Tuesday, February 17, 2009

im an irishmen at heart!!

I hate dancing movies, they're all the same. Someone goes from nothing to the best dance academy, get the lead part. They have to work for it, but really, it takes much more than that. Now not necesarely just dance, anything really. Just use it like a metaphore. Anyway, Today I found one that really showed the truth. A girl went from low, to lower. She was shut down time after time, again and again. She was rejected. Her father didn't care, her mom dead all she had was her hope and aftere working for months, years she finally got somewhere. Not where she wanted but close, some would say better. That is what really happens. You go from low, to lower and if you work hard for long enough, you might be able to climb out again, but never in the way you think.
That's my life story. My life will go no where unless i work mhy ass off. Poeple, my friends, any one really, they say, you don't have to start thinking about college or university yet, you are only in grade 8. But the thing is I do. For me to go anywhere with my life, Ill have to get a scholarship. I want to go to Queens. That is my plan, but to do so I have work, and work, and while others goof off I work harder. I need to be best, and farther. Or Ill be stuck in Ottawa doing 10$ jobs for 5, for the rest of my life. Ill probably end up like my parents, live up to all their expectations of me. They always told me Id never amount to anything, because i didn't have it in me to go all the way. I think thats what motivates me. Proving everyone wrong. I CAN do it. I plan on leaving my parents the minute I have a chance. Me and a bunch of friends want to rent an appartement together near Queens. Because we share a dream, even if it comes in many diffrent shapes and sizes.
So I say Fuck it, to all those you ever put me down, im here and Im the best that I can be and I promis you I will prove all of those son of a bitches that I have what it takes, and more. It's time that I shine, I show them what a true Irishmen is at heart! STUBORN!!!!!! And don't you dare forget it !!!!!!
from the wonders of my mind,
GothGirl xox
ps I want to write books too. Not just for the money and fame, but to get me out there and make my mark, Sybil was here and Not just that but I want people to share the truth of it all, hear my stories. Listen to my voice and Like it. Because somebody has to. Maybe Ill just be an author when I grow up, because in a way that is the perfect job for me. Not Only do I get to stay home everyday by myself, live in NY and Leave my mark in a way, not many others can. With Love, pashion and atitude...


  1. I know what you mean about writting books at the end. Btw I want to ditch my parents the first chance i get..and i'm totally coming to Queens wit you..it far away....

  2. the queens going to queens lol!
