Friday, May 15, 2009

the universal rule

Why is it that i always have to have bad days before my birthday? I mean is there some universal rule that i have to be slightly depressed before my one year mark of aging? hmm? cause that would be such a stupid rule! i've been noticing a few stupid rules lately actually. but im not there yet. Lets just say that today has been all downhill.
Well i mean it started out pretty good. my birthday is tomorrow. ill see justin, he'll meet my friends. the people coming at this point are : 1. Leah 2. Schwa 3. Adrienne 4. Erin 5. Hung 6. Justin. Sadly emma can't come.
WE had a science experiment and it was really cool. we imploded a can with water! we heated up the can and dumped it in a bucket of ice water, the diffrences in pressure caused the can to implode. My teacher got scared shitless. she jumped like 5 feet and hit the white board. But then we had to fill out a laboratoire, and i didnt really get why it happened so i couldnt answer the questions properly. i did my best but i probably made a bunch of mistakes.
Then at reccess miss friken o'donnel took my mp3 player! i was soo mad! i mean why is there a rule that says you cant listen to music at reccess. again with STUPID RULES!!! it wasnt so bad though because i could get it back at the end of the day.
Then there was gym. Me and schwa literally waited in line 30 minutes because people kept going in front of us. some peoples went 4 or 5 times and we went once. and i tripped it was horrible. then after class he dissmissed everyone but us. because he wanted someone to wait for katie because she hadnt gone. now then we went a few more times and she went a few times and so did one or 2 people who complained that 7 feet wasnt far enough! frig i got 3 the first jump! We got a note though so we didnt get in trouble for being extremly late.
The in english we worked on out jeopardy project. but mr shoenemark just talked the whole period so we didnt get much done.
Now reccess again. I talked with teggin ( my twin ) and hung out with a bunch of like parkwood hills kids. it was fun and then we sat and talked with the rest of our group + grant ( he doesnt count as part of our group)
Then we had 2 other classses... they were pretty lame, i had already finished the maath questions the period last so i just sat there and doodled. and in geo we took notes and i didnt have a book so it was very difficult.
So finally the end of school, i rush to the office to get my MP3 player before my bis came. when i got there they said that the rule had changed and that i now had to bring a note from my parents that says i could get it back. the thing is its a long weekend so i have to wait till next tuesday to get it back!!!!!!!! UGH so now imm really depressed! and mad at the same time!
Now im here ranting about it.
GothGirl xox


  1. LOL, ya our vps annoying...i feel sry for the grade 7's and how can 7metres not be far enough????????????????????????????????


  3. I totally feel your pain. (btw... It's spelt Teagan. Just so you know.)
