Thursday, December 4, 2008

well okay then....

Sybil here,
Okay well I got to school today and Emma- the little bitch - wasn't there. hehe just kidding. So she was off to a feild trip and I was really bored, sadly it was mr rayjak's last day, i almost cried , he was sooo funny. We had so many jokes I almost peed my pants and then andrew walked headfirst into a locker! lol I was on the floor rolling by this point. so much fun.
We got our science projet reports, Athina and I's is about the brain, all the cortex's , lobes and shit. Very complecated and anoying , but thanks to our math teacher I know all about lebotamy's. Aren't they fun? If you don't know what I'm talking about , good. Don't look it up it will scar you for life, SO gross. I almost puke and I dont get queezy easyly. EWW. Stay in your oblivion and hope yoou never find out.
On a happyer note, I plan on asking Andrew out tomorrow , don't worry not over msn, Im not that shy jeeze! dont you know me by now? I plan on calling him, Like I've done many times before It won't be that weird, His family is sweet. Except his dad scares me lol. Leah finally got the guts to ask micheal out again. I personnaly dont like him , but hey he makes her happy. I find hes a dweeb, annd all around loser but hopefully he gets better. He said yes thank god I would habve broken his nose( he has a big nose) if he would have put leah down! I can't wait to tell you what happens with me and andrew tomorow, hell I cant wait till it happens!!
I got to go, later,
Goth Girl xox


  1. Dumbshit.....Your not nice calling me a bitch even if you were joking.....It hurt my sdhould see the tears....Lol...not...
    P.s. I love putting dot dot dot today.

    P.s.s.I rock...
    P.s.s.s.I did it again
    P.s.s.s.s. Introduce me to josh already

  2. LOL love the dot dot dot and btw I'm standind right behind you !! boo! no not poo lol HENRY i love you
