Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy new year

okay well right now we're just hanging around the appartement and I just called some of my peeps to see what they were up to. I'm about to go eat lobster and steak cause we just finished white chicks..........Do you know how twisted that movie is?? anyway we'll just be around here, right now it's only 10 pm ish but I have time to post about the things I've done in the past two days. :P So hope you all have a great new years.... I'll post again soon,
Goth Girl xox

Monday, December 29, 2008


okay well there really isn't that much to say.... for the past few days I've been going to beaches and window shopping.... haven't found anything good enough for my peeps though. we are going to laguna beach soon like three days away. and disney land on monday. I'm swamped with stuff to do and I really just want to relaxe on my holiday. I mean we haven't even had enough time to sun bathe. WHAT BUMS. we went to this cute little dinner on the peer. basically all I can say is wow. I can't even explain it so I'll just have to post the pictures after. :)
Can't wait to see more,
GothGirl in Cali xox

Saturday, December 27, 2008

CAlifornia water!! Ugh.

Okay well I'm back and kind of annoyed! The water here is insane! I mean UGH!! It doesn't replenish skin it makes it DRY!! Okay so anyway it sucks! I mean my hands are all dry and my haiur is really brittly and pooffy. I can't get it to stay flat because I have natural curly hair so.... you get my point but I guess to have the amazing weather they have to have their down sides too. I guess I'll live :P Okay so I'm complaining but I just spent like an hour trying to straighten my hair.... well I have to go finish now :s
Goth Girl xox

friday - nature walks and??? HOT TUB!!!!

Sybil here,
And now completely caught up!!! YAY!! Today was Friday and it was still pretty cold....FOR PARADISE. I mean the worst it got was a big sweater but still. So after a breakfast of quiche we went out to the hot tub. It was cold but the water felt nice once it heated up. After that we went for a trail walk it was long but everything was sooo pretty. We saw some of the weirdest things and lots of horses. Including Sheldon a Shelton pony who loved me lol. All in all a really good day. :)
GothGirl xox

inside info on thursday

Okay so we got up on Thursday morning at around 8. I was in a surprising good mood. WE had once again Christmas and well opened more gifts! I got a sewing machine and a puzzle! AWESOME!!! And then we had a huge breakfast and left for moms work. Once we got there we called the Taxi company and then it came! Well duh! But anyway we got in and the driver was really funny. Then finally at the airport we got the tickets and luggage pass and stuff. It was fast and stuff and then we went through to the boarding gate. It was huge! There were no taxes there so we could buy stuff because we weren't in the states and we weren't in Canada so we were nowhere! lol. It was interesting; we had lunch and then got on the plane. It was really small compared to our second one. After we landed in Nework, barely passing New York so I couldn't get any pictures :( but I did get a few of the larger buildings from a far.
We went on a bus to get to the next gate and then ran for a long ways. We finaly got on our next plane and I can tell you one thing : that is the longest thing ever!!! I mean by the end of the flight I was so tired. But of course being me I had to go and watch a movie once we got to Tony's but we aren't there yet :P we are still in the airport. WE went to get our luggage and then we hailed a cab. Well it was late at night and you couldn't see much but what we did see was WOW. And then tony's house looks like he lives in a resort! It's gorgeous! Well he's messy but you get over it pretty quickly. Then it was time for bed and boy if you ever go to California in the winter don't lisne to them it gets friken cold at night because they don't have heaters or thick blankets. BRING YOUR OWN BLANKETS!!! I froze half the night and the other half, my hands were asleep because they were shoved in between my knee's to keep them warm. lol.
GothGirl xox

wednesday continued

Okay so it's the next day so I'll have to really get you caught up. Wednesday I got woken up really early and I was kind of pissed because well I hate mornings and Christmas was getting a bit tedious! But I held through it and opened all my gifts with a smile- well the best I could. Then in like 30 minutes I was already starting to pack for moms and Cali. After I was done packing we went to moms and then had dinner. It was a very exciting day, I know! lol. So basically a pretty boring day compared to the ones I'm having now!
Next I'll tell you about the trip because I'm almost completely caught up,
GothGirl xox

my third christmas to packing in an instant - wednesday

Sybil 's back,
My mom just told me that the name Sybil was famous because of the movie. It was about a girl with 13 personalities and in a way that is totally me! I mean I have so many different characters inside of me. But the difference is that mine aren't separate identities. WOAH I just looked out my window and saw a circular rainbow. I mean the full circle not just a fraction!! That was so cool! That is definitely going in the blog but in the picture you can't really see it that well. Soon we have to put all computers away so I might not be able to finish in one blog I'll continue later though.

Goth Girl xox

another christmas - tuesday

Sybil here,
Okay so I'm still on the plane but I figured that I'd use this time to catch up. So Tuesday again was a slow morning but then we went to grandpa and Ann's for once again Christmas. Steve and Chantal were there and my two little cousins- Alysha and Jonathan. They are so cute but very hyper little kids. I mean they're always at it! WE had a blast and had a huge dinner. Once we got home I was beat but of course insisted upon watching a few episodes of supernatural.
To be continued,
GothGirl xox

on the plane!

Sybil here,
Okay so I am blogging from the plane and all I can say is wow! I mean it's beautiful. I can see for miles on miles. Right now we are way above the clouds and my ears keep popping L but I think I'll live! I'm taking many pictures! Well because there's no internet I can't actually post this until after we get to Tony's but I am writing this from the plane!!TRUTH. Now the airport was nothing like I imagined it, I mean not the lobby but the boarding. It was so simple and fast I mean no issues and really quick! Mom made it sound like it would take an hour, it took like 10 minutes. Absolutely awesome! I also took a video from lift off and it's so weird!! I feel like I'm going back and forth between subjects but I mean wouldn't you? First time on a plane, first time to Cali, first time in a taxi! I'm just so over whelmed. I'll add all the pictures I take and I don't care how long it takes !! seriously! Well I'll blog again soon!!
Goth Girl xox

Thursday, December 25, 2008

video and I'm off

Okay so the video refuses to load I'll have to split in into parts but eventually it will be added!@!!! I'm off to California right now (thursday) so I'll have to finish the week later. Like Tuesday, Wednesday and tonight thursday but Ill ptobably get caught up on the plane if I have time :) So see you all soon from America!!!! where it's warm. I promise I'll update every day and keep you up in my vacation!
Love ya,
GothGirl x0x

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

oh by the way

Ya so the reason I skiped Sunday is because it has a video but it won't load so it's taking a while.
When it finishes I will post it.
GothGirl xox

tired and long but scared shitless and working- Monday

Okay so monday was slow. I watched a lot of TV. but then I found this show whitch I'm now addicted to, supernatural. It's terrifying!! I mean every 5 minutes I scream. They're like demon slayers and they go around the country facing monsters. It's kind of funny though becuase the main carachters are brothers so in the middle of fighting monsters they'll be fighting about something stupid and well It's just funny. So Then Athina came over and I basically worked the whole afternoon on our science project and when we finished it was amazing and I felt really releaved. like this huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. And well lets not say we didn't have fun along the way ;)
GothGirl xox

to the mansions we go!! - sunday

I'm back,
After I got up and went back to sleep many times I finaly got up and started getting ready. Soon I went to dads and we went to Eric's house for a friendly diner. See what I didn't know was that dad has some rich friends. See we had to make a bunch of stops to pick up some of our family friends. Then we got to the country and I figured okay he lives in a small town cool. But then we turn a corner and out of no where there are a bunch of huge houses and the farther we go the bigger they get. By the time we stopped we were in 5 million dollar homes. It was amazing!! I mean the video doesn't even cover it! It's insanely big ! at first I thought HAHA nice joke now where is his house really but then everyone started walking in and OH MY GOD it only got prettyer as we went. The kitchen was my favourite room, it was my dream kitchen, but the only thing I would change was the counter it was like green I would have gone with a black marble or something. STILL my god beautiful.

Okay will be added soon

So I made a new friend named Katie and we had a blast. From drumming ( or I should say attempt at drumming) to yelling and screaming songs, to tackle table/ air hockey. It was hilarious. After we had to leave and I practically cryed but eventually got home and I fell asleep almost automaticly.

Love ya.

GothGirl xox

Monday, December 22, 2008

Dads drums

Goth Girl xox

my own presonal mimi christmas - Saturday

Sybil here and tired!!!
the week I'm having is outrageous!! But I'm holding my own and hoping it gets better. I've also decided to shorten it up into sections so the next following blogs are supposed to represent diffrent days. So Saturday was not as bad as I would have thought, it was our anual family dinner and well those are usually really big with lots of cousins and little cousins that are always yelling and grandparents yelling at each other in french and my grandpa blasting the tele. so You get my point but surprisingly not many people showed up because it was early this year. yay me!! Now it deffinatly wasn't quiet but it wasn't hectic either.
Bascially we opened gifts and my little devil of a cousin Ashley threw them at me. Then we had dinner, I read and my sister pelted my 16 year old cousin Jesse with plastic footballs. sounds like a riot doesn't it? then I slept on the couch, UGH! and ended up waking up at 5 am because of Jauques playing hockey with the stair case....I'm not goingg to explain that one. So anyway it was interesting.

To be continued.....

love ya,
Goth Girl xox

Friday, December 19, 2008

Dance! Snow Fall Ball!

Okay 1. the dance was the farthest thing from a ball I've ever seen and to tell you the truth I'm ashamed to say it was named just that. :O gasp! you know lately I've been using many smiley faces :S maybe its to get my point across!
any way. Friday morning went slow, the first interesting thing that happened was that Kelsey threw up in front of the class and I helped her to the office. sick myself with a cold I endured the talent show, Braden made sure my life was living hell. I almost broke his finger but I thought better of it last second. I didn't feel like getting suspended from the dance.
Then detention was no better cause sadly it's nothing like in movies and shows were they are all bad kids who throw airplanes and chew gum and talk and they have a teacher who doesn't really care and they do what they want. No we miss dance time sitting in a compltly quiet class untill we pay our time. Might I add If there is any talking the time is re started!
Then finally at the dance! it started off slow and by the end I was rocking out contemporary style! Lol it involved lots of piroets ( i can't spell I know) and jumping! hehe! The only guy I danced with is Carter, geovanna's x-boyfriend and my neighbor. well that's not including my other dance partners: Athina and Emma. Katie got hurt a lot so she stopped dancing and Kelsey was sick at home so it was mostly us three but others came and went as they all do :( So I had a blast even though almost every one else must of thought I was crazy.
Walking home was Cold!! I stopped by Ashley's house to drop off the clock she won from the contest at school. when I got home I called andrew and well even though I still like him.... A LOT! okay there I admit it okay! you happy?? ugh! I like him from the start of grade 7 and I still like him I could only admit it latly and thats why I wanted Emma to move on from Josh so badly I don't want her to turn out like me!!ugh! Ive freakinf liked him for a year and a half!! why I have no clue!! but I calle dhim and was like you know what you will answer my question when I call on new years! understand And might i make myself clear that this will change nothing between our friendship so just make ur fucking choice!! I understand you still like Erin but god get over yourself she is not going to go out with you a second time!! its over! move on and get on with your life~! If not with me than with Emma!" so I'm not sure how much of a lunatic he thinks I am but Everything happens for a reason and I just wonder what the answer will be and then what the reason?!?
Lost in the abiss called my mind,
Goth Girl xox

catching up

I'm back! and it's about time!
okay well to tell you the truth not much has hapened. It's been a very slow, very long, very anoying week. Well basically all week I've been working on my science project or watching tv. There are a few things I must say though. Starting with Karen. Well even though I was a bit skeptical at first, thinking I won't like there has to be something wrong with her and you know what I was wrong. Shocking i know! Anyway, she's nice funny and got me inspired in knitting again! Also the day I stayed home to get to know her I was once again inspired to continue writing my book. it's taking a while... I mean I'm a teenage girl, I have friends and I don't always want to be doing work. I mean after school and homework and well the rest of the crap that goes on in every day life I just want to sit down and read or watch TV. but of course that doesn't leave much free time. I usually always have stuff planned all the time! Like you should see the list of stuff were doing in California. It's sick! I was planning on having just a relaxing slow break like usual. Do the christmas thing , which by the way I shouldn't be doing cause I'm not catholic, christian or whatever. Not trying to be offensive or any thing. No one can be 100% sure, it can't be proven. and to tell you the truth I don't really care who's right or wrong because it's just not who I am. So I'm a mix between budhist and Wicca. There are guide lines but It's basically be yourself and the fates will do their job. Everything happens for a reason your just along for the ride. So back on course her. Christmas / Yule was supposed to be the usual celebration diner, very loud and including many diffrent family people. Then the lamest new year on the history of the planet do absolutly nothing but saying yupee! and going back to our abseen lives. I planned on spending time to write and meditate and just be quiet and a peace. Well that was thrown out the window! Not only am I completly stressed from this science project but I'm going to California thursday and comming back the day before school starts again!! every day until he trip is going to be high strung!
Tomorow: Christmas celebration at my mom's, the big anual HUGE dinner with lots of loud cousins. Fun! and it isn't the best place for any of my plans or working on homework.
Sunday: coming back from my moms to my dads and then going to dinner with one of his friends.
Monday:Athina is coming over to work on science.
Tuesday: christmas at my dads! tedious!
Wednesday: go back to moms finish packing up and sleep there.
Thursday we leave

Isn't that exciting?? ugh! so much for relaxing! I might as well throw out my knitting! omg that sounded so grama'y. gross. anyway that was basically all I had to say. One of my insanely long rants that I know you enjoy!

Oh one more thing I went to celebrate X-mas with Leah earlyer in the week. They got me a speaker for my zen and a twilight T-shirt!! I'm going to do all my shopping in LA!! Hope everyone likes their souvenirs/ presents ;)

until my next long rant about nothing,
Goth Girl xox
Ps the dance was today but I don't feel like writing about it right now so. I'll write it in my next free time... whenever that is any way ttfn

Monday, December 15, 2008


okay well i don't really have anything to say if i do i'll update. Karen's here and she seems nice I can't wait to tell you how it goes. So I'm still insane about the brain... our project for science. i'm trying to sort through my thoughts to see if there's anything elseI might add.... Ah I seem to get mad at everyone now, like I'm really tense and the simpleist thing have me on edge, I'm just going to try to keep in quiet. You know, keep to myself.
Goth Girl xox

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Assemblies; best thing ever... well this time anyway.

Friday was insane!!! Athina diched me but we still had a blast especially ythe last two periods of the day!! and library.
In library Katie brought in a map of our new high school which btw is name New Longfields- Davidson heights high!! wow that's a mouthful. So the whole period we were trying to figure it ot. It's 3 stories and there are 3 different sections.... that we could make out. There a double gym, auditorium, Library, cafeteria and a kick ass music room. I hope they'll have latin class instead of french or spanish!!

Then last periods of the day; well we had an assembly. Now you groan and say " ew, how is sitting on the floor of the gym, cross legged, scrunched in between a bunch of other kids for 2 hours fun?" We'll it wasn't at first but see our school is fun, we had a twist! So it started the usual recognition assembly. I was in between tatyanna ( bitch) Tina V. and andrew. Then some fat guy cam and i moved back but hit andrew i said sorry but i kept leaning against his leggs and he actually started playing with my hair! When our teacher was called up to choose her 5 students, we all started naming the people who always got the awards. But Mrs Van Loser shoked us once again. She went off the charts and chose, Andrew he gasp quite loudly, Micheal,and other people , I clapped and when she called my name I almost choked on the gum I was trying to hide from the teachers! I then tripped over Shakiba getting to the front and lost a shoe. Yes and I had just gotten an awward! wow!
But wait! that's not it. then they called break and all the teachers started putting smok's on and gogles. we were all like what? and then mr tracy looked like a banana, Mrs Van dusen was trying to act cool, and Pelletier look like a shiny silver bug.Oh and mr laundry was wearing short shorts EWW. So they stood at the front and out rolled THE PIES!!! OMG yes those who helped in the contest contribution got to throw a pie at the teachers!! sadly mrs tippit and Mrs crandall did not participate. So we threw them at all the second rate teahcers! Still a blast even though i was being trampled half the time!
So fun. later,
Goth Girl xox

Ps: YOu know the really hard band peice called Gabreil's oboe?? maybe not but whatever..... I CAN PLAY IT > the solo part I mean cause the second part is like 2 bars long! lol hopefully I'll get the part.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

very interesting....

I'm back!
School was a bust today, nothing interesting happened but i do have a few interesting stories. Well it was wet today. i mean soaking cause of the new snow. and well capture the flag outside well you can see how thins is going- there were lots of hill, snow piles, sink hole and snow balls everywhere. You see my point. I fell a lot. and actually got shoved into a snow bank thanks to colin. it was tackle so he didn't get in trouble sadly.
Also Andrew totally actually started hanging out with me again. we laughed and had a blast. he also asked for my phone number whitch is interesting. i wonder what he'll answer!!?? So then in french my pen exploded all over my lap. It was red so basically i got very pink really fast! it took forever to clean up but everyone loved me cause i ended up wasting half the class. Then we went to 8I's bake sale. I onlu had three dollars and I'm proud to say I got banana bread instead of sweets. So today was weird and very cold. can't wait to tell you about my day tomorrow but right now my mom is nagging me to go to bed even though it's only 9 pm. lol we'll i got to go before she rips my head off.
Goth Girl xox

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Sybil here,
I had a very interesting day. well I don't really know how to word this right so lets start at the beggining shall we? well I woke up adn well a usual typical morning in our household. Then about to walk out of the house to leave noticed something vitaly important. I couldn't open the door, so i tried pushing harder and it opened. It was being blocked by snow so I ran upstairs to check and sure enough school was canceled. I had a blast doing absolutly nothing!! I worked on my science project and French correcting, then I wrote more of my book and here we are here we are. Oh and I watched gossip girl which I must say was thrilling.
Goth Girl xox

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I just watched the movies!!

I just rewatched the videos from her party and those don't even cover how random it was!!! I mean like it doesn't show that I was dancing with a girbel, squerel thing named poo or anything! and it was so loud in there it wasn't even funny but my camera doesn't pick up sound very well so.... that's what you get.
Any way I guarentee I'll have like a million blogs once I'm even close to being done I mean like I've only blogged 9 days this month but I'm already at 11 entries. Last month I only had 27 but that'll change soon because I have much more time now! Even though I actually have no free time on my hands because of all the home work I have !lol i better get to that

Goth Girl xox

I need my Harry Potter fix!!!

Sybil here,
okay well some people think its gay, or watever else they might think but whatever! I LOVE THE HARRY POTTER SERIES! not the books really, even though I love reading I just didn't like the way they were written. So any way even thouhg I loved twilight I really want Harry Potter to come out soon, it's time for my yearly fix!! I mean wow each year a new movie has came out except 2008! and the reason; it got kicked off the charts! yup , so now I'm just itching for the next chapter in the story!!
My favourite was the third one then the fifth and then the fourth then I'd say it would be the second then the first. I used to always be the Harmiony in the gang but ever since Luna came in the picture I just can't help relate myself to her! I mean if you've ever really met me you'd know what I was talking about. I didnt really get the last one, I mean like you knew it was part of the story but it was so.... ugh! I dunno. like a filler between the last movie and this, though I did love the scenes I thought it was a bit out of place. Like without it the next wouldn't make sense but it really didn't have a main story. like the first one: the phelosefer stone and the chalenges, the second: the chamber of secrets and that snake, the third:Sirius, werewolf guy and going into the past, the fourth: the maze and well all the fricken stuff like dementors. but this was like.....that theres a order of witches that are good too?? so its not just them by themselves?? Harry making an army ?? huh. i don't know!!!! lol
You don't really know do you? its like lots of little things like voldemorts back, but not really one big story like the others.
Any way I just hope they dont get booted off again by the new moon movie coming out this summer!

Goth Girl xox

PS : andrew still hasn't answered and he's pissing me off! It's like I don't really care! I'd love it if we did go out but I've been waiting five days!! well five tomorrow! lol

Saturday, December 6, 2008

other vids

anyway there are more video's but I'm not sure witch ones to put on.... I'm sure by now you have the point. I plan on making a slideshow all about that night , once its done ill put it on until then,

Goth Girl xox

kelseys bday

Sybil's back.
Today I went to Kelsey's party , one word; woah! I can't really explain it, basically though, we hung out in her basement dancing and singing and being really loud. It was a blast and I love her gerbil/ hampster/ squirel thing (HENRY) or aka poo! I can't really explain it well so I'll show you. I have a bunch of videos from my cam, i"ll post them on....... as soon as they load on to my computer!!!

the rest of the day will be in the net bloggs cause i can only put like a certain amout of data? w .e.

Friday, December 5, 2008

is everything what it seems?

Sybil here,
You know how I have a really weird mind, and I come up with all these weird theories and stuff. We'll I'm getting into zen, you know keeping your cool beleiving in nature and personnal energies. I really enjoy it, and you know what it really helps my anger, Im starting to really get control onit. I have a theory about that- my anger I mean. I take my pain, sadness and turn it into anger, but ever since I got into Zen I almost never get angry anymore. and Zen has gtaught me that no matter what everything seems, there always is another story hidden behind it, things are always complecated because well - attoms are always moving, so you are always moving, and you attoms can wander and touch, mix with others, so you are always everywhere, yet no where at all, you just seem to be there. does that confuse you? if it does you are way too small minded and should open up, see things a bit diffrently once in a while. any way I now forget what I was planning on saying in the first place so whatever. so i recomend the show called life its about a cop who was sent to jail ( life sentance) for killing this family. in jail he studied Zen and then the found evidence that showed that he wasnt guilty ( 12 years later) so life was his sentance and life is what he got back + 50 million $. its really good, its like his journey afetr he got life back, hes zen and completly has a new view on the rest of the world. Really good show. so watch it sometime.
untilnext time,
Goth Girl xox


Sybil here, and oh my god! I called andrew and asked him out.... I sounded like such a retard it isn't even funny. When he said he had to think about it I laughed and said thats funny. ?? are you serious? sooo gay! anyways he said hed call me I'll update later,
Goth Girl xox

Thursday, December 4, 2008

well okay then....

Sybil here,
Okay well I got to school today and Emma- the little bitch - wasn't there. hehe just kidding. So she was off to a feild trip and I was really bored, sadly it was mr rayjak's last day, i almost cried , he was sooo funny. We had so many jokes I almost peed my pants and then andrew walked headfirst into a locker! lol I was on the floor rolling by this point. so much fun.
We got our science projet reports, Athina and I's is about the brain, all the cortex's , lobes and shit. Very complecated and anoying , but thanks to our math teacher I know all about lebotamy's. Aren't they fun? If you don't know what I'm talking about , good. Don't look it up it will scar you for life, SO gross. I almost puke and I dont get queezy easyly. EWW. Stay in your oblivion and hope yoou never find out.
On a happyer note, I plan on asking Andrew out tomorrow , don't worry not over msn, Im not that shy jeeze! dont you know me by now? I plan on calling him, Like I've done many times before It won't be that weird, His family is sweet. Except his dad scares me lol. Leah finally got the guts to ask micheal out again. I personnaly dont like him , but hey he makes her happy. I find hes a dweeb, annd all around loser but hopefully he gets better. He said yes thank god I would habve broken his nose( he has a big nose) if he would have put leah down! I can't wait to tell you what happens with me and andrew tomorow, hell I cant wait till it happens!!
I got to go, later,
Goth Girl xox

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Okay well I didn't go to school today because I had a doctors appointment. I just got the call and they told me I have mono. Ya that would be the sleeping crap. and it's the reason why I'm sleepy and tiredd and lazy all the time, I went in to get my ankle checked wich btw is hurt again!!! ( I hurt it like every year ) thank god this time its only a spreign. So they told me that and then they add the only cure is sleep so they say " sleep it off " its like no shit sherlock!
ta ta for now
Goth Girl xox

Concert and I'm finally admitting it!

Sybil here,
Now I have a few thinks to say today. This blog might be a bit long but you'll get over it, I mean I had to write it so that pretty much means it's important that and the fact that the concert was really aventful. Okay well as you know, yesterday, was the concert. I had to stay after school with a bunch of other losers cause well if I took the bus I'd be VERY late, and hey sometimes it's fun; like this one. Okay so It wasn't all bad, kelsey was there and a few other peeps. Cynthia was there too, and you know what I found out something I can be friends with anyone if I just give them a chance. Like her for example, I never gave her a second thought from the day I first met her but just those few hours after school I started to really like her. She's a bit scatter brained but we all must have our flaws, don't we? So we ordered our food set up fell a lot! and well did the absolute nesasary crap. Now once the sandwiches came.. it got interesting! Well they got the order wrong so we were running around trying to sort it out, then we all got our pop.... well lets just say that was bad on mr leohr's part. He should know by now never to give hypper people caffein!! Then we all headed upstairs to hang. Other students started showing up and it got very loud. Andrew was there and He did a fashion show with sparkles... Oh I forgot I had a sparkly boa that I found from decorating. it was funny and then we got Emma to talk with Josh and well it was all a blast. During the preformance we started at the back watching the grade 7's; that was pretty slow but then when the jazz band came on Emma almost tripped she was drooling so much!! hehee. Then again I had to get up on my tiptoes just to see _________ woops I can't say his name , can I? that would ruin the surprise!! So it was funny. Then we got up and went to set up. WOW. I was playing precussion the first song so I was at the back. While we warmed up I was laughing cause 1. these two people (one including oscar) were having a your mom fight. 2. I hit the triangle by accident and it echoed and 3. people kept stepping on the board wrong and it would flip and send them flying! one of the times it even topppled the bongo's. So it went all together smoothly, hah!
Okay well I'm sure by now you have a minimum of ...2 questions? 1. I'm admitting what? and 2. WHO THE HELL DO I LIKE??you will find both shortly... starting with what I'm admitting.... ! hah I couldn't let you find out who i like just yet can I? and don't even think about sipping ahead to find out that is simply out of the question. I'm sooo evil!
1.I'm addicted!!! obsesed! now don't freak out or have a cow. don't skip to any conclusions! STAY CALM DAMNIT!! woo. I'm not addicted to drugs or alcohol ..or really anything else is usually addicted to, to tell you the truth. I always have to be obsesed about something.. I just have to! I mean my god I don't know why! I just do, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I always have to be thinking about somthig, trying to find the story behing it, trying to put all the peices together to find the whole. I"M OBSESED WITH KNOWLADGE! hehe sad thing is though I still can't spell!
FINALY the moment you've been anticipating since I first wrote that blank, since I left you hanging- GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!! you scream.. lol the person I like is.......... andrew petryshyn. yep that's right, salsa dancing, flippy blonde haired, video game freak, smart math dude, really hot funny sweet andrew. :) OMG that sounded sooo sappy! lol Ya so the reason why I'm telling you this is that I finally got the guts to go up to him and ask him out. I'm going to do it tommorow after school. I'm just going to spit it out and ask him, but first I'll explain that I don't want things to get weird between us.
So wish me luck,
Goth Girl xox

Monday, December 1, 2008

wow I'm slow!

I'm back!!
Ya my show won't play so I'm going to finish up here and give you a more detailed version of whats up. And my god I just realized that today is the first of december... took me long enough!soi'm sitting here and then I realize omg its totally the first day of the month. Then again I do kind of have my reasons right? I mean to me a date is nothing. A date is just words at numbers put together to lable something. I don't like lables and to tell you the truth I don't really care what the day is... I mean I go to school or work and I just go through the day. I don't care if the month is january or May for that matter it's either cold or its not, school or not, get through thr day, do what I have to and try to not get depressed. That's another one of my theories. I always hang out with almost the oposite of me friends wise. I mean I always hang out with happy peppy people when really I'm not and I think the reason for that is I don't want to get deppresed so I automaticly like the people that keep me from getting that way. So theres my idea on that matter.
So Flirt like Josh who I might add I used to like so I give her credit she has taste... then again i always knew that. You should have seen the shirt she was wearing today omg i love it! any way she likes him but of course josh being a guy is completly oblivious of whats around them and hey shes hot! -MY TV JUST TURNED ON BY ITSELF SCARY!!- So we started coming up with plans to get them together and me of course being an author started brainstorming and when I'm on a roll you don't get in my way. i wrote 9 pages of posibilities and then a bunch of doodles but Hey I had fun during english so thats a plus!
I have to go now it's actually working but there you have it more info about that subject ... of my first and only subscriber..... And hey I know there are more people that read my blogs too but they just dont add their name in the followers column... witch by the way you dont need an account for... I would mention you guys too but I have no clue who the hell you are so please leave your name on the right hand side at the top in the followers column!!!
Goth Girl xox

AHH! i keep falling

Sybil here,
AHHHH. Since I woke up everything has been going wrong! I fell asleep in my cerial but instead of my head hitting it my hand did and i flipped it on my new jeans, then after I changed I was late for my bus. Once at school - after I ttripped and fell in a puddle- I fell and by binder openeed and all my work went flying out. So I had to reorganize that then!.. My art partfolio ripped in half! So all together a bad day.
Tomorrow is going to be soo busy. Thankfuly there isn't band and I don't have to wake up early but then I have to skip class to set up for band then at reccess practice my parts for variants of an old christmas carol and after school ..... DUN DUN DUN DUUUUNNN!!! Quality time with Mr leohr! fun fun. Any way I gtg it's late but I'll blog on wednsday to say how it went. :)
until next time
Goth Girl xox