Tuesday, March 31, 2009

stage 7

Okay we are officially at stage 7. i actually had to go downstairs to the safety of my room. he started throwing drum sticks at glass doors. yeah seriously. i can still hear him going. its actually kind of interesting how much hate he keeps bottled up all the time, and how long he can let it out. Now most of you might be thinking holly shit her dads a psycho lets call child serveces, well please don't I love my dad and he never hurts me. okay so once in a while something happens, or he forgets to feed me. Im 13 i can make my own dinner. and ive gotten pretty good at it. now though i have to start teaching my sister how to rie through his waves, because she almost interupted him ( you NEVER do that) plus he doesnt mean to he just is an angry old man. with a good arm.
It's times like there where i really apreciate my friends. I mean it bring me that much closer because i realize how much i need you. Ill be pretty soliditary at school next year, but ill still have my friends and ill be old enough i can just bike to their houses. and i know ill always be able to have a shoulder to cry on, yours.
Love ya,
GothGirl xox

and where i left off

sybil has now eaten and my dad has now punched 3 holes. lol for those who get that joke. and my dad is running around the house in his underwear.... oh yeah gross. serious eye pulling out- age. and he's going to the rant stage. I seriously think we should name the stages of his anger..... hmm
okay well first theres the im depressed stage. then the ugh i hate my life, then a short burst of anger, then yelling rants then the i give up speech then more banging and breaking and then the full on tsunami.
1. im depresed stage
2. i hate my life stage
3. short burst stage
4. yelling rant stage
5. i give up stage
6. banging and breaking stage
7. tsunami stage
finally 8. cricket criket

The loud depressing music is usually in stage 2 so you know, and the mopy crying but in in stage 5. and also in stage 5 in the im moving far away. right now i'd say my dad is a stage 6, though there was no music tonight.
I'll keep you updated if anything more happens, and the amount of dammage completed by the end. so far we are at 3 holes and a large smash of some kind, hopefully this time it isnt my mug :( grr.
GothGirl xox

its that time of the month again....

wow I actually am not talking about mine or my friends this time, its my dad. He's having his man period :P I wonder how many holes will be in the walls tonight. And I'm hungry!!!! I mean it's almost nine and we haven't eaten yet. I mean dinners being made but still HUNGRY I forgot my lunch today. and ive been up since six without breakfast. great i know. hopefully it'll be ready before ten, id like to get to sleep , im tired to.
So i officially am breaking up with kiranen. I reallu thought it over and realized that it was better to end it now. I'll probably do it tommorrow. And i made a vow that it would be done by the end of the day tommorrow. I don't like to procrastinate. I do that once in a while and it always ends badly. so i tend to avoide it altogether when possible.
FOOD FOOD FOOD FINALLY it just gotsurved ill pick this up later,
GothGirl xox

sorry, shes still not here :(

OMG SCHWA DITCHED ME AGAIN!!! okay well now im getting kind of peeved because i keep doing something and then realizing that i really want her here...like at recess we did the wizard of oz skip. AND we have to give our subject for english in tommorrow, and like so many things, I JUST MISS HER :( Also right now im in the lab and we were already here for math this morning and we were having a major computer problem, it took 40 minutes to sign in , but our period is only 40 minutes so I was about to turn to schwa to laugh about it and like almost cried :(
Anyways if we get past that issue I must say that for a past comment i made, i wasnt trying to offend anyone so please dont take it like that, and i highly doubt that schwa was either. So please don't take it like that, k? we were just trying to get our points accross not trying to diss anyone. So I'm sorry if you took it like such.
Also I think my mom is a bit disorganized today... I mean first she forgets to pick me up to go to band and i was like waiting for twenty minutes before i called, mr leohr was really mad though. Thank god i had missed the rant. And I was supposed to go to the ortho at 12:30 today to get my braces fitted ( not put on) and she forgot to pick me up, thats why im still at school. Besides that not much has happened. Andrew and I finished our gymnastics routine. and stuff but ugh. I'm still a bit mad at schwa though. well not as mnuch angry as disapointed. I mean i was all happy because i finally founf the PERFECT song for our dance and she wasnt here so I couldnt show her, and i really expected her to be here today and she's not. Now I get she's sick and I wish her well but...... :(
Colin says peace
GothGirl xox

Monday, March 30, 2009

Im in class and pissed

SCHWA YOU BITCH!!!! okay i got ditched again! come on, i get ur sick but jeeze i'd like to see you once in a while. Anyways, im in class right now, math. and we're at the computer lab. we are playing " math games" oh yeah so much friken fun! It's like second period and our math test in in the afternoon. I guarentee I'll do well. but anyways. Schwa isnt here, and that made me all sad :( I'm really hungry and we still have french and science to go. I CAN'T wait till tommorrow (sarcasm) Okay well first I have to wake up really early for band right? and Then at lunch i get to go to the dentist to get fitted for my braces. Fun right? Colin says hi to everyone reading. Okay w.e say hi back :P lol okay well I'm now officially adrews gymnastic partner because schwa isnt here so... and id like to get an A. Okay I JUST FOUND out that mr moe's class is getting a free pizza party adn watching twilight while we are going to be in french GREAT! wanna know why they got this??!!!?? Okay because they answered one question before the end of class, oh yeah!!
Me being pissed
GothGirl xox

Sunday, March 29, 2009

NOW~ the sunday post

Sybil her, and actually blogging for today. This better stay in english!
Okay well today Erin came over and we worked on ou hw, finally we finished and like it was fun and we had a few laughes. Now she's gone though. I have to ask who the heck is celeste? is that you tash? i dunno, anyways I reposted everything, releave any comments please. and um i must say thatnever try typing on two keyborads. it doesnt work.
I really think i'm going to break up with kiranen because i like him as a really good friend. nothing more, and i just realized that :( i feel so bad about it.... i mean im the one who asked him out and made a big deal about it and now i have to tell him that its over. anyway i think i have a way to tell him. READY!!!!
Me: Okay im going to tell it to you streight. Im breaking up with you. But i think you deserve a reason why. Okay well i knew you were more than just a friend so i asked you out, but i just recently realized that you arent boyfriend special you are just a really good friend. and i want to stay best friends and stuff, because thats how i feel. and i told you so bluntly because i wont lie to you and say some cheesy crap, im not like that and well there you go. so friends.
Now i know his feeling will be hurt atleast a bit, but hell survive, right?
Anyways. Bii
GothGirl xox

my awesome saturday!!! and my feeling are changing

sybil here,I just came back from the movies with my gifties. Leah charita and chin chin all ditched me so i was the only girl there :( oh well it was still insanely fun. we went to see i love you man and laughed our heads off, then we walked all the way around riocan but this time i wasnt complaining cause i didnt have a 20 pound bag. lol though i still had to lug around my sweater. WE went to bulk barn and got a lot of candy, and i learned that with 7 gifties put together we still cant read the weight mesure at bulk barn. then after just hanging around outside for a bit we went to walmart. we went all over the place, minus clothes and shoes.... we even went into makeup because justin was like OH LETS GET ALL PRETTY. but we didnt buy anything. then we went searching for swords and guns, yeah seriously. They were like " are you going to tearn leah on us" meaning that i was going to say they couldnt, i didnt but i still laughed. then we went to the gardenning section and sat on swings!!! there was this english guy named james there!!! and it was so funny because we were the weidest group of peoples ever! a short goth, a short asian, a fat asian, a techie, a romanian singer and a vain jew! lol. we had many more names but i cant remember. and this english guy. but it was so funny cause we had so many diffrent countries: ireland, england, japan, china, romania, uzbecistan or something , and america/ english. lol oh and new zeland!!! basically we had fun.But that isnt really why i decided to blog..... the whole time i was there, not once did i think of kiranen. No i wish he were here, no ugh i miss him, nothing. to tell you the truth now that i really think about it i dont really like him, i mean ever since he answered its just been awkward, and well lame. ugh. like i thought i liked him but now i actually don't and i want to break up with him, but i dont want to be mean i mean like.,....UGH. JEEZE. i think i just wanted the challenge, but now that i won..... :( do any of you ever feel this way?? please tell me if you do. so yeah.From the wonders of my mind

Holly Shit!

sybils here,whew, that last blog took a lot out of me, a lot of emotion got put in that blog! (the open your eyes one) but i still ahve more to say, just not on that subject. So is the life of a writer...okay, well first id like to thank upcake witch for following my blog. im sure youll find its never boring, though there arent as many reviews as on yours. im catching up reading from day 1. so far i love it ;)Okay now for all of those who want to know what is going on in my mind, besides that long buzzing about hate. well so far we have officially planned everything for this saturday. we are going to see i love you man at the cineplex odeon at 12:10 well thats the time were meeting anyhow. so its gonna be fun fun. i didnt really get much work done on my book so not much to report on there. Also im stilling reading like crazy. and just incase no body noticed ITS WARMMM!!!! i was in a tank top today outside and sweating! thats right my fellow friends, vampires do sweat. lol thats not what you expected me to say was it? okay so persephone has officially returned home. too bad Schwa wasnt there to see it! yes she did ditch me. i hung out with kiranen today and it was funny, though its still a bit awkward. i mean especially today in gym when schwa DITCHED ME!! we were supposed to be working on our routine and kiranen was there and he kept gawking at me.... yes i did take gymnastics for 10 years and im rusty not get over it and stop staring!! lol. andrews partner is ian so he was like jen im working with you today. and so we did a bunch of stuff, worked on that, and im sorry schwa but i think im going to be partners with andrew ( thats what you get for ditching me jkjk ) though seriously i can do so much more things with andrew, way more variety and ill get a better grade even tho i dont really care about my gym mark im aiming at streight A's this term. includind gym (UGH)Another thing schwa missed was this excitinbg thing in science that i REALLY needed her help on. we are now doing algebra in science, but in french and mrs crandall grammar so i dnt understand a friken thing. Andrew helped me a bit but then kelsey and i were supposed to work on it during recces but lunch she had drama though ditched and last i had precussion. (it was hilarious I HAVE A SOLO) with lyndsay like diffrent parts but with her..... w.e. and a plus in math we didnt do metric conversions, we just corrected work basically meaning i read and everyone else answered questions. then we got our report cards and i must say i wished mine could have been a bit better. i guess my standards were too high. In music today it was hilarious! we did a irish song that was based on a band peice and mr leohr had it so he made me a copy and katya, ( the flute is kick ass) and kelsey and i agreed that one day we would search through all his music and gett all the peices we want and then another day search through his books and write the ones we want down and go one day to the music store near my house and get them and then play them!!! huray. wish schwa was there tho. That is pretty much my whole day.... now its 7 and my moms not home yet. shit.from a writter perspective,GothGirl xoxword of the day : automatipea ( sound words!!! boom crash bang pop POOF)Ps: athena if you are reading this before saturday morning you have to email mrleohr about the band trip or you cant go!!! DONT LEAVE ME and sorry about the gym thing

i dont know the name of this one?

okay well yesterday not much happened. actually i guarentee i can sum everything up in one sentence. are you ready ? ....... ....... KAY! Im going out with kiranen. . okay so again with the not much has happened. okay well im not sure if im happy about it. i mean im glad he finally answered but... i dunno i like Justin more. So i think im still going to the movies on Sat. Ill take it from there. If i find anything i want to say then ill add it but right now..
gothgirl xox
ps if you really want the deets on this very trilling day check out schwa's blog. if you cant find the link click on flirts follow thing on mine and scroll until you see a link to athena reborn. thats it

wake up and smell the flowers

okay well if you read the comments for the past few entries which i just did you'll notice that emma is having a cow because of the justin thing. nowi feel like its my duty to clear this up for every one. No i have not forgotten about kiranen and thats whats confusing. i like both but for diifrent reasons. i like justin for his wity humor and its really great just to be with him but i like kiranen because hes so sweet. cant i just fuse them together ? hmm..... theres a thought. anyways once i get an answer from kiranen ill take it from there thats why i cant wit till tommorrow finally ill get an answer. i mean i dont get it! guys are like always nervous to ask out girls and then if a girl ask a guy out they just assume they dont have to answer. well clue in guys its the 21st century time to wake up and smell the flowers, girls are your equals. like i rather get a no then not one at all. seriously! anyways. im getting one answer first reccess tommorow and the other one on saturday. put in the words of a poet,GothGirl xox

ortho and my hounds

not much really happened today. i got up and instead of waiting 20 minutes i went to the orthadontist. i didnt get much done exceptlike ex-rays, molds, stuff like that. so it was kind of fun because i got this really funny person and its like really anoying to get molds done and stuff because you have to sit there for like 2 minutes with this poket of goop shoved on your teeth. but she was so funny. anyways after that my mom brought me to timhortons to wash goop taste out of my mouth. it was hilarious the manager was there and she wouldnt stop singing. and while leaving the ortho i saw colin macphee in grade 7 and i was like omg its coling and then he said omg its jen then my mom said omg who's this.... and it went on like that for a while. so then we went back to school and i still made it before o'canada. ugh!then the day went pretty slow. though last reccess and the last of first was a blast. kiranen still wouldnt answer so i made a plan1. let gio interogate him2. let out my rat/cat/dog (adrienne everyone that know that story will get that)3. still my hound on hom (emma)it didnt work though. sadly even by the end of emmas reccess he couldnt answer so i went to talk to him and i could so that he REALLY didnt know. so i gave him till tommorrow last reccess and he agreed. so i walked away..... my grand exit was pretty sweet! if i do say so myslef. though i think many would agree.thats about it.from a writers perspective,GothGirl xoxps mr seyers cannot do a cobbra lol athina


okay im now going to repost everythig, hopefully this tim eit wont change languages. o and ill start from the older posts and move forward, so even though the date at the top stays the same remember its NOT!
GothGirl xox

thank you very much

ERINS HERE!!!! and so is sybil, well duh thats me but whatever. okay now erin is a tad pissed about schwa's comment on my open your eyes theory. She read it and did understand ( thank you very much-erin) and like id seriosuly apreciate it if no one left any comments slightly dissing my friends, but like tatyanna and david are still up for being dissed. lol, yeah and sorry about my past blogs being deleted, it kept changing languages. and like ill repost them later, but right now im lke kind of busy (well not really today) and id like to make a little more hedway on my book.... ttyl
Love ya,
GothGirl xox

Saturday, March 28, 2009

technical difficulties

okay my past few posts got deleted to ill have to repost them later, and i might not post for a few days but ill update EVERYTHING promis

Friday, March 27, 2009

open your eyes!

okay well i just finished generation dead bydaniel waters. and ive got to tell you im upset. not because the book wasnt good, actually it was the opposite. The book was so good that i cried 4 times!!!!! even in class. It took a basical real concept and turned it into fiction. like yes in the real world we don't have zombies and teenagers that come back to life. but i take it kind of like a metaphore.... i mean if you really think about it the basic plot is about w girl who never really fit in with the popular crowd and there are a bunch of misfits and such, but they're hated upon. THAT is real. And i'd like to say that im not as much upset about the ending ** read it if you dont get it ** but the fact that even though the zombies were considered the monsters, that in real life its the humans that are. they are murdering them and hating them and you know in the end....well lets just say it WASNT RIGHT!!! and it happens. We as humans have stronger emotions than other creatures, but that can be so horrible because we harbor hate. racism for instance. we say its solved but really, it's just been improved. Now with obama thats a HUGE marker in history as was martin luther king. but seriously, it doesnt matter how many sheets of paper and laws are changed, people still harbour hate. Now adays though i feel that it will desepate faster because we grow up with black friends and they us. so no matter how much our parents can hate them : not saying mine do ; we won't, and our kids wont and then theyll die and the peace will range on. But the fact is people hate. and they always pick the misfit to hate upon, because you can't hate those like you or you are hating yourslef. That gets me thinking. i dont fit in, i never fit in. i know some people think im weird but i never thought people could hate me before. and it makes me sad that people can hate other people. We dont deserve that. I do realize that people cant help it but still, its sad, to think that even in this day and age we can't over pass the reason for war, poverty, everything: Hate. It's the only reason. if people could just sit down and talk about their problems in stead of hating each other there wouldn't be any war. If everyone shared and never hated someone because they were from diffrent classes there wouldnt be poverty. If people could just stop thinking about themselves one friken minute and open their eyes theyd see that hate is un-needed. Jeeze, i know i make it sound so simple and its really not, but i mean if we let go of all this harboured hate and just replaced it, imagine what are world could be like. it would take years,decades, but in the end we could have a yeutopian society. ( i didnt spell that right) But i really feel that that might be impossible. hate is a human emotion and i doubt people will let it go. It makes me sick, i vow never to hate anyone again. Seriously poeple kill over hate. its uneseasary but people hate anyways.... im a freak. I know i am, always have been always will be. people dont have to like me, and i know that. everyone has their diffrences. but to trully hate me. it just makes that hole come back again.

its just one more reason i want to finish writing my book. that the back point of it all is (again copywrited) she gets put in with a bunch of demons and she realized they arent evil, they are just diffrent and that's why humans shun them. hopefully when my book gets published ill be able to send that message out there: dont hate someone just because they are diffrent or because everyone else does. give em' a chance, who knows maybe youll like them?

REally i recomend reading this book and seriously think about what i said while reading it, this is my fourth time through and i oonly realized it now. take your time dont speed read and think about what it is you are reading

from the wonders of my mind,
GothGirl xox

Monday, March 23, 2009

wake up and smell the flowers

repost later up it got deleted

first day back, and writting

okay so today was the first day back at school and i thought oh god im going to be swamped and un prepared but surprisingly i fell back into the paturn really quick. it was sooo good to see familiar faces agian. i missed everyone! i don't know how ill be able to stand next year! i guess ill just hang out with isaac. lol i found out he's going to the new school. and we dont have to go outside for reccess so i might just stay in the library and read the whole time. hey then i wont need friends because i can stay in the wonderful world of books. and always get more work done for school. always a plus.... but still im going to miss all the weird omments and the faces. and knowing that whenever something happens i can turn to one of my friends for laughs..... :( grr! well i guess we'll just have to hang out more! anyways. the day was pretty slow. we didn't do much and in french we're reading this story and its soo cool. like really inspirational. okay well the head of education is like having a rough time and he gets this letter from this kid talking how he got in trouble for day dreaming and stuff but the his point wasnt to get the tacher in trouble or to get out of it, it was that he thought there ought to be a day dreaming class so that people can just think. and he brought up some really good points, like how are discoveries made and stuff. by people kids having dreams. like an astronaught was probably a kid who dreamnt about the stars ! any way it was really cool. i thought i was gonna go to work today but i really dont feel like it. after dinner i am going out to sell chocolates though.
today we started the gymnastics section in gym. its so funny because they were like a quarter turn still counts. NO its does not! i mean seriously half the things were yoga not gymnastics trust me id know. ugh it was so funny. they should call it pathetic section. or yoga but please that wasnt gymnastics. and we officially made the plan that kiranen has till first reccess tomorrow to answer or i plow his face into the cement and then emma drops him off the roof of the school lol. we talked about this in full. and i even told him thats when he has till and that i really dont care if he says no i just want and answer.
right now i have so much on my mind and i dont really know how to sort through it all. i want to write it all down but its kind of hard because i have no clue how the hell i plan on sorting through it all. once i know ill tell you promis. ive worked a bit more on my book and its a lot of work. i mean i thought it would be wasy you now.... like sit down one weekend and just write it. but seriously thats a lot of work when your 13! i mean you try to but every 5 minutes you get interupted. or youre too busy to find the time! sometimes i wish i didnt have school, or that i could just tell my mom i dont exist for the week. or be able to go somewhere withought interuption. most authors, if you ask them like when they write theyll tell you that they keep weird times because they never really know when inspiration will hit. well thats the same with me but i dont really have tohe choice, i still have to follow the rules. like sometimes i want to write at like 3 am. or the middle of class, and i can't. that or it takes a while to get started because you have so much else going on around you that its hard to pick up the thought you left off from. the feeling the image you had. its hard. but over the smmer that's what ill do. my mom works still and most of the summer im alone at home or with my sis but we really only talk when we eat. i usually just sit on the room and tan or hang. ill do that but ill write and then ill be able to keep weird times, and write when i feel and eat when i feel like it and stuff. then i think ill get a lot more done than im getting now. i mean im not even at the part where she goes to styks high. right now she still goes to st mary's though she's skipping. and her dads taking her for a ski trip. LIKE RIGTH NOW!!! im writting this and my mom just interupted me to say i have to come set the table for dinner. i better go before she gets mad.
from a writters perspective
gothgirl xox
ps read generation dead seriously if you like my writting youll love it. the main character is a lot like me. though i dont like screamo.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

my family bickering

my mom just called my uncle a monkey's ass!!!!!! well okay heres the story behind that. well we are having a family dinner to celebrate 5 diffrent birthdays. yeah we're insinc. anyways. my sister was gone for most of it which left me to entertaine my 5 year old cousin ashly. ( its spelt like that) Ugh. anyways i really hate her because she never listens and she always causes trouble. she is the reason i dont want kids. My uncle steve grew out his hair again. it really suits him better. now he doesnt look like a tourist. OMG okay steve does animal voices really well and right now he's talking like a squireel. lol im peeing my pants. anyways so my mom and steve always bicker and lately its bad. so theyve been at this all night and its soo funny. at one point they were making fun of jennifer aniston's ass. it was so bad! geeze. its pathetic what my family doesn when they think no one is watching. eww eww eww eww now they are discussing my great grama's hygene! oh joy. so i now know that she takes her teeth out to sleep, stuffs her bra and suctions her ears shut to sleep. great. like i needed that healthy information. ive been talking to justin all day and again its been a blast. right now he's gone for a bit but he plans to be back on at around 7 30. wow its so funny because we play 20Q though its more like 1000 Q. but i asked him what he thought of me and he answered he really like me...!!!!! omg. and then we always have really odd convos. like at one point we duscussed the grossness of axe. lol anyways i gtg but ill keep you posted.


i just added more poems on poems by me,
go check it out
Goth Girl xox

wow religion is evil! and things are so....

wow, i just realized something. four days with my grama and already she's trying to change my religion! geeze. I never noticed how sneeky my grama is! i mean she was so subtle about it i hardly noticed she was doing anything at all until she brought up church today! okay well heres the thing for the past few days every chance she got she'd bring up being catholic. then she gave me like a kids questionaire about god, and the path of life and shit. then today she wanted to drag me to church. but not the cool singing hymnimnim churrch like the praise the lord ect ect crap. and like no offense for those who may like that but im not christian or catholic and to tell you the truth i really dont want to be. im happy being wiccan, its more of a fair religion. everyone is equal band fate runs our lives. everything happenes for a reason. and like i realized that she wanted to bring me to a like gehova witness church. ewww no thank you. ill sleep in and have eggs and bacon thanks.
anyways. i talked to justin again last night and i swear to got, we get along so well that if i didnt know better id think we were already going out. wow i REALY like him. its so funny because before we talked maybe like hi hi sup nm nm u? ect ect. but ow we have like the longest most interesting convo's ever. like the convos i used to have with matt before he started dating amy. oh well. i realized how much i really dont like matt all that much. like really even though hes nice and stuff, it wouldnt work. now im stilled completly torn about the kiranen fact but really who am i kidding over justin kiranen is a pheasent boy compared to a noble. lol wow i just really stop reading books set in the past. im starting to even talk like that geeze emma. hee hee oh well i like them. but its making my writting book a bit weird oh well. i finished the immortals series and now im reading generation dead and its funny cause im so much like that maine character its not even funny. and like wow its actually like a lot like my book but at the same time totally isnt. so i better get back to the world of styks high cause i didnt get nearly as much done on it as i wanted to.
oh but another plus. i finally re wrote the chapter two part i lost and i must say this one is that muchj better. and this way you get to meet the dad so you really get to know where shes coming from and not think shes just a selfish snob. and i finished my davinci presentation.!!!! yay me.
to the world of styks high,
GothGirl xox

Saturday, March 21, 2009

back in ottawa

okay so now im back in ottawa, its saturday. Not much happened since i blogged. Basically we went to visit my cousin Cynthia and it was very awkward. i mean like wow. then seriously i worked on my homework and stuff, and read and now i get home and im stiill working on my project.... eww this march break has been soo lame. I wish i had decided to stay in ottawa cause thten id atleast have had internet and been able to hang with my friends. Jeeze. Ughh. im so tired and yet i dont want to go to sleep. Oh and guess what happy tidbit i have to share!!! Im sick AGAIN!! i mean like stuffy and runny nose and just 6 days left until my meet with justin! finally ill get an answer out of him if not kiranen. it better be long gone by then!
GothGirl xox

Thursday, March 19, 2009


okay so peoples kept asking me to show them my real natural hair, it takes a few days for the streightening to come out, so i let it go because its not like i was doing much. and well today well now its right so the pics are above. and below is me and gramaman:

in montreal

okay well today im in montreal and my internet sucks sooo much that anytime someone walks in front of me, or i open up too many things i loose internet! and i just had posted a really long blogg and stuff but when i pressed publish and then it was like ooops! sorry! i almost killed it so basically im rewriting this as a short form. yesturday i spent the whole morning packing then around noon grama got here and we headed off, we basically relaxed the rest of the day. then this morning we went to a second hand shop and i got frog slippers never worn and running shoes barelly used. and i got a cute purse.

oh ya arent they awesome! and my purse is just black and grey, i think its like a wanna be gouchy but hey its cute. my aunt thinks its real though. yeah and i got a curling iron! finally

and now we're just sittin around. i think i might have to spend a day working on the davinci presentation.... and everytime i start typing like 5 peoples stop and stare at me.... like the chopstick insident at bayshore.... like wow, whered she learn to do that.

Goth Girl xox

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The weirdest St Patricks day ever!

Okay well every year Leah and I have a tradition. We celebrate St. Patricks day in odd forms. Two years ago we made a bunch of decorations and died all the food we ate green, but then we got really sick..... then last year while we were in florida we bought a bunch of tacky green crap and replaced everything in Duck man's appartement. (he hates the colour green) then we always have a party. Now this year:
Okay well i had slept over at lee's house, so we get up around 9 am which is really good considering. then we go downstairs and drank protein power shakes for breakfast , but it was really quiet for a minute and we heard what robin was doing. So now rushing back upstairs we got ready. Se the plan had changed from what it had originally been set and now i was expected to carry my computer bag around with me all day. Had i known that i would have left it at home! So we go to riocan. But the thing is all the powers out. i mean total black out, besides sport check, but they're too cool. and walmart. so we searched walmart once again for green tacky stuff though we bought nothing! then we walked around a great deal mostly pacing. now i really dont see leahs obsetion with pacing and always needing to be in movement. its like SIT DOWN AT RELAX!!! so my shoulders are already starting to hurt and my feet. Then finally it lets up and we got to the movie, and the guy with the cool hats there! and so we find Amy; leah's friend i havent met and didnt realy care to meet. So i felt totally left out the whole time though she turned out really cool. Then we walked around some more. YAY! then to dollarama, where we bought a bunch of green shit, and garlands and stuff. then we walk all the way back to booster juice where i get nothing and amy gets nothing but i get yelled at for trying to take a sip from leahs :( grr~ anyway then amy leaves and leah says " oh lets walk again" i tried to convince her to just stay but it didnt work tho she agreed to carry my computer. then about 10 feet in shes like actually lets just wait at the next stop. secretly im thinking HA not so light is it honey?!? but i kept it to myself so we sat and read from the wizard of oz play ( leahs playing dorothy) then we get on the bus and i get off at the wrong stop. The one near my mothers
So now i have to walk at the way to my dads, only to find that im locked out and forgot my key at my moms, so i walk all the way there, (leah is gone for this) but then i find out im locked there too. So i walk back to my dads, very tempted to leave my computer in the backyard and go to leahs house cause its too heavy to carry. but i end up taking it. by the time i get to lee's i have to pee and im very tempted to comit suicide because i ach so much. almost as soon as i reach the door leahs rushing me out again cause we have to go to the park. ( the rest of our party) so i forget to go pee, though i do call my dad. and so at the park i friken pass out. and richard is being chassed by these teens wanting his autograph.... lol sooo funny. so we kept bugging richard about it. oh and just so you know richard is MY bitch. so we hang out at the park and call cori to try to convince him to come. and the autograph guys are still following us ( tee hee they were hott) but then again with the walking.... we have to passe!!!! what is it with ceadarview kids and sitting still! butt meet chair, chair butt, now play nice!!!!! ugh. so we walk to cori's house to try to convince him to come. (charita is dating him) but he locks us out and then richard ditched us, so we WALKED back to the park. then i kind of sat while they did their own thing, and called cori's house by myslef, demanding richard back because hes my bitch, but eventually it was just forget richard we just want the basketball. so eventually we left and walked back to leahs house. then i actually sat for a minute. now by this point im hungry too! i mean one power shake on a day like this. but see leah wasnt complaning she had food at the theeater and booster juice is filling, but i didnt have any of that. so then walking home cause now my dads there, my feel are killing me im tire im hungry and my shoulders are falling off. i had to stop and sit like 5 times before i reached home.
THEN at home i couldnt eat for another hour because " it was too close to dinner" so we had chiken and after i sat down and i was talking to Justin. now you might not remember him, but he was the guy about one month back that i asked out and he ignored me, so we're talking and somehow that came up, but he swore up and down that he didnt and that he was grounded from the computer until recently. so i was like then fine tell me your answer now. and he said he wants to say yes but he only met me the one time.... at staples............ anyway so without me realizing it i made a date for in two weekends from now.... though other peoples will be there. Leah is going to be sooo mad at me.... im hanging out with all her friends without her.... and she hates justin, thats how that came up in the first place. But then i got thinking... uh oh, what about kiranen? what if he says yes.... what will i do, say? ill probably say yes, then go for that weekend and if justin says yes go with him, but thatll make me feel bad... EMMA WHYD YOU HAVE TO STAND UP FOR ME!!!
after than i took a shower and read aloud to my dad, lightning theif, while he massaged my feet.... and now im here, writting it all down.

what an interesting saint patricks day!
GothGirl xox


omg! it won't let me edit! the bitch! they got rid of the edit button.... why? what would make them do such a crime?!?
okay so basically i ran around the house and packed up my stuff and then i got to my dads and tried to make a plan for march break or atleast the next following days and it was quite funny.
here is my genius plan:
First i had to call leah because she thought i was at my dads, but then i found out i was calling the wrong number
2. i got to leahs house tonight
3. tuesday i celebrate with leah, go to movie riocan ect
4. come home
5. then hang with dad for rest of st patts
6. wednesday morning wake up early and head for moms, then i pack up really fast and at noon grama picks us up.

So that was the plan i made and well most of it happened similar to that...... or not at all. guess you'll just have to find out !

GothGirl xox

Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm at leahs right now and today i had a heart attack. yeah so i think i might just start you at the begging of the day. Well i wokr up and the house was really calm and stuff so i totally forgot my mom was gone. so i went downstairs and i was like wtf! but then i made soup and read more of my book. then i went upstairs and worked on my book. then i worked on my da vinci project only to have the HEART ATTACK! yeah so basically my new teacher put the outline for the project on this peice of paper, and i lost it and i lost it. so i have to find someone in my class that will send it to me. so hopefully then my mom came in and she was like okay time to go to your dads.... so heart attack 2
to be continued

Sunday, March 15, 2009

its warm!!! party to gremlins

Well yesturday was sure interesting. I read for about an hour in the morning. then I wrote more of my book. Once i finally got up around 11 am i went downstairs, only to find that everyone was outside. It was a beautiful day and even though there was wind, it was great to be outside. the snow is starting to disapait now. YURRAY.... and for those who don't know what that means it means that its starting to go away. Melt. Okay so we spent the whole afternoon outdoors in our backyard on the porch. We ate mr.noodles and talked. Oh, and for most of this my sister was gone so it was just me and my mom. So then one thing led to another and we started talking about greek mythology. this went on for a few hours. then mom left and i read more and watched a few episode of united states of tara. I then tooka nice relaxing shower, only to get followed up with getting dressed and doing my hair. I made it look so pretty. I flipped out all the layers and made my bangs swerve, it was hott!
Once my mom came back we went to Paula's for a birthday.... though i didn't know anybody there i still had fun with Pamela and her brother Philip. She was babysitting her baby cousin Bell which reminded me why i don't want kids. And she told me that she planned on having 4. So basically any time i ever get the erge to have kids I'll just go to her house and solve that in a second. I might just get my tubes tied as soon as i can. I played video games with philip and watched them for the rest. Then later on in the night i was so tired i just wanted to go home, but mom wouldnt let me because Joe insisted on driving me because it was dark out. The thing he doesnt know is that because of my job i end up walking in the dark alone on the daily basis. Its no big deal, and i took a sle defense class. I could totally woop ass if need be. But whatever, so we watched gremlins upstairs and i fell asleep on the couch. Then my mom found me and was like wow, its only ten. the thing she didn't know was that i was up since like 8am so i was friken tired. as soon as i got home i passed out.
Now today! Right now it's only 5 but i doubt much else will happen. Basically though my sister was still not back so our morning was much like yesturdays, just hanging out outside. Im starting to get tanned again, even though i have olive skin (meaning im tanned all year round). then we took a walk in T-shirts to get andrea. Then the rest of the day we've just hung out around the house.
GothGirl xox

Saturday, March 14, 2009


okay so i think ill update now. School has been really usual minus that day with the agenda.but ill try to ggive you dets anyway.
1. On our bus we got arranged seating in the afternoon, though not exactly more just whose aloud to sit in the back or not. i am.
2. I now have a blast on the bus. because like thomas and zach and luc and ben all are aloud at the back so i hang with them. and isaac and stuff.
3. even though kiranen hasnt answered yet, i know its going to be diffrent with him and that he probably just does want to think it over. after march break i will damand an answer though.
4. he is also hanging out with us at recess, and its really fun with him there. hes so funny and nice to be around. though sometimes i wish i could just reach out and take his hand, or snuggle up cose to him :( oh well. hopefully hell say yes.
yeah thats about it. now its march break and ive written more oof my book.
love ya gothgirl xox
oh and ive made schwa make a blogg! shes going to make it some time during the week and even though she wont blog much because shes always busy it will still get the main updates

Friday, March 13, 2009

I haven't posted since monday and well it's kind of friday, but im not going to update you know because Im in class and supposed to be doing work on my Davinci project which i will after this, anyhow I found my old Agenda!!! It ended up not being used as an agenda but a joke book, anything funny that happened at school would be added in the book, so now we are trying to update it as good as possible, though it won't be perfect it will be funny! So at the end of the year, sometime in the summer ill post all of the jokes, and the next year and so on ill do the same thing.
We are in the lab right now and its funny because we always sit in the same spots or close enough and me and Athina always try to get the computer with the best keyboard ( theres one with a sticky one that doesnt write peoperly) and I switched them so she went for the one with the sucky one! lol. I can type so much better with a good keyboard!
Also each day at lunch someone keeps taking my chair so we have to get chairs from across the class, its kind of funny, but next year i wont have that problem because we will have a cafeteria! I'm also chewing on a pen and i probably shouldnt because it tastes really bad, like ink! And my tongues burnt so....
Goth Girl xox

Monday, March 9, 2009


Today was a really lame day... I mean we did NOTHING. Actually i read like a book and that was pretty much it, so.... and we took notes for history and math and made blocks. yay i know so friken interesting. also i got farther in my presentation. Thats about it, so im not really sure if i have anything to tell you today. .... im not sure if ive caught you up on the weekend but that was pretty uneventful. i mean i went shopping with leah and all but all i got was a book which ive finished twice by now. and we saw hes just not that into you which by the way was way interesting, but as soon as its over and youre trying to explain it its sooooo confusing especially if you count the mariages between the actors and such. TWO GAY MEN MADE ME DO IT!!!!
Goth Girl xox

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I have so many goals for myslef, and i sat in my bed for two hours just thinking, trying to fall asleep. but never trully falling asleep. So i decided to stop wasting my time and turn on my computer and write some of these down...

So here are some of my goals:

  • I want to finish writting my current book, styks high by the end of the summer, so i can say i published my first book at the age of 14.... plus its way fun. but i have so many other book ideas that i have to set myself a limit.
  • After i write Styks high, not sure yet if theyll be a part two i might write that or not..., not sure yet
  • But i definatly want to wait before i start working of the evolution/ elements because i still have so many details to work out of it and so on, so i feel like waiting a bit. One of those ideas was that the one i started now will not be the first in the series even though its the first one out, there will also be books in the past like the evolution; the discovery ( when they first discovered of these powers and how the two sides came to be) the evolution; prophecy ( the idea of the prophecy and the journey behind it) the evolution; ...?..... ( the story of Elizabeth) and then finally the evolution; powers returned ( which is the one im writting currently)
  • Before i start the evolution series and after the styks high one I want to write a story in the form of a blog. No monsters, no demons, no magik, nothing. Just modern times and a girl. She is going to be betten, ignored, bullied and scared and the way she gets it out is with her blog, she will only have one friend ( a guy ) and she will also like guys only to be made fun of and stuff and then shell have a boss thats like really nice to her, and acts more like a mother than her own mother, ( the guy is the only one who knows about her blog because he already knew she was betten and stuff) and so she tells this lady because she really trusts her and the lady takes a stand and adopts her. Then she finally says that her dad was a drunk and her mom did drugs, oh they were devorced so she felt like no matter where she went she didnt belong, so once things finally calm down and shes starting to become happy ( at the end of the book) because she lives with this lady she will tell her friend ( the guy) that she felt like no one loved her but he'll deny it and say, "no, your wrong. Someone has always love you. You just had to open your eyes and realize it" shell not get it and ask who? and hell say me and then theyll kiss and that will be the end of the book.

Now non book related goals

  • Well i really want to succed in life to prove every one wrong that ever said that id amount to nothing. Also to stand out from my family, show my parents that i can be better.
  • So to do that ill have to get a scholarship and that means insanely good grades at school.
  • I want to have few friends actually at school because there i want to focus on my book and my studies.
  • I want to really make people proud. and show them i can do it....

I have a felling i can make all of these goals happen i just have to concentrate and get working. SO PLEASE anyone who reads this beleive in me ! X cross your fingers X ! Ill probably be blogging less because i want to make my first goal happen, but ill definatly keep you updated.

GothGirl Xox

Ps WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE BIG SPACES!!! i cant change it back :( one enter skips two line look


Friday, March 6, 2009

24 hours of silence! + other blabber

WOW that was a lot harder than i thought. I used to think no big deal i dont talk that much anyways but wow..... seeriously sometimes i just wanted to scream and yell. Now i did make a few slips like this morning when my dad called to see if i was up i mean i kind of had to answer and like a few times i forgot but for each slip i added 5 minutes soooo i think im good. by the end of the day the only one of my friends that were still doing it were me kelsey and emma!!! When my time finally ended i jumped out of my chair and screamed as loud as i could to get all that talking out of me.... it didnt work but oh well, the thing was that we were playing silent ball ( throwing the ball around the class no talking and no dropping or your out.) and so my teacher and like 10 other peoples jumped off their desks and were like whats wrong what heppened. lol I may be short and small but ive got i irish scream, aka blood curtling high pitched shrilly .... i break dog's ear drums and *I CAN SHATTER GLASS* no joke its awesome though whenever it happens my mom makes me clean up the mess teehee. thats why i like opera so much.... wo we are off topic though i have a feeling that this blog will be just complete blabber cause i just have soooo much to say and i really dont have a point just that i cant stop talking or like ill die of over load hee hee probably not but OMG you should how how friken fast im typing like i cant even see my fingers its pretty awesome i didnt even know that was possible! but then again ive had lots of practice and this way i can speek in my mind and get the words down just as fast so really its like talking though i really have to pay attention cause i dont know where half the keys are because i dont know how to touch type hee heee, still wow this is going to be long at the rate its going now i mean i started writing this like two minutes ago and i still have soooo much to say and there is already a lot writtien
WOW well im going to write a short story after and send it in to the silence .com thingy to show my experience and such. but it wont be in my view and actually doesnt have anything to do with me im just taking my experience of being caged and silencced, no one can hear you and no matter how loud you shout the silence goes on and you want to say somthing but you know yo;u cant and its really sad , and multiplying it by 10 to get the view of the little African girl and boy and then its really easy to get into the head of someone who doesnt really care because today i waas sourrounded with people trying to get me to stop and were making fun of me and really pissing me off but i held up and they eventually left but really i mean they have no clue how hard it is for 24 ours let alone the year or a life time, it must be horrible and that was with good food , nice beds warm houses... without it i would die im a wimp at heart :( though in my natural habitat ( the BIG cities ) I seem to kick ass! yeah baby. ick.... umm so im writing that and sending it in and if they dicide to post it somwhere ill send the link and if not then ill just post it on here and my dads website and everyewhwere i can, facebook myspace.... i really want this message to get out there, i really want to help by spreading awarenes, people have no idea what goes on under their noses. they really dont.
Now besides the silence blabber lets move on to normal stuff. Ummm i found another fellow writer today, hes joining the club yay! ( the book writer club for those too dense to catch on) Ya so it isaac , and im in it!!! im a back mage that decides to help the good people because the bad one ( i wasnt really filled in on the details ) wanted to destroy the world and that was sooo not cool with me because i like having fun here why on earth would i want to destroy it right? lol
WE are really going to have to start actually planing gatherings cause so far nothing is planed oooo i might do that tonight too.. I have a feeling that its going to be an all nighter because its almost midnight im only on the 1st movie in the three movie series and because im watching it online i cannot watch the whole thing together, its in parts with additional loading time. super i know, especially in the REALLY good parts, thats when they stop you know they really plan it i think....! oh and continuing and its almost 12 and i still have so much i want to do before i sleep and i am seriously not in the least bit tired and i have a full stock of cafeine upstairs!!! and if that doent work ive got candy and chocolate covered cofee beans.... wow now that its all laid out like that it seems like i planned it wow totally a coinsidence....
Another thing im now hooked on those manga books.... like the japanese books that you read backwards. right now im in the middle of absolute boyfriend its super funny cause she orders a boyfriend online and then she kind of freaks and falls in love with him because he is actually like a real person like most of the time you can forget completly but then hell do some weird matrix thing or be all ninja-ey or like this salespreson will remind her about it or so on so forth.
So i totally chikened out on asking kiranen out :( god i can usually just blurt these things out with guys but with him, im too scared to get shot down.... though we did talk and he said that he knew i like him soooo.... either itll get really acward or :) happy me! .... but i cant seem to get the guts to ask him.... does that mean that i like him more than other guys because im scared hell turn me down but im not scared with other guys... :S I REALLY DONT GET GUYS!!!!
anyways my fingers are starting to cramp ill go watch part 2 of my movie now,
See ya
GothGirl xox

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

. . .uhhh . . .

There was something that I really wanted to post.... I cant remember though. Okay well besides that... I wrote a story about the take the vow of silence thing and sent it into them Bascally though thats how i broke the silence... umm i hope that any one reading this is taking the vow to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themsleves. ummmm i really dont feel like writiing today so ill just tell you anything that comes to mind. and it will probably be short and not very flowy and pretty cause im WAY too lazy and plus im tired i just thought i ought to blogg.
Okay well today we went in the gym to watch a basket ball game and there were no hott guys so i just read and then i looked accross the gym or well i should say i just looked up and i noticed across the gym that kiranen was doing the exact same thing. I mean like he was reading and then looked up and started watching the game but looked through it instead and we locked eyes for a sec so i turned away and pretended to read my book even though i could still feel his eyes on me.... Im going to ask him out next time i see him at reccess because seriously ive got it bad and i really want to be able to hug him and kiss him and know that hes there and mine. wow
umm im not going to the skii trip because its cancelled and my mom isnt going to pay. o its cancelled because leah was very smart and spreigned her ankle... im going to ask grama if she can come to montreal with us.
bye GothGirl xox
ps ill tell you how the silence went after

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

festival to trips

Sybil here,
well i haven't really posted in a while so here i am sitting in the computer lab at school during gym class, because we cant use the gym because of the science fair and its too cold outside - oh yay canada- we are stuck here to do what we please. which in my case means BLOGGING!! so i totally had a hilarious time trying to get my computer to work, see our school has these really gay keyboards that stick and then these really good white ones so i stole one of the white ones and switched it with the black and it was sooo funny cause the teacher was like what are you doing and i said that i was changing the keyboard and of course he gave a me a skeptical look and said " are you sure you should be doing that?" I almost laughed, im a certified genius im pretty sure i can unplug and replug a cord.... lol.
So now that I told you the amazng and thrilling story of how i came to start writing this well now ill actually post about things that matter. Well I won't be able to go to the end of the year trip because my mom said that i had to pick between band or end of the year trips. I of course picked the band one, i mean Ive been to montreal plenty of times actually im going for march break and well ive only been to the outscurts of toronto once. plus we get to wow a bunch of random kids. fun eh? also I was invited to go to St.Gabriels skiing lodge with sue and jim and leah like you know, but i might not be able to go because my mom cant aford it. GOD i cant do anything fun. I planned on staying int the cabin most of the time and writing my book I mean great inspiration! so i only have to rent ski's a few of the days like maybe two. the others ill just stay inside. ugh. so i might have to go camping with grams after all, not that itll be all bad though i usually spend march break with leah. Its kind of a tradition :( And i have never been to a skii lodge over night, it would be completly new.... geeze well i plan on contributing like 80$ though i should probably use that to pay off my computer. TOO BAD i want to go skiing. Actually right after i finish this post ill go check the rentals....
So i finally finished the science fair project thank god seeing how its today :P ya well today after school Im going to dads ill study for science and then wednesday ill go to work because i seriously need to do that. Oh and one other thing I had to change my project from H. H. Holmes to someone else because when we got the outling it was like why do you want to be like this person? What did they do to change the world? how do we benefit from them today? How did they chage the lives of others?...... ect ect. So you see my point might be kind of hard doing that with the first serial killer, ill do him next year if he fits that outline *hopefully he does* Anyway Im now doing leonardo Da Vinci. did you know he was the one that invented my best friend!!!! ( the calculator) and ya lee you were replaced lol jk jk. I think that that about sums it up, not much has really happened.
OH ! I forgot to tell you about festival! Okay well I got to emmas around 1:30 on saturday and then we went to her grandparents house for a party for ome one?...? then we went swimming in the pool and wrestled her uncle for the sorbet. :P that is a very long story but in the end we won. it took like half an hour. then we hit in the supply closet and stole cinnamin hearts and played truth or dare. After I ended up drpping the lid of sorbet all over myself fun eh? So basically we went back to her house at about 9:00 where we watched buffy, drank orange soda, ate the cinnamin hearts and truffles while playing never ever have I ever, except with juice.... we got very hypper.and when rthe musical played we sang so loud and horribly omg!!! it was sad. then we had a blast trying to make up the bed.... never leave emma alone will metal and string..... bad i dea. After we ndid all the notts and took all the stuffed animals off, did the sheets and so on, we watched the tinkerbell movie while reading books. It was fun.
The next morning her alarm clock went off at 6:00 in the morning and I almost jumped off the second bunk just so I could slam it against the wall but emma turned it off. Then around 7:00 we actually woke up, we got dresses ate chocolate chip pancakes and then headed off. At festival we did great and then got a weird conductor who kept making realy bad jokes and sounds. We got silver... though i think the grade sevens got gold the pricks!! we played sooo much better than them! GRRRRRR
Tootalloo Ive got to go, end of class, wow i just wrote for 30 minutes.... heehee
From the festival to skiing,
GothGirl xox