Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tiger Woods more important that human survival

In the world we live in today, in a world with earthquakes, tsunami's, political issues, stock maket problems, wars, terrorism, world hunger, over population, global warming, swine flu, cancers, faulty cars, prejudices, in a world in which so much is going on, Tiger Woods makes the headline.
I was just watching the 11 o'clock news and the top story of the day? Tiger Woods is back.... oh my god, that is the best most important thing you can think of? puh-leasse! Second top story... the paralimpics skiing gil won gold..... I'm sorry but i have a lot to say here.
1. Tiger Woods not important when we have people dying in Iran, and bombings, and ecological termoil.
2. Why tell me WHY are we still doing the olympics??? I'm not talking just the paralimpics, i mean if we got the olympics they deserve their chance to compete as well, i'm referring to the olympics as a total. Under the circomstances we were under why did we host the lympics anyway?? It costs billions of dollars to hosts the olympics, and fo what? so athletes from around the world can get together and show off, and the governement can shut down for 2 months with paid leave to stay home and watch it with their families? For God's sake please tell me you agree with me here? Am i crazy for believing that we should have put those resources (which are pourly laking) towards actually important things like umm... the planet? Am i the only one? okay okay, i can't change the world alone, but perhaps if enough people realize whats happening now and putting it to better use it'll change.... but we have to do it soon.
My generation is said to be the "Green" generation... and our elders are counting that we save the planet... but really how can we if the world is so far gone. Even now, when everone realizes there are problems we are doing barely anything to change it. If they don't make any progress now, our elders, our "models" How will many know to do any better? We are going to be left with this lonely warn out mess of a planet to sort out, and sadly i believe its going to be too late and i fear we won't be able to save the planet. The generations to come will have nothing left.
The wold life of the planet will dissintegrate, animal populations will wither and die out, our resources will be stretched to the point of non existence. If you aren't a billionaire you won't be ab;e to survive. Pavement, thick poluted air, overpopulation, sickness', war, this is the future we are left with. This is what we will have to face. how will we survive?

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