Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I need my Harry Potter fix!!!

Sybil here,
okay well some people think its gay, or watever else they might think but whatever! I LOVE THE HARRY POTTER SERIES! not the books really, even though I love reading I just didn't like the way they were written. So any way even thouhg I loved twilight I really want Harry Potter to come out soon, it's time for my yearly fix!! I mean wow each year a new movie has came out except 2008! and the reason; it got kicked off the charts! yup , so now I'm just itching for the next chapter in the story!!
My favourite was the third one then the fifth and then the fourth then I'd say it would be the second then the first. I used to always be the Harmiony in the gang but ever since Luna came in the picture I just can't help relate myself to her! I mean if you've ever really met me you'd know what I was talking about. I didnt really get the last one, I mean like you knew it was part of the story but it was so.... ugh! I dunno. like a filler between the last movie and this, though I did love the scenes I thought it was a bit out of place. Like without it the next wouldn't make sense but it really didn't have a main story. like the first one: the phelosefer stone and the chalenges, the second: the chamber of secrets and that snake, the third:Sirius, werewolf guy and going into the past, the fourth: the maze and well all the fricken stuff like dementors. but this was like.....that theres a order of witches that are good too?? so its not just them by themselves?? Harry making an army ?? huh. i don't know!!!! lol
You don't really know do you? its like lots of little things like voldemorts back, but not really one big story like the others.
Any way I just hope they dont get booted off again by the new moon movie coming out this summer!

Goth Girl xox

PS : andrew still hasn't answered and he's pissing me off! It's like I don't really care! I'd love it if we did go out but I've been waiting five days!! well five tomorrow! lol


  1. Omg...That's awesome..I'm like rereading the books and everything..and watching the movies...So yeah...and Twilight to the spot harry potter was supose to play...Then they like traded it..

    Btw..It's pissing me off to..I want to know if you guys are going to go out

