Sunday, March 22, 2009

wow religion is evil! and things are so....

wow, i just realized something. four days with my grama and already she's trying to change my religion! geeze. I never noticed how sneeky my grama is! i mean she was so subtle about it i hardly noticed she was doing anything at all until she brought up church today! okay well heres the thing for the past few days every chance she got she'd bring up being catholic. then she gave me like a kids questionaire about god, and the path of life and shit. then today she wanted to drag me to church. but not the cool singing hymnimnim churrch like the praise the lord ect ect crap. and like no offense for those who may like that but im not christian or catholic and to tell you the truth i really dont want to be. im happy being wiccan, its more of a fair religion. everyone is equal band fate runs our lives. everything happenes for a reason. and like i realized that she wanted to bring me to a like gehova witness church. ewww no thank you. ill sleep in and have eggs and bacon thanks.
anyways. i talked to justin again last night and i swear to got, we get along so well that if i didnt know better id think we were already going out. wow i REALY like him. its so funny because before we talked maybe like hi hi sup nm nm u? ect ect. but ow we have like the longest most interesting convo's ever. like the convos i used to have with matt before he started dating amy. oh well. i realized how much i really dont like matt all that much. like really even though hes nice and stuff, it wouldnt work. now im stilled completly torn about the kiranen fact but really who am i kidding over justin kiranen is a pheasent boy compared to a noble. lol wow i just really stop reading books set in the past. im starting to even talk like that geeze emma. hee hee oh well i like them. but its making my writting book a bit weird oh well. i finished the immortals series and now im reading generation dead and its funny cause im so much like that maine character its not even funny. and like wow its actually like a lot like my book but at the same time totally isnt. so i better get back to the world of styks high cause i didnt get nearly as much done on it as i wanted to.
oh but another plus. i finally re wrote the chapter two part i lost and i must say this one is that muchj better. and this way you get to meet the dad so you really get to know where shes coming from and not think shes just a selfish snob. and i finished my davinci presentation.!!!! yay me.
to the world of styks high,
GothGirl xox

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