Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The day of many Problems

HAHA the past two days have been soo fun! lets start off at tuesday

Okay so this day wasn't actually the best and involved a lot of..... lets put it as issues. you'll see soon enough. Okay well i wake up 10 mintes before my bus comes so i like sprint around looking for my stuff and get out of the house... forgetting my band shoes. smart i know. Anyway that was problem #1. Finally at school, Kelsey gives me this beautiful jagged black glass ring. Of course i go and cut myslef on it. (Problem #2) So then i'm in class and i realize i had comppletly forgotten my history binder in my locker ( problem #3). After i get back from my locker i realize that all my pens are dead so i have to go back to my locker to get new ones ( Problem #4) Besides that the day went pretty well. After the final bell rang i still had to stay at school because of the concert that night. So no problem right? WRONG i had barely brought anything for dinner and i was really hungry. (Problem #5) So i called Justin and those of you who know Viki know she;s.... diffrent. So anyways im talking to him and she comes up and she's like ... well like Viki, so it totally creeps him out :P ( Problem 6)
So problem after problem and finally the concert starts.. figures we'd be after the gr 7 so we have to wait on the floor. I was really thirsty, i mean i drank 2 cans of pop in like 10 minutes. Justin couldnt come of course, so i was sitting on the floor like " Why did i promis not to get mad at him again?" ... oh well. Ill see him sat. WE play and its all pretty good, no big mess ups right? Then i was really tired so i kind of got home and wanted to pass out... sadly i had promised to talk to Justin on msn when i got home. I should really stop promising things, what ever. and then i had home work. so... i stayed up longer.... then i went to bed...,. fun night eh?
GothGirl xox
The day of 6 problems that are counted here, probably more i just forgot.