Sunday, May 17, 2009

whats in like to be 14?

So much fun. People have asked me whats its like to be 14. Finally I actually have an answer for that. HILARIOUS! Okay well the thing is... I turned 14 at 11:11 pm on May 16. I was born on a full moon,but sadly there was only a half moon out last night. So basically im here to tell you of my leading up to the conclusion.
First off, I wake up and watch I love lucy which by the way is absolutely hilarious. And then I call my mom and ask her when she's coming to pick me up. I pack up a few things and wait for my mom. And waited... And waited. Finally I get a call. Its mom. Her car battery had died in her Subaru. Lol. So she calls paula to come pick me up. We head out to her place, and try jump starting the car but it didn’t work. So we just used paula's car and went to the metro. There we got food. Lots of chips :P
Then I get home and im waiting for people to come and junk * ( ill explain the and junk thing later )... when hung says he's leaving. And then Justin asks something and freaked because hung had already left, it was funny. Minutes later Hung shows up. It was funny because it was really awkward. I mean majorly! We kind of just stood there and talked. And at one point we were standing and talking with my mom in my room. And he looked really awkward so I asked if he wanted to sit down. And my mom says this! : " Jen think about hungs perspective right now... I mean he's in a girls room and hes going to go sit on the bed with his friends girl friend?? Does that make any sense?" my answer to that was... ummm well when you put it THAT way :S heehee but for me my bed is like a couch cause I spend so much of my time in my room and its like the only seating besides the floor.
So then the door bell rings again. Thank GOD!!! I mean literally saved by the bell :P and its Justin. Another plus. Now I actually laughed at this part. The two first peoples at my party are the two guys. Now that wasn’t the actually funny part, I was laughing at the fact that justin is usually always late, and hes now one of the only people on time! IRONY!
So we are all sitting on the couch just kind of talking.. and cause no one was really there it was kind of awkward cause my mom was just kind of sitting there talking to us... so me and justin weren't really touching cause I mean what was running through my head is omg, what would her reaction be?? I don’t really know what justin was thinking but my guess is somewhere along those lines. So then people started getting here, and I mean one after another. Everytime I'd finally sit down again I had to get back up to answer the door. It was skill. At first I had the weirdest feeling that it was timed! Wouldn't that be weird?
Basically for a while after that we were all just sitting on the couch and the seating around it. Now me and justin still weren't really touching cause like..... I don’t really know actually, but we didn’t. And then my mom desided it was time to take pictures of everyone sitting down it was funny. And Basically me and justin like sat closer for the picture and then just never really moved. It was comfortable. :P but someone *cough mom cough* kept calling me as soon as I'd finally start relaxing. Ugh it was soo annoying I mean like insane! Then we had pizza and talked more, we did presents and cake.... I don’t really remember it which order... I got green day tickets, a 120$ total for indigo, 20$ for the movies, and 40$ just in cash, and a CSI board game. Anyways... then we sat on the couch and talked more. And this time I actually sat with justin like normally, cause mom wasn’t hovering anymore.
Then we went upstairs to pick the movie. Peoples discovered piggy/ cow and were like throwing him around it was so sad. But with help of tall friends I put him at the top of my closet. OH! And Schwa got me this kick ass card that said " I picked you a flower, but it was a venus fly trap and it bit my head, so I killed it and got you this peice of grass instead" and on the inside she taped a peice of grass it was hilarious. I hung that up on my doodle wall. Then we argued about movies, Adrienne left for a bit, and we ended up watching the prestige.
At one point my mom left, so avoiding everyones looks, me and justin started kissing, though apparently we did a horrible job of hiding it cause every one saw. Including my mother. But she just said AWW how cute... and then later yelled at me, cause she didn’t want to see it, especially not on her couch. So easy to say we weren’t really paying attention to the movie... but we had both seen it anyways so we could add commentary in when needed :P... Leah and Adrienne were on my laptop and everyone else got bored so just hung out upstairs in my room,.... except hung. I think he was the only one actually watching the movie. SADDDD......
The hung and justin left, and we all ditched and just went upstairs and talked., and junk :P!!!!!! OKAY now I can explain that! Last year there was this girl that shall go unnamed that used to always end things with and junk. SO ... we were laughing at that because it was so funny. Basically for the rest of the night we just talked and played truth or dare, and leah wouldn’t let me see my computer... she kept it hostage. Talking to peoples, yelling at justin through my account, the usual. It was funny. We watched russel peters too. At some point Schwa went into my sisters room to sleep. And then we actually tried going to sleep because we had been so loud my mom sent us to bed... sadly we didn’t get to bed until like 3 in the morning because KIM wouldn’t stop laughing. So leah left and slept on the couch downstairs. And then we FINALLY got some sleep.... after much proding kim... now that song didn’t help!!!
" Im a small wet boy, diving too deep for coins.... im a FAT house cat! Something something POISON RATS!!!" ..... ya we sang that for a while....
WE slept... I have to admit it was difficult to fall asleep and even once I did sleep it was aabss ( always aware but still sleeping ) , the first stage of sleep. And then everytime anything would happen you'd wake up again and I was REALLY uncomfortable. I don’t actually know why. To fall asleep I had to consentrate SO hard on relaxing like seriously I had to slow my breathing, bring my heart rate down.... one by one. It took a LONG time. THANK GOD I had seen justin earlier, that helped my relaxing quite a bit. I just had to remember, little details and stuff and id calm down..... HE SMELLS REALLY GOOD!!!!! That was a nit off topic but its sooo true. :P hehee.
Now at 7 in the morning everyone decides it'll be really fun to get up. With only 4 hours of sleep. I was not happy.... but surpisingly not sleepy. Me and Addy went downstairs and ate cold pizza for breakfast cause we were hungry. Five minutes later kim come downstairs looking for us. And doesn’t even bother to check the kitchen meanwhile we clearly said we are going down for FOOD! ;)
Then we hung out in andrea's room and had a major stuffed animal/ pillow/ beany bag chair fight. It was me, erin and Adrienne vs kim and Schwa. Schwa switched to our side :P it was fun. And btw leah was still sleeping by this point. WE talked more, and then peoples started leaving. Then once it was only me, Schwa and Kim we started singing little mermaid the musical songs. It was fun. ;) which reminds me !! at some point during our truth or dare game a slow song came on, and so brought up the talk of dancing and waltzing and dances..... so there are two basic things that follow this.
1. First of all, you know how Schwa actually goes to dance class, well she teaches me a lot of dancing. So I know how to dance to a lot of actually dances, like waltz, Russian waltz, two step etc etc. So Me and schwa started dancing in the hallway ( BY THE WAY JUSTIN [just so when you read this you'll know] at your barmitsva next weekend, I'm making you actually dance, and I promis I wont laugh if you're bad. And besides most of them have 9 steps max. And at the start ill lead. Cause I actually know how, but im sure you will catch on quick )
2. It also brought up this really funny story about a former dance. ( this is in adriennes view) Okay well matt is dancing with matt, ( they are going out) and im looking around and I got back to erin for some reason and then suddenly I notice that his hands are in her back pocket... like HELLO lol it was so funny. And then we asked erin about this and she was like " I never even noticed....." I kind of freaked I mean..... how could you not notice someones hands in your back pockets??? First of all how was he positioned so that he could do that and still dance??? That was my question [ hey justin maybe you can answer that next weekend]
So those were our interesting stories.
Then My dad calls and hes like so when are you coming over because we are going to steven's to celebrate your birthday.. ge thanks for telling me. At that point I was getting ready for bowling. So I call justin and told him I couldn’t go. And so instead we are going to angels and demons tomorrow. Yup..... fun fun. And I have a feeling that its going to be better than bowling would have been because its going to be just me and him so like no audience :P
So now we are at stevens and im typing cause well I thought since I don’t have internet I relaly don’t have all that much to do and since I don’t have my notes for my book I cant really write in my book. So instead im blogging and will copy and paste when I get home.
Basically though from when I cancelled this is where it picks up.....
So I pack up my stuff and clean my room, kind of quick. And then I call him cause hes still not here so I was like um where are you... he still didn’t answer so I just started reading my night world books. Im already done the first one isn’t that sad... anyways so im sitting on my step waiting... he never came. So I called justin and we talked. At one point I sat on the roof but it was too windy so I went back to the couch. ... FINALLY he came. Like 2 hours later.
We get here and I mostly read. And then we have dinner and then do the happy birthday thing. Like the singing thing. And then we ate pie and rice chrispy squares. It was nummy. And then I decided to write this, but at first I decided to write in the car because you know theres kids and stuff and its my laptop.
So I go in the car and start writing... now you have to understand that my cousin lives in the middle of a dense canadienne forest.... soo majow bugs and much COLD!! I hate cold. So my fingers like froze as i was typing. So I came inside and now its time to go soo biii
Gothgirl xox


  1. lol
    u should of wrote ill continue later and junk

  2. sounds like you had a great time..sorry i couldn't make it
