Friday, February 13, 2009

From the wonders of my mind; lifes little challenges

I know I've posted a lot today but I thought I should say this, though perhaps it might be a bit confusing, at best anyway.
So the thing is I've been thinking a lot and I realized that no matter how much we complain or hurt or anything, or say how much that it would just all go away. We don't. simple as that. I mean we might say that because it gets hard and we don't know what else to do. But we follow the road, we accomplish the challenge, we win even those small batles and well we follow our destiny. Every thing happens for a reason and even if things get tough, and keep getting hardy we still love. WE still have faith and hope, and no matter how deep it hides it's still there. Our world is a cold hard place, but it's also warm and full of love. When thing go down they pick up eventually, even if at the time that seems impossible. Some say it's evil but its just a path. Some say everything is either good or evil. But that isn't true, there are all sorts of colours in between. I feel that everything is just a challenge that we must complete. the worls throws things at you and if you accomplish and pass, you come out stronger. Even if it takes time, if you are strong enough you'll pass. You just have to keep a steady mind and beleive that it will get better, no matter how hard it gets. That's trully what I beleive, and even you you dont beleive too... you have to agree that everything happens for a reason. The gods dont give you a break up just for fun; you'll break up because after wards you'll know how to handle it. the world has poverty and rape and things like this so that if we're good enough to make it we will. If we can pass life's little challenges we deserve to win and we come out on top. Or we loose and we keep heading lower until we do, or the apocalypse comes which would suck majorly.
From the wonders of my mind,
GothGirl xox

You just have to beleive, it'll pick up eventually. just give it time.

1 comment:

  1. Omg!!SYBIL!!!THat was really really really pretty..i really liked it...I like most things that u write...but this is super amazing..if that makes sense

    p.s. the word verification is everskie:P
