Thursday, December 11, 2008

very interesting....

I'm back!
School was a bust today, nothing interesting happened but i do have a few interesting stories. Well it was wet today. i mean soaking cause of the new snow. and well capture the flag outside well you can see how thins is going- there were lots of hill, snow piles, sink hole and snow balls everywhere. You see my point. I fell a lot. and actually got shoved into a snow bank thanks to colin. it was tackle so he didn't get in trouble sadly.
Also Andrew totally actually started hanging out with me again. we laughed and had a blast. he also asked for my phone number whitch is interesting. i wonder what he'll answer!!?? So then in french my pen exploded all over my lap. It was red so basically i got very pink really fast! it took forever to clean up but everyone loved me cause i ended up wasting half the class. Then we went to 8I's bake sale. I onlu had three dollars and I'm proud to say I got banana bread instead of sweets. So today was weird and very cold. can't wait to tell you about my day tomorrow but right now my mom is nagging me to go to bed even though it's only 9 pm. lol we'll i got to go before she rips my head off.
Goth Girl xox

1 comment:

  1. Well,do you think he'll say yes now....And you played out in the snow?Werid
