Sunday, March 28, 2010


You know i never realized just how diffibult it was to actually create a newspaper without the articles. For my english group project ( this is why i prefer solo jobs ) we have to write a newspaper for the Macomb TRibune based on some of the events in to kill a mockingbirdby harper lee. So I think the only person that actually did all their work on time is Tara, i have all my research done, and am close to done writing, but im in no was stressing because i can't even start the second part *editing* without the articles of the other group members. What a pain in the ass. Sigh. but i digress, i have much more work to do besides that of the macomb tribune. I have yet to begin my art homework, which i have promised myself would be done monday morning. Also i have math homework, and to finish reading said book. AND if I finish that i can still write, seeing how though i am not behind, do not want to be too far away when my goal does start aproaching (49 days ). I hope to be at chapter 22 by the end of the week if possible.
All this inane work and yet no will power to even begin. There are so little hours in a day, and i spend most of mine wasted on school acctivities. I wish so much that i had no joined the musical. However now the comitment has been made and so i push on. A month left till show time, and a month left till my music concert... only so many practices left, and still the same amount of work. (too much) . Next year, though i will still be considered part of the cast to the musical, i plan on staying in the more offstage compartment, example: art. I will still force myself into band because i do need some extra curiculars, and i want that credit for which i so deserve. I also hope that i get math first semester so that i can take Mr czudners getting ahead math club that teaches gr 11 math to those already finished their course in grade 10. shame that i could not join this year. One thing i love is math, and yet i am caught in the tedious classes of the grade nine curriculem.
Now forcing myself to actually make progress in what little time i have ( onlu about 11 hours) I begin, first i think i shall finish my articles so that my fustration towards my group isnt shallow and naive.

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