Monday, December 1, 2008

wow I'm slow!

I'm back!!
Ya my show won't play so I'm going to finish up here and give you a more detailed version of whats up. And my god I just realized that today is the first of december... took me long enough!soi'm sitting here and then I realize omg its totally the first day of the month. Then again I do kind of have my reasons right? I mean to me a date is nothing. A date is just words at numbers put together to lable something. I don't like lables and to tell you the truth I don't really care what the day is... I mean I go to school or work and I just go through the day. I don't care if the month is january or May for that matter it's either cold or its not, school or not, get through thr day, do what I have to and try to not get depressed. That's another one of my theories. I always hang out with almost the oposite of me friends wise. I mean I always hang out with happy peppy people when really I'm not and I think the reason for that is I don't want to get deppresed so I automaticly like the people that keep me from getting that way. So theres my idea on that matter.
So Flirt like Josh who I might add I used to like so I give her credit she has taste... then again i always knew that. You should have seen the shirt she was wearing today omg i love it! any way she likes him but of course josh being a guy is completly oblivious of whats around them and hey shes hot! -MY TV JUST TURNED ON BY ITSELF SCARY!!- So we started coming up with plans to get them together and me of course being an author started brainstorming and when I'm on a roll you don't get in my way. i wrote 9 pages of posibilities and then a bunch of doodles but Hey I had fun during english so thats a plus!
I have to go now it's actually working but there you have it more info about that subject ... of my first and only subscriber..... And hey I know there are more people that read my blogs too but they just dont add their name in the followers column... witch by the way you dont need an account for... I would mention you guys too but I have no clue who the hell you are so please leave your name on the right hand side at the top in the followers column!!!
Goth Girl xox

1 comment:

  1. I know I have taste in guys....And why were you talking about daiis and weeks and months..You're so random....
    And yes I like Josh..
    P.s. introduce me to him....
    Blah Blah Blah...
    I heart Josh
