Monday, March 23, 2009

wake up and smell the flowers

repost later up it got deleted


  1. You go girl! I'll stand by you! guys should be able to acsept girls as there equal by now I mean you'd think after a generation or two then get it but come on! That is why I'm a maiden (Sybil knows what I'm talking about even if other weirdos who read these comments don't) However, I Will help you in your attempt to fuse two people together. I mean sure the boys may not be willing to stand as guinea pigs and they would look kind of weird fused together I mean, I haven't met Justin but I can imagine. And as soon as you fused them together, there brains would be screwed up and they would no longer be the people you had a crush on... their may be a flaw or two in your plan Sybil....

    On that happy note, The schwa was here...

  2. shit i never thought about that. but then again i know.... (leah, charita, richard,ellise, amy, justin, andrew, athina, me, cori, zach) 11 genius 's that im sure once put together could perfect it and fuse people with the exact parts you want. like justins brains and humor, kiranens sweetnes and soft features. justin's handsomeness and so on so forth. lol this could be fun! (making evil plan in head while cackling and drumming fingers together) lol

  3. Oh ya that would be the result of to many geniuses in the same room, the only problem would be figuring out how to keep the boys from running away.... Hey! Brilliant idea! We could have flirt there to! 11 geniuses+ 1 evil mastermind...
    LOL! That's why we love her!
