Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My father the Tyrant.

Today was the first day that my dad has been back to work. Let me tell you though he doesn't "ask a lot of us" it still seems a near impossible task to please him.
I was actually proud that this day went so well. i only made one mistake and apparently that cost me my life.
I forgot to tell andrea that i was leaving so she forgot to lock the door. this lead to several minutes manic ranting, which finally lead to me screaming back (i rarely get angry BUT THIS!! I'm sick, i was tired, i made one mistake) so on so forth until he told me to get out. of course he expected me to argue back, beg to stay. hun un. No way. I'm this close to leaving him permanantly anyway, this was just the excuse i needed. so i packed up my stuff and headed out. Just as i got to the driveway my dad told me that if i left he would go jump in front of a train. So i stayed.
The worst part of it is: i know that he's guilt tripping me, I KNOW. But i just can't take that chance. My dad is crazy enough that he'd do it, just to prove a point.
So now my dad gets worse and worse hours, which will lead to worse and worse mood. This is a new chapter in my life... and i have a feeling I'm not going to like it.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!Jen..God,i feel so bad for you.*pokes her dad in the middke of forehead*Be nice to jennibear!....I with you always
