking one and the whole time i was thinking.... GOD i wish i was still in justin's basement lol. don't you just love how my family puts me down? UGH. anyways we got lost so it took even longer to get home. yay me.... :S
anyways still a really good day by my standards.
GothGirl xox

Friday, May 8, 2009

jazz pics 2

Continued... sorry it wouldn't let me uplaod these ones.

HAHA banana...


Gio and Grant

And that's all the pics :P thank you
GothGirl xox

jazz cafe pics

Not today though

Not today either

Schwa & Katie

Kit Kat


Soul & Danielle
My fellow goths


"Yes the sun!!"

Awesome clouds
The sun finally coming out!




Wow not the best pic...
Jazz Band

Erin's little sis

Erin & Colin

Erin & Colin


wow can you tell he took my camera?

jazz cafe, what an interesting daty

OMG ! the whole past week has been so interesting, sorry i havent really posted on it... i just couldnt find the words to say everything. Now ill fill you all in later but first i've just got to tell you about my interesting day!!! AS most of you know today was the Jazz café. well lets start off at the beginning of my way and work up to there.
Okay well today was planned on being a great anbd vwery filled day. i mean a lot was going on. Now im already grounded..... youll find out all about that later. Well we went to health and everything was normal a pretty average health day.... i mean we took notes made a chart etc etc then it was math and i was all happy because we were gettinbg our results for the math test today and i thought i was going to do REALLY well. i mean i usually ace math.. but for some reason i failed! ME fail at math.... everyone was shocked. now i did realize my mistake... too late though. I had over thought everything and made it way more complicated than nesesary. i mean i got all the right answers but all my steps were wrong. because i had added some gr nine math into it and we arent supposed to do anything other than gr eight. so i got really sad. thank god we dont have to give it back till tuesday so i can show my dad. thats a good thing.
Then we had art. We are doing a paper mashe project. Normally this would be really cool but i was wearing my clothes for the cafe and couldnt get dirty. So i got really pissed because by the end of it i was covered and i had to spend like the next whole period trying to clean myself off! it was anoying. So then we had DT.... now you see Dt is woodshop at our school so great. now im wet and im going intoa saw dust room.,... any guesses on what happned? ya i got pasted AGAIN! so then i had to clean myself off again! oh and by the way this thing was sooo boring that i had braided a purple pipe cleaner into my hair. it was funny. Now you see then its reccess but mr leohr wasnt in the band room and we seriously needed the practice because kelsey was at drama before, so we snuck into the back rrom and tricked the watch teacher into thinking we had permission it wass sweet. thank god josh wasnt there. he may be good at pracussion and public speaking but when it comes to lying/ acting he suxs. a lot! unlike his awesome brother! ( urine town play)
Now after reccess we had french english. Now because schwa was doindg her presentation on hating public speaking you could tell she was really nervous seriously i thought she was bout to faint! i was terrified! i mean she was shaking. so she got up there i talked for ten minutes about how she REALLY didnt want to be there. and how she was like GRR! so the teacher agreed she didnt have to do it. then adam started mocking her! i almost punched him out. i mean shes scared enough/. and upset and your there laughing at her you JERK! what an asshole! but i actually took it very cool-ly. like i just went cold nside so the anger didnt really settle in till later but i was PIISED!!! in english we finished out stupid booklets and then the end of the day.
Now whjat i didnt mention till now was the fact i had been freaking out all day because i had no phone to use to call justin. to see if her was coming tonight. But then all my worries went away cause well gio was staying after school and thank her she has a cell phone! gasp. so ya. i called my mom. told her when i went on not that it mattered she got there early.... not there yet, focus! okay well so then we are about to go to wendy's but then we can't cause mr leohr want help setting up. SUPER! he asked everyone in precussion ensemble to bring the jars down. of course that meant no one was going to get them so me and gio again with BLESS HER! helped me carry them all down. i mean it toomk like 50 trips up and down stairs and hallways. it took forever and then i was sweating like a pig. ( i was wearing a wool shirt) so basically we like ran for an hour. now FINALLY we were aloud to go. sadly because gio is dating grant he had to tag along ith us too... he's really anoying o well... now finally on the way to wendy's i get ahold of justin. he says he cant go and thats the end of that. sadly. a lot of people were dissapointed and erin threatened to hunt him down :P i declined her threat and told her it was okay because they'd all mean him at the tuesday concert. she she agreed not to rip his head off.
so we all hung out at wendy's ate laughed etc etc. we freaked a lot od people out it was funny. GRant had to get mr leohr his food it was funny. so he left early ( the retard) and HAHA. So we left finally and me and viki actually got along today. i mean she only killed me once and we laughed at it. it was cool. So now finally back at school. WE were done most of everything so we were hanging out in the practice room which in this case was my home room. now joey was here. hes a grade nine, a giant and the head tackler on the merivale football team. AND he plays acordian!we love him hes like a giant teddy bear. so cute. anyways. back to the story. so ya we hung out wih him , he played on his acordian we laughed and then grant started playing so i left. just in time! emma walks in and right behing her athina! i swear we did that run in each other thing. though not in slow mo, with creepy music, or a feild. but bassically and we did our normal spin lift at the end :P it was funny. so ya happy. and then kelsey shows up right after her. We practiced once. directed some lady to the library and sang ive got a theory*
* i should probably explain that durring some point in the morning emma and kelsey come up to me and schwa and are like hey guess what we need more singers for ive got a theory ( fron the buffy the musical soundtrack) and you guys are playing ( me ) anya and (schwa) giles and xander. it was like "o gee thanks."
Now it was time for the cafe. My parents and grandparents had come on time.... well i should say my mom and my grama. because jauque and andrea were a no show. not that a blame them. now our jazz cafe's are really cool because we actually cover all the library shelves with black blankets and put christmas lights ( blue) around the whole thing. turn off the lights and really make it look like a cafe. tables and counter with food and drinks and all. its cool. peoples had all kind of acts. im not really going to tell you every detail but.... emma and kelsey sang they were good. then me schwa kelsey and emma sang ive got a thorie and of course i had the rock out bunny's part so ya i was awesome. and i actually sang really well... i mean i got like 5 complements from parents after the show. it was sweet. then we did the comedy play and it was good... though i forgot part of my line.... and skipped like a whole page by accident. still the show was funny and we actually got a lot of laughs which was a good thing. Then other peoples. then precussion and ive got to tell you we sucked !!! i mean we only had one practice to put this all together. and well......... not our best . 100% of us got lost including mr leohr because he cued us wrong on several occasions. still most of the audience didn't even notice. then i sat with erin and colin and a bunch of peoples on the risers. now im not really 100% on all the details or order any more. but heres the basics;
~colin pulled alex's underwear and got yelled at
~ oscar got pushed off the riser TWICE
~ erin's sister followed us most of the time
~ joey played.. messed up but still rocked
~emma and kelsey sang again... not the best....
~ i played tap tap dance on oscars touch ipod ( OMG I KNOW)
~ thw jazz band played.. i didnt pay any attention.. i mean we've heard it all a million times.
~isaac's band played.... no offense but they SUCKED ( sorry isaac)
~I took lots of pics which i will post in a sec and.....
~ it was REALLY fun. too bad justin wasnt there though. i mean like so much more interesting with him around.

Oh that reminds me. emma and kelsey had made a present to give me and justin when he came but since he didnt they just gave it to me. it this cute little origami couch and it soo cute!!!! i love it and on it is written " justin and jen's love seat " lol ! i love it thank you guys!!!!!

Now end of the cafe! finally. now its still my job to bring all the jars back up. thank god though that this time i had a lot of help. i mean it only took 20 minutes. Now its mom's bday so we ate cheese cake ( did i mention i adore CHEESE CAKE!!!) and then because my grama's here she insisted we have the fashion show ( when we all try on our new clothes and show each other) i actually got some pretty cool stuff. and then i called justin and we talked and then i got new books from grama and they were from LJ smith ( i love that author). so all in all a pretty good day
GothGirl xox
ill post pics in a sec

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sick GRR

hello everyone. As you know my name is sybil and im a teenage goth. and for the past four days I have been dying! Well actually i shouldn play that card... Not while the swine flu is in force. So to clear that up: i do not have H1N1! I just have a really bad cold. Now the amount of peoples that have asked me if i have the flu is ridiculous! i mean for starters there have only been 42 proven cases of H1N1 in the united states and WAY fewer in Canada. Seeing how i have never been to Mexico... and i don't know any one that has visited there recently i can tell you the probability of me getting it is super slim! Yet everytime i tell someone im sick.... UGH. And then they ask me to prove it! so for everyone here i am proving it! : the symtoms f the swine flu are; fever, soar throat, head aches, coughing. I have neither fever nor soar throat, very minor headaches and well... i cough but.... come on! I have a runny nose, and friken congestion ... i feel like i can't breathe. That my friends is NOT the swine flu... that is just another one of sybil's very bad colds!
Now i got to tell you... so many peoples are like oh she has it to easy! she gets to miss school etc etc!! WELL im here to tel you all other wise! i rather be at school at this point! im so flippin bored!.... first of all friday wasnt so bad... it was the starting of a minor cold just basic sniffles and coughing. So i stayed hope planning on getting better so that Saturday i could go on my date with Justin. That is NOT what happened. Saturday comes and i feel worse. My face is so stuffed with cotton i feel like it'll explode! my nose is this horrible shade of red and even started bleeding later on in the afternoon. I can barely see out my eyes because they water so much. Now at this point justin was out doing arrands with his dad. i got kind of worried i mean it was almost time for our date and i couldnt get ahold of him. I obviously couldn't go ( so SAD) and well i didnt want to totall ditch him. But he signed on msn shortly after my freak out so all was good. though I was very sad i had to miss... and he seemed generally disapointed as well. ** . sonow im sick and sad and missing him because well i wont be able to see him for another week :( Sunday now. well I was sick once again.... probably a little less than saturday but still OW! So justin was aving a bad day... since he doesnt have a blog he wont be telling you so i will ** . K... i dont know the order but heres the main... Well he woke up and was really tired so he got an energie drink and then took a shower and because he was so tired accendentally used too much axe body wash so now he smells like shit. and...... something else.... and then he was so bored he started playing this really bad video game.. or something like that. and because the day before he spilt milk on his keyboard his space bar didnt work. so yea..... umm something like that.... actually justin if you could write a blog entry for that day and just sent it to me i'd love to post it on mine. lol.... anyways so basically my day was better than that but still.. sucky because for most of the day we didnt have internet and by this point im kind of getting tired of just sitting around doing nothing. I watched a few reno shows and like 3 movies one of them being the princess of theives ( you know the one about robin hoods daughter) ya and the ending sucked because after all that lead up she didnt get married to the prince... like then what was the point of the effin movie the only happyly ever after was that she started getting along with her dad and that prince philip was crown instead of the evil guy..... wow super! GEEZE! so that sloghtly pissed me off but then i got msn back so i was happy. Now today... Monday my fourth day straped to a bed. atleast i have internet im still going to be bored out of my mind for the next few hours seeing how every one is at school and im at home alone! actually worse im at home with my pestering dad!
GothGirl xox... :(

** See! this is why Justin needs a blog too! we get to see his point of view on everything! Isn't that right?? leave comments and try to persuade justin to get his own... even if he only updates on gf bf subjects w.e its helpful! lol. Oh and btw justin when you read this it means ! READ THE COMMENTS!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday,saturday

WEll sybil here, and a few days to catch up on
well i got up at 6 for band practice. Me and mom went to tim hortons for breakfast and then were there early. So i helped set up everything. Then we had band pratice... it was fun ( o ya a real thrill) We then had to run down to atendance, now you must picture this.... about 60 students wearing black dress pants and bright green uniform shirts runing down the hall to class... we got so many peoples asking us if we had a concert, its like "NO course not we like wearing this hideous thing!" Mme Van Dusen then asked me to give a bunch of forms to mrs crandall but she wasnt any where to be found. We even called the office to find her. Then all the little kids came in and we played the concert. the rest of the day was pretty normal. I forgot my change of clothes so i wore erins gym shirt all day but hey, it was better than the band shirt!
Band tour day, oh god!
okay well i had to wake up early again, for the tour. Fun fun right? I got in my band uniform and went to school. When i got there i found Amy who is also helping me with the small precussion, i made a quick list, which at the time mr leohr laughed about but they came in very handy later. We packed everything up and headed to meadowlands. We did set up and played, then we packed everything up and headed to century. ( by the way on all the bus rides i played tap tap dance on Athina's i-pod.) We did almost the exact same thing there except we had lunch in between set up and playing. We then packed up and left. WE got back to school in time for french, math. But after all the worry about the math test we find out that we dont actually have to go to the last two periods of the day thanks to the chance that we have a health class presentation. it was hilarious. at one point we were giving card on the steps to put on a condom and i was remove penis lol. i nearly died, it was soooo funny i got the worse one! well noo.... there was ejaculation too. LOL.... ya so basically that was wednesday
Thursday was weird.... well that's to say at best. In the morning we got our shots for HPV. so basically you had a bunch of light headed girls in class. We then had gym... a few of my friends including me, were just sittting around cause we were done high jump, so mr Landry asked us if we wanted to help him with Jersey inventory. So basically all gym class we folded and counted clothes.... i was like wow, how athletic. Lunch was a blurr, then we ran to the gym ( at recess) and finished up... we had to completly re organize the storage shelves but hey, i was fun... so there was still 20 minutes left in recess, and because he couldnt just let us gp, he let us just hang around..... which also meant a whole gym... with giant mats out for high jump... and like 7 teenage girls.... take a wild guess at what happened. you know that sport where you run with long poles to jump over another pole? well that was us minus the poles..... i cleared 5 feet :P thats skilled considering my height. Then the rest of the day was pretty slow, then dismissal bell rang and i was actually sad to go, it had been such a good day. There was no band considering. When i got home i really wanted to go to work, because well, what i had done in gym reminded me on how much i missed it. I went to work. At work there really wasnt that much to do, apparently it had been really slow. So me and sue just kindf of had fun with cubes and such of diffrent colours and sized and it ended up looking so kool we made it into a dress. and i swear its sick! Cant wait til we are done... im going to wear it to one of our group things and then take lots of pics to show you! its very 60's style.... but modern at the same time. anyways its kool... i wasnt feeling too good though

Friday i stayed home cause i was sick and if i would have gone to school they would have sent me home anyways soo....
and Now it's Saturday and i wish i could tell you all about my amazing date with justin and our first kiss and everything.... but you see i waS sick, so i couldnt go... instead of it i was at home dying.. :( oh another thing i forgot to mention was wednesday was our one month aniversary xD. lol now i just have to kiss him to celebrate... that WOULD have happened this weekend but NOO i had to go and get sick... tipical!
Anyways that's that
GothGirl xox