I know I know, i said i wouldnt post until thursday and im not cheating cause technically this isnt about music... its on diffrent subjects.
First out I'd like to say that i am very tempted to move to y mom's permanently because like theres nothing for me here, and now if i wan lasting internet for more than 2 minutes a day and planned when i want, i have to use my dad's computer. and i get yelled at the do all this crap when im busy as it is. Then every week i have to pack up ALL my stuff for the week and lu it all to the other house, nearly breaking my back and usually having to do several trips. then my dad has several spazz attacks during the week, and is always in a fowl mood.... why exactly am i still here? I mean there are pro's, but the cons outway them by alot!
i mean id still visit but jeeze...
Another thing is: Im am now uterly goo goo eyes about justin... like i knew i liked him a lot before... but lately out games of 20Q, well they always end up with me wanting to kiss him. Lol, and i had a VERY interesting dream with him in it last night...... kind of like erin's dream that one time ( for those who know what that was) lol/... though no air matress or sleeping parents lol
Okay well ive got to go again, just something quick for you to ponder upon.
Gothgirl xox
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
la la la la laaaaa !!!!
Music.... it's wonderful really. diffrent sounds strung together to form harmonies. diffrent beats creat difrent tectures and so on. Diffrent style so mingle to create the proper atmosphere. There is one style in particular that is relevant to today. Broadway. Today was a very music filled day for me, as will tommorow. I might be busy for a while so i just want to write that later in the week once all my music stuff is clear im going to post about everything. It will probably be thursday... So can't wait to tell you guys all about my musical week.
but quickly on a diffrent note i want to say that, i might not want to be a scientist anymore and am very tempted to just give it up. i want to write because i love to. So i think that if at the end of gr 9 im going to transfer to merivale and take up creative writting and such...
One last thing. You know how i have an on going game of truth with justin, yeah well im running out of ideas so if any of you got any sugestions im all open.... oh and because i won the bet against tanning with him, he owes me one thing of my choice... if you've got any ideas about that please do tell. Thank you
Goth Girl xox
but quickly on a diffrent note i want to say that, i might not want to be a scientist anymore and am very tempted to just give it up. i want to write because i love to. So i think that if at the end of gr 9 im going to transfer to merivale and take up creative writting and such...
One last thing. You know how i have an on going game of truth with justin, yeah well im running out of ideas so if any of you got any sugestions im all open.... oh and because i won the bet against tanning with him, he owes me one thing of my choice... if you've got any ideas about that please do tell. Thank you
Goth Girl xox
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Emma, books, and Saturday
Hello, Sybil here,
Okay well the day started off pretty slow, i took a shower, cleaned my room, no big rush. Then i got dressed and stuff and then emma came over. WE both got ready for riocan, i straightened her hair and stuff. Then we waited for soul ( cause everyone else that was supposed to meet me was a no show) but she never came either and then we found out she was gone with daniel so we left. we walked all the way to riocan and managed to get there as the rain stopped. There hadn't been that much damage thank god xD Then Jeremy had cancelled too cause it was hids Bday. Justin was late once again ( i should really start tellinbg him a half an hour earlyer so he can be there on time!!!) We ate and then hung got there early. WE then walked over to DQ and met Jianing (sadly) and Cori never showed so we left, and jianing wouldn't stop bitching about us leaving withought him. HE WASNT COMING!!!! WE then went to walmart ( of course :P ) and sat on the swings ( AGAIN) and JAMES WAS THERE!!!!! you know from the other time with the international couch!!! and he was like OH i remember you! YAY!! i should really get a picture of him next time... :P Imging how odd that would be... yeah we want a picture of you because you are the famous walmart guy lol. Jianing was still being anoying and no sitting still. Me and Justin were snuggling on th couch while talking to emma and Hung. It was fun. We then went to indigo because emma had to get wnother manga book and i wanted to see if my next diamonica book was in. It was YAY! but i had forgotten my irewards card so i had to pay full price w.e it was like 5 $ lol. So then we went to starbucks and got the comfy couches this time. Me and justin shared, emma got her own though at one point jianing tried sitting on her, that didnt go too well on her count :P. Basically by this point we were all pissed at jianing... Next time we arent inviting her. too bad. I dont care if only one person shows up ( mainly justiin) So we spent the rest of the time there, at one point Hung was dumped on the floor, lol Justin. And like me and justin just kind of snuggled, and were like close... we didn't really play our nervous game, like we did, but ... not REALLY i mean we were in star bucks after all XD... We like held hands and like were like all snugg. My head fits perfectly under his chin.... hmm.... at one point though i swore he was like trying to pet my cheek, like the jaw bone, at the side on my chin.... but he did it very subtily... i wonder if he was even aware of it... hmm. theres a thought. any way then it was time for me and emm to go. I hugged justin ( we didnt kiss because there were like peoples there. next week we are going alone.. i want to finally kiss him. Actually i was very tempted to do it this time anyways. Then we walked home. Our legs were like dead by the time we were in my room. We started reading and chating to peoples on msn. Emma started the vampire diaries and finished both of them before i had finished 3/4 of the desire unchained book. it was sad... anyways this was sunday so i wont skip to that. then we had the awesome dinner of lasagna and stuff. WE read more and then my mom complained tht we got toggether for a sleepover so we could read alone. but we had fun.
Just so you know we haven't gone to bed yet but it was now midnight soo.... okay well we were still reading and then yeeha desided to start her kareoki machine... lucky us emma brought her flute over. WE opened all the windows and took out or highest peice. Gabriel's oboe. We played it and then the music stopped we almost started a party of our own to celebrate but ten minutes later it started again... quieter though. we then fell asleep.... in the morning i woke up several times because i was cold. i didnt realize until later that we had left the windows open.. smart i know. We got oup and you'll never guess what we did. yup you guessed it read. lol. emma got half way through the first deamonica book... i forget the name... anyway.. im still not done the desire unchained i was like holly shit calm down!! so shes re reading it tonight. WE pretty much hung out all day. I finished my oratoire, we talked to justin, we practice flute. We sung badly to musical songs ( while talking to justin lol ) she stayed for dinner again and then we drove her home... and i dont recall if i mentioned this but the last fight i had with leah she refused to talk to me... i probably did but anyways. Today she said she gave up and that she didnt care any more and that she rather noit fight. see patience is the only thing that works with her... and we knew we'd fight eventually and it was a bad one because of all the little fights we didnt have they were all lain onm the table at once. everything challenged and look we got through it. that just goes to show you.
In the life of a vision,
GothGirl xox
PS saturday night emily almost got out her violin and started playing with us, this is how bad we dont like yeeha
Okay well the day started off pretty slow, i took a shower, cleaned my room, no big rush. Then i got dressed and stuff and then emma came over. WE both got ready for riocan, i straightened her hair and stuff. Then we waited for soul ( cause everyone else that was supposed to meet me was a no show) but she never came either and then we found out she was gone with daniel so we left. we walked all the way to riocan and managed to get there as the rain stopped. There hadn't been that much damage thank god xD Then Jeremy had cancelled too cause it was hids Bday. Justin was late once again ( i should really start tellinbg him a half an hour earlyer so he can be there on time!!!) We ate and then hung got there early. WE then walked over to DQ and met Jianing (sadly) and Cori never showed so we left, and jianing wouldn't stop bitching about us leaving withought him. HE WASNT COMING!!!! WE then went to walmart ( of course :P ) and sat on the swings ( AGAIN) and JAMES WAS THERE!!!!! you know from the other time with the international couch!!! and he was like OH i remember you! YAY!! i should really get a picture of him next time... :P Imging how odd that would be... yeah we want a picture of you because you are the famous walmart guy lol. Jianing was still being anoying and no sitting still. Me and Justin were snuggling on th couch while talking to emma and Hung. It was fun. We then went to indigo because emma had to get wnother manga book and i wanted to see if my next diamonica book was in. It was YAY! but i had forgotten my irewards card so i had to pay full price w.e it was like 5 $ lol. So then we went to starbucks and got the comfy couches this time. Me and justin shared, emma got her own though at one point jianing tried sitting on her, that didnt go too well on her count :P. Basically by this point we were all pissed at jianing... Next time we arent inviting her. too bad. I dont care if only one person shows up ( mainly justiin) So we spent the rest of the time there, at one point Hung was dumped on the floor, lol Justin. And like me and justin just kind of snuggled, and were like close... we didn't really play our nervous game, like we did, but ... not REALLY i mean we were in star bucks after all XD... We like held hands and like were like all snugg. My head fits perfectly under his chin.... hmm.... at one point though i swore he was like trying to pet my cheek, like the jaw bone, at the side on my chin.... but he did it very subtily... i wonder if he was even aware of it... hmm. theres a thought. any way then it was time for me and emm to go. I hugged justin ( we didnt kiss because there were like peoples there. next week we are going alone.. i want to finally kiss him. Actually i was very tempted to do it this time anyways. Then we walked home. Our legs were like dead by the time we were in my room. We started reading and chating to peoples on msn. Emma started the vampire diaries and finished both of them before i had finished 3/4 of the desire unchained book. it was sad... anyways this was sunday so i wont skip to that. then we had the awesome dinner of lasagna and stuff. WE read more and then my mom complained tht we got toggether for a sleepover so we could read alone. but we had fun.
Just so you know we haven't gone to bed yet but it was now midnight soo.... okay well we were still reading and then yeeha desided to start her kareoki machine... lucky us emma brought her flute over. WE opened all the windows and took out or highest peice. Gabriel's oboe. We played it and then the music stopped we almost started a party of our own to celebrate but ten minutes later it started again... quieter though. we then fell asleep.... in the morning i woke up several times because i was cold. i didnt realize until later that we had left the windows open.. smart i know. We got oup and you'll never guess what we did. yup you guessed it read. lol. emma got half way through the first deamonica book... i forget the name... anyway.. im still not done the desire unchained i was like holly shit calm down!! so shes re reading it tonight. WE pretty much hung out all day. I finished my oratoire, we talked to justin, we practice flute. We sung badly to musical songs ( while talking to justin lol ) she stayed for dinner again and then we drove her home... and i dont recall if i mentioned this but the last fight i had with leah she refused to talk to me... i probably did but anyways. Today she said she gave up and that she didnt care any more and that she rather noit fight. see patience is the only thing that works with her... and we knew we'd fight eventually and it was a bad one because of all the little fights we didnt have they were all lain onm the table at once. everything challenged and look we got through it. that just goes to show you.
In the life of a vision,
GothGirl xox
PS saturday night emily almost got out her violin and started playing with us, this is how bad we dont like yeeha
Friday, April 24, 2009
sybil here on an X-DAY!!! okay well tofay was an X-Day and it was hilarious!
Well i got to school and it was really nice so i hadn't even needed a sweater but that's not the point. Okay well then we had class but all we did was talk i mean its an Xday no one does work on them :P unless you have a really bitchy teacher but she didnt care, wse just talked. and then we had the recognition assembly. That was pretty standard. Athina and kelsey both got awards so YAY! After that we had science with Mrs Crandal, but instead we went two doors over and watched degrassi season 3 episode one on the SWC imax ( lol, it was a peice of paper and a projector :P ) It was really sad though. but i had already watched it because ive watched all seasons in degrassi, sadly my fav character wasn't there :( the gay guy :P anyways it was dramatic, but no one took it seriously and they were like no ones life is actually like that, but sadly degrassi is pretty dead on. Then there was this big football game teachers against students. It tied 7 to 7... but we hadn't watched the game at all :P I tanned and chatted with peoples, and we talked mostly. It was fun, and the sun was really warm, though erin complained. I was like SHUT THE HELL UP!!! its NICE OUT! lol. little spazz there :P
Finally we had the dance. at first it was really gay cause the front lights were on so we had to go to the back, because our corner was all bright. It was reallt crowded and we really couldn't dance. but then they turned the lights off and we moved back to our usual nook. See me and athina and kelsey and gio and emma but mostly me and athina, dance contemporary, and Jazz, and stuff. so we actually DANCE! i know GASP! and for like slow songs we walts, or what ev, depending on the beat. We had fun, id say atleast. We even worked a bit on our dance :P lol its awesome, i got the first few steps from step up 1, but then we mixed it in with a part from disturbia ( athina's class dance ) It was awesome...
I then got home and me and my mom hung out outside. We moved everything from spring to summer. like the table is now outside... what that says about my breakfast patturn i dont know. Anyways ill adapt. WE also weeded and stuff. well i should say she weeded and i stood by and sang she's in love from the little mermaid the musical. It was awesome but then the sun went away and it was cold. So now im here being all techie... basically i have an extention USB flower attached to my lap top and then in that is plugged in, my speakers ( to charge), my MP3 player, and my mouse. Then im wearing my big headphones, and listening to music while typing this out.
Can't wait till tomorrow,
BTW! so far emma has given up on hung and now holds on the hope. possibly jermy, gio has gone from dumped by david, to dating chris her EX, to being dumed by him, to crushing on grant (EW).... and last thing. The plan for tomorrow so far is:
11:30- emma comes over ( i get her ready)
1:00 - soul and possibly erin meet at my mom's house
1:30 - we had walked to riocan and now arrive at pizza pizza meet justin, jermy, maybe patrick
2:00 to 3:00 - eat at pizza pizza and our rematch of nervous
3:00 - meet jianing, Cori and hung at DQ.
5:30 - start walking home
6:00 - home
6:30 - dinner ( lasagna and ceaser salad, and garlic bread )
and w.e
:P lol THE PLAN !!! im so organized
Well i got to school and it was really nice so i hadn't even needed a sweater but that's not the point. Okay well then we had class but all we did was talk i mean its an Xday no one does work on them :P unless you have a really bitchy teacher but she didnt care, wse just talked. and then we had the recognition assembly. That was pretty standard. Athina and kelsey both got awards so YAY! After that we had science with Mrs Crandal, but instead we went two doors over and watched degrassi season 3 episode one on the SWC imax ( lol, it was a peice of paper and a projector :P ) It was really sad though. but i had already watched it because ive watched all seasons in degrassi, sadly my fav character wasn't there :( the gay guy :P anyways it was dramatic, but no one took it seriously and they were like no ones life is actually like that, but sadly degrassi is pretty dead on. Then there was this big football game teachers against students. It tied 7 to 7... but we hadn't watched the game at all :P I tanned and chatted with peoples, and we talked mostly. It was fun, and the sun was really warm, though erin complained. I was like SHUT THE HELL UP!!! its NICE OUT! lol. little spazz there :P
Finally we had the dance. at first it was really gay cause the front lights were on so we had to go to the back, because our corner was all bright. It was reallt crowded and we really couldn't dance. but then they turned the lights off and we moved back to our usual nook. See me and athina and kelsey and gio and emma but mostly me and athina, dance contemporary, and Jazz, and stuff. so we actually DANCE! i know GASP! and for like slow songs we walts, or what ev, depending on the beat. We had fun, id say atleast. We even worked a bit on our dance :P lol its awesome, i got the first few steps from step up 1, but then we mixed it in with a part from disturbia ( athina's class dance ) It was awesome...
I then got home and me and my mom hung out outside. We moved everything from spring to summer. like the table is now outside... what that says about my breakfast patturn i dont know. Anyways ill adapt. WE also weeded and stuff. well i should say she weeded and i stood by and sang she's in love from the little mermaid the musical. It was awesome but then the sun went away and it was cold. So now im here being all techie... basically i have an extention USB flower attached to my lap top and then in that is plugged in, my speakers ( to charge), my MP3 player, and my mouse. Then im wearing my big headphones, and listening to music while typing this out.
Can't wait till tomorrow,
BTW! so far emma has given up on hung and now holds on the hope. possibly jermy, gio has gone from dumped by david, to dating chris her EX, to being dumed by him, to crushing on grant (EW).... and last thing. The plan for tomorrow so far is:
11:30- emma comes over ( i get her ready)
1:00 - soul and possibly erin meet at my mom's house
1:30 - we had walked to riocan and now arrive at pizza pizza meet justin, jermy, maybe patrick
2:00 to 3:00 - eat at pizza pizza and our rematch of nervous
3:00 - meet jianing, Cori and hung at DQ.
5:30 - start walking home
6:00 - home
6:30 - dinner ( lasagna and ceaser salad, and garlic bread )
and w.e
:P lol THE PLAN !!! im so organized
Thursday, April 23, 2009
from good to bad to indiffrence.
sybil here,
im going to start at the begining of the day and hopefully you'll catch on to the title.
First we had a really good school day i mean, mr mereki taught us english but it was still fun! and like we had math art math music in the morning then gym party ELA ELA in the afternoon. i cleared my level 3 in high jump. which is the 1 meter mark. i was so happy, and we had a party in french class, for the december birthdays. and we got all our crap done, and art i really just read a lot, same with math, though in art i also drew i cig and a pow (cow pig) it was soo cute. anyways the party was funny because at the beginning we didnt have any glasses so we had to go on a search.... masically then addam got in trouble with mr mereki and ryland got kicked out of the class room.
then we had band not the brightest outlook of my day. seriosuly lol. but anyways not that bad. then i got home with my mom. and found out that justin can go on mic, lol. i cleaned up my room and such. its all pertty and i found all my socks!!! hurray. lol... so anyways then leah was like yelling atme the usual, but this time she was like i now refuse to talk to you until you start being yourself again. so now she refuses to talk to me. great i know. i got really sad, i mean shes my best friend and i am myslef i dont know what else to do. So basically im lost. and then i find out that i might not be aloud to go to the end of the year trip because she cant afford it. ill have to do the school funding thing. which means i have to talk to miss van dusen tomorrow.
So then i realized something. The thing with leah is NOT my fault, its her, and her choice. I havent chaged. actually most peoples say leah has changed so its not just me thinking that. shes been acting really diffrent and i see no other way i could have done anything, and apart from my few sad moments, i havent really missed her. not that i dont care i do. im not happy, shes my BFF! but like what was i supposed to do. if i ever find the opotunity to make it better trust me ill take it, but im not dumping justin just cause she doesnt like him! thats ludicrous! id never ask her to do that. EVER! i dont care how much i dont like him. id atleast try to ignore it, and id make sure she knows i dont like him but i wouldnt demand she break up with him, or even CHOOSE! its nuts. and you know what i think a part of leah knows that too. just the much smaller part, like germany against say...... SWITZERLAND!!! who do you think won?
Thats been my day, pretty much.... Tomorrow is the dance and a diffrent day, maybe things will go better maybe not. i have much work ahead of me, i plan on working on my oratoire tomorrow after school and more on sunday. It will be done. Oh and before the dance there is a football game students against teachers. it plans to be interesting, i wonder who will win. Last time this happened the students won, that was volley ball though..... hmm. they do have mr laundry and mr moe..... OH that reminds me another plus for today is the fact that mr laundry is coming to teach at the new school. Not only as a gym teacher but french too. SAdly my hopes of having gym that much more barable were shredded hes only teaching gr 7 and 8 :( so gym will still suck!
Love ya,
GothGirl xox
im going to start at the begining of the day and hopefully you'll catch on to the title.
First we had a really good school day i mean, mr mereki taught us english but it was still fun! and like we had math art math music in the morning then gym party ELA ELA in the afternoon. i cleared my level 3 in high jump. which is the 1 meter mark. i was so happy, and we had a party in french class, for the december birthdays. and we got all our crap done, and art i really just read a lot, same with math, though in art i also drew i cig and a pow (cow pig) it was soo cute. anyways the party was funny because at the beginning we didnt have any glasses so we had to go on a search.... masically then addam got in trouble with mr mereki and ryland got kicked out of the class room.
then we had band not the brightest outlook of my day. seriosuly lol. but anyways not that bad. then i got home with my mom. and found out that justin can go on mic, lol. i cleaned up my room and such. its all pertty and i found all my socks!!! hurray. lol... so anyways then leah was like yelling atme the usual, but this time she was like i now refuse to talk to you until you start being yourself again. so now she refuses to talk to me. great i know. i got really sad, i mean shes my best friend and i am myslef i dont know what else to do. So basically im lost. and then i find out that i might not be aloud to go to the end of the year trip because she cant afford it. ill have to do the school funding thing. which means i have to talk to miss van dusen tomorrow.
So then i realized something. The thing with leah is NOT my fault, its her, and her choice. I havent chaged. actually most peoples say leah has changed so its not just me thinking that. shes been acting really diffrent and i see no other way i could have done anything, and apart from my few sad moments, i havent really missed her. not that i dont care i do. im not happy, shes my BFF! but like what was i supposed to do. if i ever find the opotunity to make it better trust me ill take it, but im not dumping justin just cause she doesnt like him! thats ludicrous! id never ask her to do that. EVER! i dont care how much i dont like him. id atleast try to ignore it, and id make sure she knows i dont like him but i wouldnt demand she break up with him, or even CHOOSE! its nuts. and you know what i think a part of leah knows that too. just the much smaller part, like germany against say...... SWITZERLAND!!! who do you think won?
Thats been my day, pretty much.... Tomorrow is the dance and a diffrent day, maybe things will go better maybe not. i have much work ahead of me, i plan on working on my oratoire tomorrow after school and more on sunday. It will be done. Oh and before the dance there is a football game students against teachers. it plans to be interesting, i wonder who will win. Last time this happened the students won, that was volley ball though..... hmm. they do have mr laundry and mr moe..... OH that reminds me another plus for today is the fact that mr laundry is coming to teach at the new school. Not only as a gym teacher but french too. SAdly my hopes of having gym that much more barable were shredded hes only teaching gr 7 and 8 :( so gym will still suck!
Love ya,
GothGirl xox
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Fads of the 1980's
spandex shorts
Grunge music and fashion
Koosh Balls
Saved By The Bell
The Macarena
American Gladiators
Extreme sports
Gigapets / Tomogatchi
Trapper Keeper
The Waif Look
Spuds MacKenzie
Push Pops
Bowl cut
Beanies (caps/hats)
Stoner and slacker humor (Beavis and Butthead, Bill and Ted?s Excellent Adventure, etc.)Discman
Multi-colored silk shirts
Wide leg jeans
Radio Disney
Dr. Martens
Oprah's Book Club
V-Chips (for TVs)
Chat Rooms
Girl Power
Car air fresheners
Street Fighter
What would Jesus do?
Hypercolor (clothing that changed color with heat)
Eight ball
leather jacket
Polly Pocket Toys
Hip-Hop Fashion
I've fallen and I can't get up!
Mortal Kombat games
Claw vending machine
Hi-top fade
Tickle Me Elmo
Slammer Whammers
Grunge music and fashion
Koosh Balls
Saved By The Bell
The Macarena
American Gladiators
Extreme sports
Gigapets / Tomogatchi
Trapper Keeper
The Waif Look
Spuds MacKenzie
Push Pops
Bowl cut
Beanies (caps/hats)
Stoner and slacker humor (Beavis and Butthead, Bill and Ted?s Excellent Adventure, etc.)Discman
Multi-colored silk shirts
Wide leg jeans
Radio Disney
Dr. Martens
Oprah's Book Club
V-Chips (for TVs)
Chat Rooms
Girl Power
Car air fresheners
Street Fighter
What would Jesus do?
Hypercolor (clothing that changed color with heat)
Eight ball
leather jacket
Polly Pocket Toys
Hip-Hop Fashion
I've fallen and I can't get up!
Mortal Kombat games
Claw vending machine
Hi-top fade
Tickle Me Elmo
Slammer Whammers
Fads of the 1990's
spandex shorts
Grunge music and fashion
Koosh Balls
Saved By The Bell
The Macarena
American Gladiators
Extreme sports
Gigapets / Tomogatchi
Trapper Keeper
The Waif Look
Spuds MacKenzie
Push Pops
Bowl cut
Beanies (caps/hats)
Stoner and slacker humor (Beavis and Butthead, Bill and Ted?s Excellent Adventure, etc.)Discman
Multi-colored silk shirts
Wide leg jeans
Radio Disney
Dr. Martens
Oprah's Book Club
V-Chips (for TVs)
Chat Rooms
Girl Power
Car air fresheners
Street Fighter
What would Jesus do?
Hypercolor (clothing that changed color with heat)
Eight ball leather jacket
Polly Pocket Toys
Hip-Hop Fashion
I've fallen and I can't get up!
Mortal Kombat games
Claw vending machine
Hi-top fade
Tickle Me Elmo
Slammer Whammers
Grunge music and fashion
Koosh Balls
Saved By The Bell
The Macarena
American Gladiators
Extreme sports
Gigapets / Tomogatchi
Trapper Keeper
The Waif Look
Spuds MacKenzie
Push Pops
Bowl cut
Beanies (caps/hats)
Stoner and slacker humor (Beavis and Butthead, Bill and Ted?s Excellent Adventure, etc.)Discman
Multi-colored silk shirts
Wide leg jeans
Radio Disney
Dr. Martens
Oprah's Book Club
V-Chips (for TVs)
Chat Rooms
Girl Power
Car air fresheners
Street Fighter
What would Jesus do?
Hypercolor (clothing that changed color with heat)
Eight ball leather jacket
Polly Pocket Toys
Hip-Hop Fashion
I've fallen and I can't get up!
Mortal Kombat games
Claw vending machine
Hi-top fade
Tickle Me Elmo
Slammer Whammers
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday and Tuesday
Okay well i really don't have all that much time to fill you in on everything but the basics are:
WEll I got home on monday and i usually pack and wait to be picked up, but my mom didnt want to pick me up, so she was like you can walk, so it took like an hour to walk home. then justin wasnt on and yea, i was bored, and i actually did my home work, gasp i know. lol.. anyways my moms then made me miss band and has been really bitchy towards me GRR she has gotten mad at me like 3 times for nothing. :( and like andrea and her have been like buddy buddy and stuff. its anoying.
Another thing is that in school we found out we have to ACTUALLY do the oratoire by monday, so that means that im like busy busy! and i have to write a letter for isaac trying to convince his parents that its okay to have msn. lol its sad he doesnt have it. mine is going to be on micro expressions, cause its so interesting im goiung to like talk a bit about who discovered it, how its better than lie detectore, how you can learn, how and what is it? and etc etc. it'll be kool.
that's about it, OH ! it was so funny cause for once we actually have our plan complete by now and like its the one week i dont have my calender lol. its very sad irony. WE are going to pizza pizza till 3 then we just hang, and emmas coming to my house friday night for a sleepover so we can go sat.
in a rush,
GothGirl xox
WEll I got home on monday and i usually pack and wait to be picked up, but my mom didnt want to pick me up, so she was like you can walk, so it took like an hour to walk home. then justin wasnt on and yea, i was bored, and i actually did my home work, gasp i know. lol.. anyways my moms then made me miss band and has been really bitchy towards me GRR she has gotten mad at me like 3 times for nothing. :( and like andrea and her have been like buddy buddy and stuff. its anoying.
Another thing is that in school we found out we have to ACTUALLY do the oratoire by monday, so that means that im like busy busy! and i have to write a letter for isaac trying to convince his parents that its okay to have msn. lol its sad he doesnt have it. mine is going to be on micro expressions, cause its so interesting im goiung to like talk a bit about who discovered it, how its better than lie detectore, how you can learn, how and what is it? and etc etc. it'll be kool.
that's about it, OH ! it was so funny cause for once we actually have our plan complete by now and like its the one week i dont have my calender lol. its very sad irony. WE are going to pizza pizza till 3 then we just hang, and emmas coming to my house friday night for a sleepover so we can go sat.
in a rush,
GothGirl xox
Monday, April 20, 2009
bowling pics
These are the pictures from bowling:
This is how bored we were, at timmies waiting:
Richard ebing an idiot
Peter (his names not actually peter)
me and Justin!!
Justin: I KNOW !! a good picture!
dont read those names outloud! and srry bout the sideways
Love Ya, Goth Girl xox
Sunday, April 19, 2009
my weekend
Sybil here, A lot has happened this weekend. And I'm here to tell you about it. Now the last time i posted was friday and i had been having issues with Lee. Well most of those are, well i wouldn't say behind us, she still hates that im going out with justin but she isn't mad at me any more. That's always good. I worked on my math and stuff all of saturday, and then later Erin came over and we did the science experiment. well we "worked" on it. No we did it. We did the experiment, the calculations all of it, just we often got side tract, and we took our time, but at around 10 we were like okay time to get to it, we finished around 10:30. lol even though we started at like 5. i'm actually just finishing up the lab now. We had a blast and i think i got abs in the proces we seriously laughed for like an hour straight.
then today. We woke up and around 9:30 which was surprising cause we went to bed at 2 am... we took our time and then Erin left. Shortly after i was running to get to the park to meet richard. We walked to the bus stop, and were way early. it was sad. and like we still waited for the bus for like 10 minutes. Once the bus came, we expected like a 20 minute drive and it turned out it was five, so we were WAY early. Like 40 ninutes. So that sucked, we went to timies and sat there, we had fun : hint hint the pictures.......
Once it was like 2 we went to the bowling alley. We waited outside for everyone else to show up. Soon Nicki arrived. we started learning how to juggle we were so bored. Justin, Pater, and jermy were half and hour late. it was sad... we pelted them with pine cones. Once that done, we went bowling, they actually had DR PEPPER!!!when we got to the alley, sadly we were on top floor so not much was glowing, and they ended up turning the lights on :S there were only 5 chairs and 6 of us. so i shared a chair with Justin. It was funny, and surprisingly compfy..... ANYWAYS. we had fun, and we and justin ended up only bowling like 20% of the time. WE just hung out.... When we were nearly done, all our names were all changed, it was so funny, they wer like porno porno porno, are you horny yet lady, suk ma dik and others.......... its was very funy. but then we like ran out. we went to timmies and sat there, we ended up actually buying stuff but, w.e. we hung out some more at the arcade, and it was funny cause we got to play a game for 5 cents cause richard like confused it. lol. ( btw the WHOLE time, justin was wither, holding me, or hadhis arm around me, or was holding my hand. it was so cute.) then justin had to go, we hugged and probly would have kissed but peter was like staring at us. it was creepy, and jermy was like right there, soo next time :P lol.
then me and richard got our bus, and i got it for free cuz i was going to pay in 10 cent's but the bus dreiver was like never mind, just go. lol
And now im here telling all you, can't wait till next week,
GothGirl xox
then today. We woke up and around 9:30 which was surprising cause we went to bed at 2 am... we took our time and then Erin left. Shortly after i was running to get to the park to meet richard. We walked to the bus stop, and were way early. it was sad. and like we still waited for the bus for like 10 minutes. Once the bus came, we expected like a 20 minute drive and it turned out it was five, so we were WAY early. Like 40 ninutes. So that sucked, we went to timies and sat there, we had fun : hint hint the pictures.......
Once it was like 2 we went to the bowling alley. We waited outside for everyone else to show up. Soon Nicki arrived. we started learning how to juggle we were so bored. Justin, Pater, and jermy were half and hour late. it was sad... we pelted them with pine cones. Once that done, we went bowling, they actually had DR PEPPER!!!when we got to the alley, sadly we were on top floor so not much was glowing, and they ended up turning the lights on :S there were only 5 chairs and 6 of us. so i shared a chair with Justin. It was funny, and surprisingly compfy..... ANYWAYS. we had fun, and we and justin ended up only bowling like 20% of the time. WE just hung out.... When we were nearly done, all our names were all changed, it was so funny, they wer like porno porno porno, are you horny yet lady, suk ma dik and others.......... its was very funy. but then we like ran out. we went to timmies and sat there, we ended up actually buying stuff but, w.e. we hung out some more at the arcade, and it was funny cause we got to play a game for 5 cents cause richard like confused it. lol. ( btw the WHOLE time, justin was wither, holding me, or hadhis arm around me, or was holding my hand. it was so cute.) then justin had to go, we hugged and probly would have kissed but peter was like staring at us. it was creepy, and jermy was like right there, soo next time :P lol.
then me and richard got our bus, and i got it for free cuz i was going to pay in 10 cent's but the bus dreiver was like never mind, just go. lol
And now im here telling all you, can't wait till next week,
GothGirl xox
Friday, April 17, 2009
A fight?
Okay well I'm talking with Justin hungand leah right now on msn, we are playing question. and like leah gave me one that i had to pick either kill her or justin, and i said neither, so she got mad at me.. and i think i hurt her,but like what was i supposed to say? and She's mad, i can tell but... UGH!!! I still want to be her BFF. I love her, shes my best friend. ive known her forever, weve been freinds for so long, we used to share everything and lately we've been drifting, and shes mad at me a lot.... I don't want to fight with her, but im not going to stand while she tries to break me and Justin up! GRR :(
PS Athina Ditched me at school today :(
PS Athina Ditched me at school today :(
Okay well Im practicing flute right now so i might actually be able to play the songs for band lol. I just got home from Ashley's house, it was fun. She has a kitten named Reese's and HES SO CUTE!! lol we talked about books and made fun of french writing. it was fun. another plus for today is that i figured out what my presentations going to be on. Micro -expressions. anyone who watches Lie to me will get that. So basically for info i watch tv, and peoples lol :P
Also i just uploaded my pics and now i can show you some of my fam. and Justin so now you can actually picture some of these peoples.
Justin.... its a bad picture but the only one i got soo.... it'll do :P
My daddy...... OMG is that me on the TV??? Wat was he playing!!!
Okay now heres an actually pic of dad
This is my mom. She just got her teeth done! yay her! now time for mine :S
on 80's day
Thats Kelsey side ways :P oops
Thats Athina On 80's day
Kelsey RIGHT SIDE UP!!! on 80's day
Erin... my wifee!!
Emm, my wife, and my crazy psycho vampire BITCH !! lol :P bad pic tho, srry
Me and Lee, last year in florida
Duckman!!! (garry)
Sue, we were SO crazy :P
Jim... sorry you can really see his face much
Also i just uploaded my pics and now i can show you some of my fam. and Justin so now you can actually picture some of these peoples.
Justin.... its a bad picture but the only one i got soo.... it'll do :P
My daddy...... OMG is that me on the TV??? Wat was he playing!!!

on 80's day

Me and lee
Okay well thats a few pics of my family, friends and amigos chico. :P So ya.
Love ya, GothGirl xox
Thursday, April 16, 2009
a few realizations
Sybil here,
I just got back from band and well a realize a few things today. 1 I NEED HELP FOR BAND because i missed do much im behind. and 2. i need a study partner forscience this weeknd.... but no one in my class ( of my friends) is free. so i have to ask my giftes, but most of them suck at french.
so all my math notes have been copied to my pages, i even have a table of contents. its skill only 5 pages in all. Also i finally i understand the math, it may have taken a while but im better now.
I think im probably doing fads and trends for my public speaking.
This is completly off topic but i thought i might just mention. yesturday Jusstin read my blog, and he told me and i got kind of embarresed bbecause of that last one... ( the spring one) ( LOOK BLAKE SPRING!!!) lol okay so basically HI JUSTIN!!! *waving*
i dont really have much else to say.
GothGirl xox
I just got back from band and well a realize a few things today. 1 I NEED HELP FOR BAND because i missed do much im behind. and 2. i need a study partner forscience this weeknd.... but no one in my class ( of my friends) is free. so i have to ask my giftes, but most of them suck at french.
so all my math notes have been copied to my pages, i even have a table of contents. its skill only 5 pages in all. Also i finally i understand the math, it may have taken a while but im better now.
I think im probably doing fads and trends for my public speaking.
This is completly off topic but i thought i might just mention. yesturday Jusstin read my blog, and he told me and i got kind of embarresed bbecause of that last one... ( the spring one) ( LOOK BLAKE SPRING!!!) lol okay so basically HI JUSTIN!!! *waving*
i dont really have much else to say.
GothGirl xox
Fads of the 2000's
OMG i just found a website that names off fads of diffrent time periods and im going to post them all cause they're absolutly hilarious!!
High School Musical
mini skirts with leggings
skinny jeans
American Idol
Emo Music & Emo Style
Suped Up Cars (like on Pimp My Ride)
Flare Jeans
The phrase, "That's Hot" (made famous by Paris Hilton)
Napolean Dynamite
William Hung
Wide skate shoes with fat laces
Mentos and Coke
High School Musical
Dance Dance Revolution
Robotic Pets
The Big Mouth Billy Bass
Reality TV Shows
Atkins / Low Carb Diets
Snoop Dogg speak
Numa Numa Web Video
Energy Drinks (Red Bull, Full Throttle, Monster Energy, etc.).
Razor Scooters
Dragonball Z (2000 - 2002?)[7]
Texas hold 'em Poker
Tivo / DVR
Fantasy Leagues
Speed Dating
Flash Mobs
Text messaging
Uggs (boots)
Vanilla Coke
Hannah Montana
Oversized sunglasses
Ring Tones
Gel pens
Hybrid cars
TV/DVD screens in cars
Using Online Slang In Speech (OMG, BRB, etc.)
Crocs (shoes)
Pocket Bikes
The Million Dollar Homepage and pixel advertising
World of Warcraft
Jared the Subway Guy
P2P File Sharing (Napster, Kaaza, etc.)
LiveSTRONG yellow wristbands (to support the fight against cancer)
The Da Vinci Code
Low Rise Jeans
Geocaching US flags on cars
Wireless Camera Phones
Bratz Dolls
Social Networks (MySpace.com/Facebook.com)
Vlogs (bideo blogs)
Sudoku puzzles
Please note that i didn;t make any chagements, yes bideo and yes high school muscical was written twice. OH AND BLOGGING SO.... okay... and YES the davinci code! ... too bad they don't have angels and demons, lol Justin. but I guess not enough people have actually READ the book.
I'm actually completly shocked that they didn't mention twilight though. I though for sure it would be the first one there!
GothGirl xox
High School Musical
mini skirts with leggings
skinny jeans
American Idol
Emo Music & Emo Style
Suped Up Cars (like on Pimp My Ride)
Flare Jeans
The phrase, "That's Hot" (made famous by Paris Hilton)
Napolean Dynamite
William Hung
Wide skate shoes with fat laces
Mentos and Coke
High School Musical
Dance Dance Revolution
Robotic Pets
The Big Mouth Billy Bass
Reality TV Shows
Atkins / Low Carb Diets
Snoop Dogg speak
Numa Numa Web Video
Energy Drinks (Red Bull, Full Throttle, Monster Energy, etc.).
Razor Scooters
Dragonball Z (2000 - 2002?)[7]
Texas hold 'em Poker
Tivo / DVR
Fantasy Leagues
Speed Dating
Flash Mobs
Text messaging
Uggs (boots)
Vanilla Coke
Hannah Montana
Oversized sunglasses
Ring Tones
Gel pens
Hybrid cars
TV/DVD screens in cars
Using Online Slang In Speech (OMG, BRB, etc.)
Crocs (shoes)
Pocket Bikes
The Million Dollar Homepage and pixel advertising
World of Warcraft
Jared the Subway Guy
P2P File Sharing (Napster, Kaaza, etc.)
LiveSTRONG yellow wristbands (to support the fight against cancer)
The Da Vinci Code
Low Rise Jeans
Geocaching US flags on cars
Wireless Camera Phones
Bratz Dolls
Social Networks (MySpace.com/Facebook.com)
Vlogs (bideo blogs)
Sudoku puzzles
Please note that i didn;t make any chagements, yes bideo and yes high school muscical was written twice. OH AND BLOGGING SO.... okay... and YES the davinci code! ... too bad they don't have angels and demons, lol Justin. but I guess not enough people have actually READ the book.
I'm actually completly shocked that they didn't mention twilight though. I though for sure it would be the first one there!
GothGirl xox
Public speaking
Okay well right now i'm in french and I found out we have to do a public speaking thing.... Now i have a few options
Blake says hi. Okay and apearently a lot of people now read my bolg..... i wonder what they think, most of them probably don't really care. Okay i probably shouldn't have let them read it, ill have uneadless issues. So please stop bugging me anyone who reads this. You're the one wasting your time to read it all. If you think it's stupid that you don't have to read it. No meanness entended.
Okay so anyways. I figured out that i have a few options, and subjects. So here are a few:
Blake says hi. Okay and apearently a lot of people now read my bolg..... i wonder what they think, most of them probably don't really care. Okay i probably shouldn't have let them read it, ill have uneadless issues. So please stop bugging me anyone who reads this. You're the one wasting your time to read it all. If you think it's stupid that you don't have to read it. No meanness entended.
Okay so anyways. I figured out that i have a few options, and subjects. So here are a few:
- emotions
- expretions
- fads and or trends
- Phobia's
There could possibly be more but I'm not sure yet. So any thoughts.... any other ideas, any opinions, would be great...... let me rephrase that.... if they're positive they'd be great. So thanks.
GothGirl xox
Actually i might just riule out emotions, its pretty lame, and involves too much research. I'm way too lazy.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Srping brings more than just flowers!! its brought Justin
Sybil here, and yet not.... im totally in love, its official.... i didn't really notice until today. Okay well first i should tell you all about my date.
Okay well basically it started out really cold outside, but then it heated up. and we kind of walked around alot and store to store, and found a bargain store which kind of was a WTF when did that get there moment. and we got candy crap and bulk barn and walked around. we saw leah's dad. we spent some time at DQ sitting at a schwaed table. we also hung out a lot at indigo and the starbucks attatched. At the end we went to walmart and sat in the gardining section... They have swings. Yeah it was fun. We talked a bout a whole variation of topics. like year 14, aisle 5, fuzzy peaches, whinnie the pooh, there better be a bathroom. and way more. but they always ended up really fucked up :P lol we had a blast. oh and we made a bet that i couldnt get a tan before my birthday. IM going to win, i already have the start of one.
then i got home and it was still pretty early. i did pilates, and sit ups. ( i need my abs back for summer) and my teeth were KILING ME. or TOOTH. but anyway. and i like want to be back in shape.
Now today. My tooth is in insane pain and blleeding like all the time. i hope it fall out soon i cant take this anymore. and the whole day i missed justin, which was crazy cause i saw him yesturday!! :( ive got it bad. and i said before that i wouldnt be like that. always wanting to be with him and stuff. but i am. I want to be closer and hold hadns, and hug. i want him to kiss me and like hold me. i know i need to give it time we dont see each other that much but.... i still want it. i wonder if he does....? Any thoughts? Anyway, i can't wait till next time i see him. i think he does like me though... i mean like he's already made plans for us during the summer and he keeps like saying, yeah and you'll like come to my house and well swim and like watch a movie downstairs or something... ( twas an example)you should of heard the convo we had today. hung said something and like he got all defensive and was like NO shes my girlfriend and i really like her, i wont let you do that....and it was all cute :P I like him i really do..... i took a pic of him, its not a good one but still... its the best i got. ill post it later. and one of my sis and dad. I was bored one day.
Besides Justin, not all that much has happened. i mean today Athina was officially placed in the spot next to me :P and like i no longer hanve to do announcement for the rest of the year. Also i ran out of lined paper. not good. ill have to get some more...... WHERE??!!?? and like i plan on actually working this week. i would have gone today but..... i dunno i didn't.
Spring time, love time, me time,
GothGirl xox
Okay well basically it started out really cold outside, but then it heated up. and we kind of walked around alot and store to store, and found a bargain store which kind of was a WTF when did that get there moment. and we got candy crap and bulk barn and walked around. we saw leah's dad. we spent some time at DQ sitting at a schwaed table. we also hung out a lot at indigo and the starbucks attatched. At the end we went to walmart and sat in the gardining section... They have swings. Yeah it was fun. We talked a bout a whole variation of topics. like year 14, aisle 5, fuzzy peaches, whinnie the pooh, there better be a bathroom. and way more. but they always ended up really fucked up :P lol we had a blast. oh and we made a bet that i couldnt get a tan before my birthday. IM going to win, i already have the start of one.
then i got home and it was still pretty early. i did pilates, and sit ups. ( i need my abs back for summer) and my teeth were KILING ME. or TOOTH. but anyway. and i like want to be back in shape.
Now today. My tooth is in insane pain and blleeding like all the time. i hope it fall out soon i cant take this anymore. and the whole day i missed justin, which was crazy cause i saw him yesturday!! :( ive got it bad. and i said before that i wouldnt be like that. always wanting to be with him and stuff. but i am. I want to be closer and hold hadns, and hug. i want him to kiss me and like hold me. i know i need to give it time we dont see each other that much but.... i still want it. i wonder if he does....? Any thoughts? Anyway, i can't wait till next time i see him. i think he does like me though... i mean like he's already made plans for us during the summer and he keeps like saying, yeah and you'll like come to my house and well swim and like watch a movie downstairs or something... ( twas an example)you should of heard the convo we had today. hung said something and like he got all defensive and was like NO shes my girlfriend and i really like her, i wont let you do that....and it was all cute :P I like him i really do..... i took a pic of him, its not a good one but still... its the best i got. ill post it later. and one of my sis and dad. I was bored one day.
Besides Justin, not all that much has happened. i mean today Athina was officially placed in the spot next to me :P and like i no longer hanve to do announcement for the rest of the year. Also i ran out of lined paper. not good. ill have to get some more...... WHERE??!!?? and like i plan on actually working this week. i would have gone today but..... i dunno i didn't.
Spring time, love time, me time,
GothGirl xox
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I'm singled out AGAIN!
IM ANGRY!!! my god!! i just got back froma family dinner. it sucked. they singled me out cause im diffrent. WEll heres the story.
Imagine being trapped in a house full of drunk adults. brittish might i add, and a house full of screaming kids. now they just got a new wii and it was in the only sitting space in the house. and then a screaching retard teenager,and his maid. Then because im goth all the parents kept staring at me and GLARING every time i walked by a kid like just by breathing near them i'd "corrupt" them or something. it was sad. Now i knew this would happen, thats why for all family reunions i go full out goth, black lipstick and eyeshadow and all. it was pretty sick though, cause i got it perfect i was hot. Now this thing looked like a frat party in the movies, people passed out everywhere beer everywhere, btw we are half irish too. and im like freaking out. then i went to sit with the girls even though they are all old ladies cause i was bored and they were having tea. the moment i walked in the room they all stopped gossiping and looked at me and their eyes followed me the whole time so i turned around and left. Basically i spent most of the night in the hall trying not to get stepped on, while blasting music.
yeah fun aint it! I can't wait till tomorrow. after i get back ill have to finish my essay. i don't have much but still.
The one and only,
GothGirl xox
Imagine being trapped in a house full of drunk adults. brittish might i add, and a house full of screaming kids. now they just got a new wii and it was in the only sitting space in the house. and then a screaching retard teenager,and his maid. Then because im goth all the parents kept staring at me and GLARING every time i walked by a kid like just by breathing near them i'd "corrupt" them or something. it was sad. Now i knew this would happen, thats why for all family reunions i go full out goth, black lipstick and eyeshadow and all. it was pretty sick though, cause i got it perfect i was hot. Now this thing looked like a frat party in the movies, people passed out everywhere beer everywhere, btw we are half irish too. and im like freaking out. then i went to sit with the girls even though they are all old ladies cause i was bored and they were having tea. the moment i walked in the room they all stopped gossiping and looked at me and their eyes followed me the whole time so i turned around and left. Basically i spent most of the night in the hall trying not to get stepped on, while blasting music.
yeah fun aint it! I can't wait till tomorrow. after i get back ill have to finish my essay. i don't have much but still.
The one and only,
GothGirl xox
Saturday, April 11, 2009
moonlit peace
An hour. A sat outside just thinking for an hour. i didn't even notice i ws cold, and i would have stayed out longer. it seemed like 20 minutes only. only about 5 after i finished typing. guess not. the thing that got my attention was a raven. it had perched on the black bench near me. it just sat there staring at me. lik eit knew why i was there. No harm, just to be.i looked at it for a while and then he finally flew away, right accross the moon. it was beautiful. i swear like something out of a book. but not. so i went inside. i realized when the crow came that i hard started singing. i didn't even know what i was saying till i listened. and it was pretty. darkness of the night, i beleive was the name. im not sure its even a real song. and i can't remember it now but... it was pretty.
By the moonlight, i finally came to a conclusion. I can't give up. I have to fight. weither its with or against leah. I'd never hurt our friendship but i can't sit idle, while my relashionship with the guy i like crumbles. I love leah, but i REALLY like Justin too. This Blog is for her to try to understand. I've dated so many creeps. like really you have no clue. if i got out my list i could name at least three things that creeped me out about each guy. except Justin. With him its just happy. No he's not perfect. I get that, and to other people he may be creepy but... i dunno, maybe leah was right and i got hit on the head, but it doesn't matter how. I'm here and i Like him. his smile, is light blue eyes in the contrass to his skin, even his nose gives structure to his face. He has this amazing blonde hair, and he's tall withought being lanky and odd. it balances. and he's nice. He makes me feel special. Leah if you were in my shoes. and i mean not as you, but as me, with what i'm describing now, would you say no? hmm? i smile more, when i talk to him the rest of the world floats away and its just me and him, unless hung is added to the convo cause then its me him and hung (lol) but i mean lee, i think he likes me too cause when i look in his eyes, i mean really look, i see admiration and adoration. Lee i'm not buttering this up like i would in my book. this is really how i feel. Seriously Neal in my book, its Justin, completly 100%. and you may think But you don't even know him. that's not true, not anymore. I've been playing 20 Q with him for like 2 months. for my msn folders, i have 2 for his convos only, and they are both full. the one i have with you isn't even half full. and we talk and really got to know each other. i guarentee i could even name a few things about him you didn't know. and he even likes some of the same books as me, and movies, and MUSIC! no one ( but soul and my dad ) likes my music! and no he didn't just copy i asked him first. Angels and Demon's is one of his all time fav books and mine too. We're going to see the movie when it comes out this summer.
Lee, please try to understand. When i was outside alone, nothing but my thoughts, no matter what i thought i always ended up thinking about how much i like Justin. Please i promise that if i realize that it won't work. or find one really creepy thing, ill tell okay. but i mean, right now I love you honey, now please work on ignoring him. As much as you can anyways.
I found my moonlit peace,
Gothgirl xox
By the moonlight, i finally came to a conclusion. I can't give up. I have to fight. weither its with or against leah. I'd never hurt our friendship but i can't sit idle, while my relashionship with the guy i like crumbles. I love leah, but i REALLY like Justin too. This Blog is for her to try to understand. I've dated so many creeps. like really you have no clue. if i got out my list i could name at least three things that creeped me out about each guy. except Justin. With him its just happy. No he's not perfect. I get that, and to other people he may be creepy but... i dunno, maybe leah was right and i got hit on the head, but it doesn't matter how. I'm here and i Like him. his smile, is light blue eyes in the contrass to his skin, even his nose gives structure to his face. He has this amazing blonde hair, and he's tall withought being lanky and odd. it balances. and he's nice. He makes me feel special. Leah if you were in my shoes. and i mean not as you, but as me, with what i'm describing now, would you say no? hmm? i smile more, when i talk to him the rest of the world floats away and its just me and him, unless hung is added to the convo cause then its me him and hung (lol) but i mean lee, i think he likes me too cause when i look in his eyes, i mean really look, i see admiration and adoration. Lee i'm not buttering this up like i would in my book. this is really how i feel. Seriously Neal in my book, its Justin, completly 100%. and you may think But you don't even know him. that's not true, not anymore. I've been playing 20 Q with him for like 2 months. for my msn folders, i have 2 for his convos only, and they are both full. the one i have with you isn't even half full. and we talk and really got to know each other. i guarentee i could even name a few things about him you didn't know. and he even likes some of the same books as me, and movies, and MUSIC! no one ( but soul and my dad ) likes my music! and no he didn't just copy i asked him first. Angels and Demon's is one of his all time fav books and mine too. We're going to see the movie when it comes out this summer.
Lee, please try to understand. When i was outside alone, nothing but my thoughts, no matter what i thought i always ended up thinking about how much i like Justin. Please i promise that if i realize that it won't work. or find one really creepy thing, ill tell okay. but i mean, right now I love you honey, now please work on ignoring him. As much as you can anyways.
I found my moonlit peace,
Gothgirl xox
friendly fire
Sybil here. I'd like to tell you that today was just an ordinairy non-exciting day. but im afraid that would be lying. I'm not sure i'm okay. I want to be, but sometimes that's not enough. Okay well the whole morning was so lame you couldn't even begin to imagine. I stayed up the whole night. I wasn't tired so. And around4 am i went outside got some air, jogged. then i worked on homework, i still have a bit to finish tomorrow but not much. Anyway, the whole day i worked. took a break here and there yes. It was beautiful outside so i decided to sun bathe. Now is didn't get much of a tan. but still. theres a diffrence.
Now when i finally decided to stop for the night well........ that's when my day went from lame to WAY too much drama. in the whole i got emma a potential boyfriend. hung actually. they seemed to get a long well so ill leave the rest up to the fates. then we started this massed convo and cori kept like pissing me off. and i really wasnt in the mood so i didnt take it too well. maybe lack of sleep will do that to you. insomnia :S ICK. ( so i went from needing all together too much sleep to i can't sleep) and well we fought. by the end the sides were, me, hung, Justin, emma against cori, richard, sam and some kid. eventually it got worse. cuz Leah was added. now i'm not really sure if i've told you how me and justin became friends...., well i will * Okay well basically they were at another one of their bickerings and Justin finally snapped and called her a whore and it all went down hill from there. Now i was already in a really foul mood cause of Cori. So this........ i dunno. anyway they brought me in it. Lee telling me to dump him, and him being so damn cute :( and like trying to keep that from happening. and i was like being pulled apart, so i kind of became common ground. they both liked me but hated each other. i got that, and i knew that couldnt be helped but still. So Emma was trying to help, but she didn't get the whole story. i really just wanted a rain check. but that wouldnt happen. it was here and now. it was either going to work or fall apart. So after much pursuaving we came up with a truce. As soon as i realized that Justin was pure evil, I'd dump him. And she'd ignore him on that expense. Now he had apoligized from the remark but she just couldnt accept it. so we made a truce. a sketchy temporary truce, because i know that sooner or later leah's going to realize that i know hes weird THATs why i like him, hes diffrent, and weird and odd, and sweet. and i was happy. weither shee liked it or not. and so shell want diffrent demands, but till that time comes, these lines hold. I really don't think she's seen all of him. No i don't know 100% Justin but i hate Micheal and she still likes him. but mistery is good, cause then we have the chance to learn.
Right now i'm sitting on the swing in the backyard. Itd freezing, around midnight. I came out here, not only cause the moon was out but because it cleared my head. I i could think. the cold makes everything focused. BUT that still doesnt mean i have to like being cold. It's so peaceful out here, so quiet, serene, but i can't really enjoy it cause of the mood im in. :( god. Hopefully i can sort through everything and enjoy this before its time to head inside again.
* Okay well leah never really like Jutin. Therre was always something about him, I have a theorie about that but i can't say. so one day, when they were having a fight, i asked him why he hated leah, what he did. and he said that he really had no clue. which just points more towards my throrie. and like we started talking and he was really witty, and funny. So we talked more and then one thing lead to another and we became friends. Now you know the rest from there.
On a whole other subject, I'm freaking. I don't know if ill be able to do my presentation cause it touches so close to home. I mean i found a chart that shows the signs of neglect and i fit almost every one. I can't deal with this. especially not today.
The sky os so clear. Its dark, and yet theres always sparkles of light hidden. I love night time. I'd be nocturnal if possible, sadly it doesnt work that way. the nights so fresh, and alive. you can be completly alone and feel safe. Some people get the opposite feeling, and im not saying that's wrong. Dark is dangerous. but i need a little danger once in a while, it keeps my senses awake. my mind running. and the moon. it's like its always there trying to cool your feeling, so you are nothing but raw, then you know what to do. i love summer nights most, cause then its cold, but bareble, peaceful. and the moon is even clearer. '
Once in a while, let darkness guide your path,
GothGirl xox
Now when i finally decided to stop for the night well........ that's when my day went from lame to WAY too much drama. in the whole i got emma a potential boyfriend. hung actually. they seemed to get a long well so ill leave the rest up to the fates. then we started this massed convo and cori kept like pissing me off. and i really wasnt in the mood so i didnt take it too well. maybe lack of sleep will do that to you. insomnia :S ICK. ( so i went from needing all together too much sleep to i can't sleep) and well we fought. by the end the sides were, me, hung, Justin, emma against cori, richard, sam and some kid. eventually it got worse. cuz Leah was added. now i'm not really sure if i've told you how me and justin became friends...., well i will * Okay well basically they were at another one of their bickerings and Justin finally snapped and called her a whore and it all went down hill from there. Now i was already in a really foul mood cause of Cori. So this........ i dunno. anyway they brought me in it. Lee telling me to dump him, and him being so damn cute :( and like trying to keep that from happening. and i was like being pulled apart, so i kind of became common ground. they both liked me but hated each other. i got that, and i knew that couldnt be helped but still. So Emma was trying to help, but she didn't get the whole story. i really just wanted a rain check. but that wouldnt happen. it was here and now. it was either going to work or fall apart. So after much pursuaving we came up with a truce. As soon as i realized that Justin was pure evil, I'd dump him. And she'd ignore him on that expense. Now he had apoligized from the remark but she just couldnt accept it. so we made a truce. a sketchy temporary truce, because i know that sooner or later leah's going to realize that i know hes weird THATs why i like him, hes diffrent, and weird and odd, and sweet. and i was happy. weither shee liked it or not. and so shell want diffrent demands, but till that time comes, these lines hold. I really don't think she's seen all of him. No i don't know 100% Justin but i hate Micheal and she still likes him. but mistery is good, cause then we have the chance to learn.
Right now i'm sitting on the swing in the backyard. Itd freezing, around midnight. I came out here, not only cause the moon was out but because it cleared my head. I i could think. the cold makes everything focused. BUT that still doesnt mean i have to like being cold. It's so peaceful out here, so quiet, serene, but i can't really enjoy it cause of the mood im in. :( god. Hopefully i can sort through everything and enjoy this before its time to head inside again.
* Okay well leah never really like Jutin. Therre was always something about him, I have a theorie about that but i can't say. so one day, when they were having a fight, i asked him why he hated leah, what he did. and he said that he really had no clue. which just points more towards my throrie. and like we started talking and he was really witty, and funny. So we talked more and then one thing lead to another and we became friends. Now you know the rest from there.
On a whole other subject, I'm freaking. I don't know if ill be able to do my presentation cause it touches so close to home. I mean i found a chart that shows the signs of neglect and i fit almost every one. I can't deal with this. especially not today.
The sky os so clear. Its dark, and yet theres always sparkles of light hidden. I love night time. I'd be nocturnal if possible, sadly it doesnt work that way. the nights so fresh, and alive. you can be completly alone and feel safe. Some people get the opposite feeling, and im not saying that's wrong. Dark is dangerous. but i need a little danger once in a while, it keeps my senses awake. my mind running. and the moon. it's like its always there trying to cool your feeling, so you are nothing but raw, then you know what to do. i love summer nights most, cause then its cold, but bareble, peaceful. and the moon is even clearer. '
Once in a while, let darkness guide your path,
GothGirl xox
Friday, April 10, 2009
Sybil here,
Today is friday and good friday... why is this friday any better than the rest besides the facct that its a day off?? hmm? anyway. schools out. Not much done today. Though at one point i met soul at the park and then we went to timmies. MICHEAL was ther!!! you know from last year!?? anyways, he looks the exact same. he was like omg jen, is that you. cuz i was all gothed out. i mean it's soul i had to keep up lol. anyways it was funny and his friend had a lemon sweater, it was sweet. After timmies, we went roofing at my moms, no sis, no mom, punk music and soul. i think that counts as fun. later we went to my dads. she'll be coming over again later. she had a few thing to do at home.
Now because Soul has never been mentioned before heres her scoop. Okay well she's goth like moi. she goes to sir win and yes to the new school. thank god! we only started hanging out recently shes on my bus so. Shes so funny, and like the same music as me, actually i plan on getting a whole new shitload of music from her, and ill have to send her soem of mine. I can't really give you a discription of her cuz she changes like monthly. the colour of her hair, her clothes, but always punk/goth. shes really cool and new to barrhaven.
Now that that has been officialy said.... my plan for the weekend has once again been changed. my date with justin hasnt been chaged to sat as planned but instead still monday so tomorrow is my home work day. fun. " how did you spend you saturday?" " Homework " :S yeah fun.
Today is friday and good friday... why is this friday any better than the rest besides the facct that its a day off?? hmm? anyway. schools out. Not much done today. Though at one point i met soul at the park and then we went to timmies. MICHEAL was ther!!! you know from last year!?? anyways, he looks the exact same. he was like omg jen, is that you. cuz i was all gothed out. i mean it's soul i had to keep up lol. anyways it was funny and his friend had a lemon sweater, it was sweet. After timmies, we went roofing at my moms, no sis, no mom, punk music and soul. i think that counts as fun. later we went to my dads. she'll be coming over again later. she had a few thing to do at home.
Now because Soul has never been mentioned before heres her scoop. Okay well she's goth like moi. she goes to sir win and yes to the new school. thank god! we only started hanging out recently shes on my bus so. Shes so funny, and like the same music as me, actually i plan on getting a whole new shitload of music from her, and ill have to send her soem of mine. I can't really give you a discription of her cuz she changes like monthly. the colour of her hair, her clothes, but always punk/goth. shes really cool and new to barrhaven.
Now that that has been officialy said.... my plan for the weekend has once again been changed. my date with justin hasnt been chaged to sat as planned but instead still monday so tomorrow is my home work day. fun. " how did you spend you saturday?" " Homework " :S yeah fun.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Sybil here, albeit not with much news. Okay well today there weren't that many anouncements. basically on monday the seating plan will change and schwa will be next to me. then in fromt ashley, then on her left kelsey, then oh Her left Katie. So not much change. Another thing.
I spent a full day working to make my globe all pretty and then Mrs Van DUsen ruined it!!!! okay besides that today we had a laughing attack! i mean there was a bake sale and me and athina were the only ones not going. ( we had no money) and we got talking. I had a really bad day like one thing after another. ill list them after so basically that was a good part of the day. and we did end up getting a cupcake. :P thanks ashley!
Now the list of horor!
1. Bowling was cancelled
2. the powere went out so my alarm didn't go off ( i was late)
3. my mom left for cali
4. I had to go bak to my dads :S *gasp*
5. I'll have to stay there for like a week
6. i was guarenteed a bad week.
7. family dinner on sunday
8.i had an english project to do.
9. i didnt get picked for the music thing
10. i was in a really foul mood, because i couldnt get to sleep last night and when i finally did i had a very inspirational story, so i had to wake up and write it down
Now most of that cheered up. though now my neighbour yehaw is singing country :S and i have to walk to my dads to bring my stuff.
1. i got a cool cupcake
2. we had a funny discution
3. we got to miss gym
4. for a cantebury Jazz presentation ( OMG JAMIE AND JASON AND THE DRUMMER *heart*)
5. Im going on a date with Justin
6. i have a nother story (ill post later)
7. no changing houses for a while
8. its warming up , well to be precise NO more snow.
9. at lunch we had a very long discution on the god of awesome. and emma was depressed
10. that last thing wasnt really good but i was happy cause i have a boyfriend. ( he even has a heart in his name! though that took some coaxing )
WOW i just realized each side had 10 points WOW that was not planned i promise.
So thats about it , ive got to go pack for my dads. BYE
GothGirl xox
I spent a full day working to make my globe all pretty and then Mrs Van DUsen ruined it!!!! okay besides that today we had a laughing attack! i mean there was a bake sale and me and athina were the only ones not going. ( we had no money) and we got talking. I had a really bad day like one thing after another. ill list them after so basically that was a good part of the day. and we did end up getting a cupcake. :P thanks ashley!
Now the list of horor!
1. Bowling was cancelled
2. the powere went out so my alarm didn't go off ( i was late)
3. my mom left for cali
4. I had to go bak to my dads :S *gasp*
5. I'll have to stay there for like a week
6. i was guarenteed a bad week.
7. family dinner on sunday
8.i had an english project to do.
9. i didnt get picked for the music thing
10. i was in a really foul mood, because i couldnt get to sleep last night and when i finally did i had a very inspirational story, so i had to wake up and write it down
Now most of that cheered up. though now my neighbour yehaw is singing country :S and i have to walk to my dads to bring my stuff.
1. i got a cool cupcake
2. we had a funny discution
3. we got to miss gym
4. for a cantebury Jazz presentation ( OMG JAMIE AND JASON AND THE DRUMMER *heart*)
5. Im going on a date with Justin
6. i have a nother story (ill post later)
7. no changing houses for a while
8. its warming up , well to be precise NO more snow.
9. at lunch we had a very long discution on the god of awesome. and emma was depressed
10. that last thing wasnt really good but i was happy cause i have a boyfriend. ( he even has a heart in his name! though that took some coaxing )
WOW i just realized each side had 10 points WOW that was not planned i promise.
So thats about it , ive got to go pack for my dads. BYE
GothGirl xox
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Okay well today was very uneventful. I had precussion enseemble did a math test. period. though i did get the book from emma! yay. So really the only reason why im posting at all is to say: UPDATE UR FRIKEN BLOGS!!! okay flirt, schwa, time to update. seriously flirt weve been back from school for a while, and schwa you are no longer hacking. or coughing. Please im out of the social group. whats going on behind the scenes?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Another day in the life of me.
today is tuesday and i have a few anouncements. Some of them you will laugh at but others, well those are just so you know. Right now i'm supposed to be in school but i just came back from the ortho so i have all the info about my braces. ffun fun. Well first of all may 6 im getting the spacers put in. then may 13 im getting my braces put on. I getting a full top row, though it will be the bendy kind. then that chages to stainless steal and the bottom is added on. Though im not sure how many on the botom. then the springs will be added in to ajust my jaw. then everything is taken out and a small wire is added in. Plus ill have to wear a clear mold for two years. thank god that's only when i sleep. So all in all i have to go until im 16 to have nice teeth :(. Oh well after ill be hot. Cause face it im hot now, imgae with nice teeth!
Besides the teeth thing i told my mom about me datking justin and she was happy for me, though now she insists on seeing him..... On the note of my mother i foud out she's going to california from the 9th to the 14th. That's not that bad, it plans to be really cold there but the fact that's horrible is: I'll have to stay at my dads for all of the week! OMG. I can barely stand him by the end of his week. Now i go to moms for 3 days and have to go back? for 2 weeks ????? I don't think thats good.
Another thing is that my mom caught my sister in another lie, and now she's had enough. ( yeah about time.) if i did half the things my sister gets away with i'd be in askaban! Finally she's grounded. Sadly only for a week. But hey if that gets me off babysitting dutting im cool.
On another note, im going to have to train my dad. Yep that's right he's done it again. I can live through the yelling, the ignoring, the ranging of his mood swings, and EVEN his PMS days. But the moment he assumes im always free is the day i die. I just found out that "Sometime" this weekend ill have to go to my aunts. but see no one told me this before! I never got a chance to mark it in my calender and seriously i need to. i always have to plan ahead. I'm not good with last minute things. You remember last time don't you? Aching back, sore feet, ect ect.
but if all else fails, trust movies, and muscals. yeah, im sure most of you have heard of a movie called grease. And most of you know im in the school band. Now put them both together and you have me today. Yes, you've got it! We are doing a mixed song for band, of 4 diffrent songs from grease!!! Today it's tuesday meaning usual hell for me seeing that well it merans waking up early and actually going somewhere. Ya today it was awesome. WEll yes i woke up early but i had a really yummy breakfast (muffin) and then i get to band and for a long time im early. Then I find out we are doing grease and i spazz out. During practice we listened to the songs needed, and i knew the dance to all of them so i was dancing along.Now the only downside to this was that M. Leohr pointed that out to the entire band! how embarassing, but i got over it quick i mean GREASE!! and plus andrew knew it too :P Then Mr leohr even let me borrow his copy of grease ( the songs) and copy it. All in all i say a good tuesday. Plus im missing school!
Though i didnt get the book from emma :( i guess ill have to wait till tomorrow to find out what happenes with Cleon.
Another day with me ( and a good one id say)
Goth Girl xox
Besides the teeth thing i told my mom about me datking justin and she was happy for me, though now she insists on seeing him..... On the note of my mother i foud out she's going to california from the 9th to the 14th. That's not that bad, it plans to be really cold there but the fact that's horrible is: I'll have to stay at my dads for all of the week! OMG. I can barely stand him by the end of his week. Now i go to moms for 3 days and have to go back? for 2 weeks ????? I don't think thats good.
Another thing is that my mom caught my sister in another lie, and now she's had enough. ( yeah about time.) if i did half the things my sister gets away with i'd be in askaban! Finally she's grounded. Sadly only for a week. But hey if that gets me off babysitting dutting im cool.
On another note, im going to have to train my dad. Yep that's right he's done it again. I can live through the yelling, the ignoring, the ranging of his mood swings, and EVEN his PMS days. But the moment he assumes im always free is the day i die. I just found out that "Sometime" this weekend ill have to go to my aunts. but see no one told me this before! I never got a chance to mark it in my calender and seriously i need to. i always have to plan ahead. I'm not good with last minute things. You remember last time don't you? Aching back, sore feet, ect ect.
but if all else fails, trust movies, and muscals. yeah, im sure most of you have heard of a movie called grease. And most of you know im in the school band. Now put them both together and you have me today. Yes, you've got it! We are doing a mixed song for band, of 4 diffrent songs from grease!!! Today it's tuesday meaning usual hell for me seeing that well it merans waking up early and actually going somewhere. Ya today it was awesome. WEll yes i woke up early but i had a really yummy breakfast (muffin) and then i get to band and for a long time im early. Then I find out we are doing grease and i spazz out. During practice we listened to the songs needed, and i knew the dance to all of them so i was dancing along.Now the only downside to this was that M. Leohr pointed that out to the entire band! how embarassing, but i got over it quick i mean GREASE!! and plus andrew knew it too :P Then Mr leohr even let me borrow his copy of grease ( the songs) and copy it. All in all i say a good tuesday. Plus im missing school!
Though i didnt get the book from emma :( i guess ill have to wait till tomorrow to find out what happenes with Cleon.
Another day with me ( and a good one id say)
Goth Girl xox
Monday, April 6, 2009
Monday how thrilling
hey those who actually read this :P Anyway today was really bland. and you know all that worrying i did about making my notes for history perfect?? yeah well that was kind of uneeded. the test had very few questions that i actually had to look up. Well besides that we copied more notes in science, and for sme reason i kept wanting to say it was wednesday. So that has been my day. isn't it lovely. It's raining again today. seriosuly its a scene out of safe as houses. minus the flood . we have draines. :P im sure they did too, but anyways. Emma still hasnt brought the third book to school and im about to scream. now she promised to bring it tommorrow. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO CLEON!!!! lol. no its not startreck. so basically that is ALL that happened.
I've been qwriting a lot in my book lately. I even cary a notebook around with me at all times in case i come up with aother thing to add. I'm going to need to get a speed typer and just get them to copy out everything i write.... cause half of it is on aper and half on computer. i think that the writing is going to start speeding up soon, though not by much, just for the reason that im actually at interesting parts now. Like the tour of Styks high and stuff. My friend hung is even making me a website. It's pretty bland right now but.... it'll get better. and i can't sed you a link yet, because technically the site hasn't been made yet. lol like it has but it hasnt been published. Even tually though we are going to chage it from the Styks high website to the J.M.Kempster website. and one day ill have to get my dad and hung to make a few upgrades and make it all pretty. CAuse like hung knows the basics and thats still way more than i know but my dad has been doing this all his life. sooo......
Love ya all
Gothgirl xox
I've been qwriting a lot in my book lately. I even cary a notebook around with me at all times in case i come up with aother thing to add. I'm going to need to get a speed typer and just get them to copy out everything i write.... cause half of it is on aper and half on computer. i think that the writing is going to start speeding up soon, though not by much, just for the reason that im actually at interesting parts now. Like the tour of Styks high and stuff. My friend hung is even making me a website. It's pretty bland right now but.... it'll get better. and i can't sed you a link yet, because technically the site hasn't been made yet. lol like it has but it hasnt been published. Even tually though we are going to chage it from the Styks high website to the J.M.Kempster website. and one day ill have to get my dad and hung to make a few upgrades and make it all pretty. CAuse like hung knows the basics and thats still way more than i know but my dad has been doing this all his life. sooo......
Love ya all
Gothgirl xox
Sunday, April 5, 2009
in the moment
Thank god it's monday tomorrow, i don't think i could take any more of this. Now as most of you know i work my ass off, but i'm still a teenager so i mean there's only so much i can do withought needing me time. And i like being by myself a lot. I like it because then there's no one there telling me what to do and I can always think. Now at my dads it's almostt impossible to think cause the moment you do, or you mention anything, it gets turned into a fight that leads to me in tears. I don't deal with confrontation well. I'm trying. I am to keep myslef calm and collected, but im a teenage girl. do you know how many messed up hormones are racing through my system on the daily bases?? hmm? Well when someone starts yelling at me they all race to be the first one out, then i have like 9 diffrent things racing through my mind at once, so many things i feel, not even being able to reign them all in and then one thing will comeout. no matter what it is it's always the wrong one. but i can't keep everything in. i already keep so much inside that with all that added to it... well.
now those who are close to me may know what i'm talking about, may have guessed where this is coming from but for those who don't : I love my dad i really do but i just can't take it any more. He's always angry and grumpy and mean. no matter what you say or do it's never good enough and he expects more. But i'm doing my BEST! He's an adult which is like teenage years except with more responsibility and less resources. Well my dad picked all the wrong turns and now has no more resousrces. So then because he'shaving a hard time ( which i get ) he expects me to throw my life away in my free years to help him (which i don't get). I mean i work and work so that i can have a life and that i can live it diffrently. I DONT want to end up like my parents and i dont want kids cause that just adds to the responsibility and then im afraid i wont be good enough for them and then theyll end up like me now, trying to get something out by writing in a blog and confiding in my friends. I just cant have that happen. But I work, i make my own decisions and hope that they turn out for the better. I know in high school im almost never going to have time for myself because i REALLY need a scholarship. And i know that. I'm a think of the future person. I always have to think about whats going to happen next and how will this effect me. cause thats the exact oposite of what my parents did. i want to live in the moment. I really do, you'd be able to live everything that much more i mean to have no thought s on who that would effect and what would happen later or what otehr could i do, that would be amazing but i know that i can't do taht. I HAVE to think.
Now back to the point I work hard, and then because dad doesnt have a life, and that his is wrong, he expects me to be thhe mom of the house, and do everything that mom ( as a stay home mom) would have done but i one don't have the time and two have a life. I'm turning 14, my life is barely starting and im already stressed out thinking about the future and i have been for some time. and then i get ome do more work, go to work so that i can haev money to do suff sun, and then get yelled at cause im aparemntly not cleaning enough, or im not trying hard enough. and thats not fair. i know most peoples will say " Lifes not fair" but when i barely have a life, no it isnt. and then on my weekend, MY TIME! i have to miss my friends birthday party and stuff because i have to babysit my 10 year old sister, but she can make plans and leave me. I mean most of the time im babysitting andrea goes to a friends house or something and i still have to stay home because, and i quote " She might come home" then get me a cell phone and she can call me. BUT WAIT i dont have one. UGH!
TRying to live in the moment for a change,
GothGirl xox
now those who are close to me may know what i'm talking about, may have guessed where this is coming from but for those who don't : I love my dad i really do but i just can't take it any more. He's always angry and grumpy and mean. no matter what you say or do it's never good enough and he expects more. But i'm doing my BEST! He's an adult which is like teenage years except with more responsibility and less resources. Well my dad picked all the wrong turns and now has no more resousrces. So then because he'shaving a hard time ( which i get ) he expects me to throw my life away in my free years to help him (which i don't get). I mean i work and work so that i can have a life and that i can live it diffrently. I DONT want to end up like my parents and i dont want kids cause that just adds to the responsibility and then im afraid i wont be good enough for them and then theyll end up like me now, trying to get something out by writing in a blog and confiding in my friends. I just cant have that happen. But I work, i make my own decisions and hope that they turn out for the better. I know in high school im almost never going to have time for myself because i REALLY need a scholarship. And i know that. I'm a think of the future person. I always have to think about whats going to happen next and how will this effect me. cause thats the exact oposite of what my parents did. i want to live in the moment. I really do, you'd be able to live everything that much more i mean to have no thought s on who that would effect and what would happen later or what otehr could i do, that would be amazing but i know that i can't do taht. I HAVE to think.
Now back to the point I work hard, and then because dad doesnt have a life, and that his is wrong, he expects me to be thhe mom of the house, and do everything that mom ( as a stay home mom) would have done but i one don't have the time and two have a life. I'm turning 14, my life is barely starting and im already stressed out thinking about the future and i have been for some time. and then i get ome do more work, go to work so that i can haev money to do suff sun, and then get yelled at cause im aparemntly not cleaning enough, or im not trying hard enough. and thats not fair. i know most peoples will say " Lifes not fair" but when i barely have a life, no it isnt. and then on my weekend, MY TIME! i have to miss my friends birthday party and stuff because i have to babysit my 10 year old sister, but she can make plans and leave me. I mean most of the time im babysitting andrea goes to a friends house or something and i still have to stay home because, and i quote " She might come home" then get me a cell phone and she can call me. BUT WAIT i dont have one. UGH!
TRying to live in the moment for a change,
GothGirl xox
Not studyingfor history
Sybil here, and i guess this weekend wasnt a total waste. I mean because its saturday i dont have to babysit my sister all say. I went to riocan. And then leah came over. Now i could leave it like that but im trying to keep off stydying for my history test for as long as possible. I know i know its a huge test and i got to study and OMG i forgot to email the notes to schwa :S OMG IM SOO SORRY !!! ILL GOT DO THAT RIGHT NOW AND PICK THIS UP LATER :S
Okay im back. Now you want to know about riocan im sure. And because ive already told you all about justin. I can tell you that. ...not much hapened. It was pooring rain so i got soaked before i even got on my bus and like then i was dripping, though i didn't look it cause i was wearing black. Then we went to see duplicity with a bunch of peoples including jermy, elise, my lucky asian kid, and patt. anyways the movie SUCKED. i mean horrible. but it was still funny cause. Justin's phone went off half way through the movie. and some lady two rows down threw gummy bears at me. ( im now scared of those) and gummy bears take a long time to get unstucks from things :S anyway then the rain had stopped and we left (this time with all bateries in tact :P) and we went to starbucks. It was still realy windy and cold so me and justin were like clinging to each other lol. then finally in side we all got girly drinks, i got a mocha frappachino and peoples got other stuff. Most of the non-cofee drinkers got stuff too only to throw most of it out. lol. Then we went to the indigo next door. Me and my lucky asian kid, went looking at manga and stuff. then elise dissed twilight and the guy who worked there was like *GASP* that's against the rules yoiu arent aloud to say that in here, or get mobbed. lol. then we went to staples because me and patt had to pick some stuff up. me (pens) patt (lock) by the end of it staples was closing so we gotkicked out. Justin and Jermy had to leave right then so we huged said good bye and they left. We bought our stuff, walked over to walmart and then i got on my bus and left. And Patrick ditched us at the kelseys lol.
Then leah came over. We made a youtube channel, thats like spoofs and stuff. REALLY funny, though i think we only have like two vids posted. eventually there wil be more. and like then we knit for 5 hours while watching whos line is it anyway??, now my finger REALLY hurts. it's like swolen. lol. knitting is DANGEROUS. old ladys must have friken calused fingers. i mean one day of knititng and my finger is really to fall off its so sensitive. and like then they knit for hours on end, everyday. SERIOUSLY HOW??
Okay i'm going to go study for history now,
GothGirl xox
Okay im back. Now you want to know about riocan im sure. And because ive already told you all about justin. I can tell you that. ...not much hapened. It was pooring rain so i got soaked before i even got on my bus and like then i was dripping, though i didn't look it cause i was wearing black. Then we went to see duplicity with a bunch of peoples including jermy, elise, my lucky asian kid, and patt. anyways the movie SUCKED. i mean horrible. but it was still funny cause. Justin's phone went off half way through the movie. and some lady two rows down threw gummy bears at me. ( im now scared of those) and gummy bears take a long time to get unstucks from things :S anyway then the rain had stopped and we left (this time with all bateries in tact :P) and we went to starbucks. It was still realy windy and cold so me and justin were like clinging to each other lol. then finally in side we all got girly drinks, i got a mocha frappachino and peoples got other stuff. Most of the non-cofee drinkers got stuff too only to throw most of it out. lol. Then we went to the indigo next door. Me and my lucky asian kid, went looking at manga and stuff. then elise dissed twilight and the guy who worked there was like *GASP* that's against the rules yoiu arent aloud to say that in here, or get mobbed. lol. then we went to staples because me and patt had to pick some stuff up. me (pens) patt (lock) by the end of it staples was closing so we gotkicked out. Justin and Jermy had to leave right then so we huged said good bye and they left. We bought our stuff, walked over to walmart and then i got on my bus and left. And Patrick ditched us at the kelseys lol.
Then leah came over. We made a youtube channel, thats like spoofs and stuff. REALLY funny, though i think we only have like two vids posted. eventually there wil be more. and like then we knit for 5 hours while watching whos line is it anyway??, now my finger REALLY hurts. it's like swolen. lol. knitting is DANGEROUS. old ladys must have friken calused fingers. i mean one day of knititng and my finger is really to fall off its so sensitive. and like then they knit for hours on end, everyday. SERIOUSLY HOW??
Okay i'm going to go study for history now,
GothGirl xox
Friday, April 3, 2009
OMG another spazz atack!
Okay today i want aloud to go to emma's bday party :( but at some point in the day i had to go to riocan to buy some pens for school and while i was there i met a bunch of my gifties so we like hung out for a bit and then i came home, now it was pissing rain so i was very cold and wet so i wasnt all that happy. But then it got all that much worse. I got home and my dad was all mad at me cause my sister had come home early from her friends house and was locked out of the house. Then my dad couldnt find the pizza hut flyer so he got all pissed. Then i was watching the kids choice awards and he made me turn it off so he could play his emo music, ringing any bells yet. No inner alarm telling you " I know this!" ? well then He's having another pms day. This is only a stage two right now but still. it'll get worse. So i can't wait to tell you all about what happens. UGH!
From the wonders of my life,
GothGirl xox
From the wonders of my life,
GothGirl xox
Thursday, April 2, 2009
short and simple ( not me)
sybil here, with lots of news. but first i'd like to ask Rhaw (or something like that) to please stop leaving me mean comments. i never insulted anyone. and WHO ARE YOU???
Now that done I have much to say. Ill start with my dads hand. It's not as bad as i thought, he only busted up one knucle. And besides that SCHWA is finally back lol its about time. I have to send her all the homework and stuff. and i cant go to emma's bday party :( This is pretty much just the bare facts i dont feel like writing my today but i thought u ought to know whats going on. and another thing. I'm now going out with justin , you know one of my gifties ?? anyways thats new....
Gothgirl xox
Now that done I have much to say. Ill start with my dads hand. It's not as bad as i thought, he only busted up one knucle. And besides that SCHWA is finally back lol its about time. I have to send her all the homework and stuff. and i cant go to emma's bday party :( This is pretty much just the bare facts i dont feel like writing my today but i thought u ought to know whats going on. and another thing. I'm now going out with justin , you know one of my gifties ?? anyways thats new....
Gothgirl xox
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
"open your eyes"
okay most of you may have read a comment on this posted by schwa and for the third time I'M SORRY!!!! I don't know what else i can say. there will never be anymore writting about peopels ever k? just deal with whats past and move on please. We don't think we are better than everyone else, and i (cause i dont really know bout athina tho i doubt she does) dont think ur stupid. okayleave it be whats past is past we cant change that. I deleted all the posts from that except from cupcake whhitch because it wasnt even on that topic. and seriously please stop. I mean she makes one mistake and you think she thinks shes better than you and that she thinks your stupid. that might have been how it sounded on the post but jeeze give her a break. and me too because im just trying to stick up fro myslef and her. plus btw she never reads past comments, so she cant see any of it. and its all deleted now. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop Im SO SOSOSSOSOSOSOSOSOS SORRY okay? can't you just leave it be now?
Goth Girl xox
Goth Girl xox
"The Voice"
I just got e-mailed back from a bunch of publisher's and the peoplez from free the children and they all like my "Voice" article!!!!! The guy from free the children's name is kiranen (isnt that ironic) and he wants me to spread it around because he really thinks it really showed the message they wanted peoples to hear so today i'm posting my story
. . .
The Voice
"Hello, my name is Ryan Withershaw, and I'm here to talk to you about something a lot of people don't have; a Voice..." I wasn't always a public speaker; I used to be an average teenage boy. As I stood on stage talking to a large group of peoples, telling them my story, I thought of the beginning. And that's what I'm sharing with you.
It was almost lunch. God, I couldn't wait to get out of my stuffy history classroom. My teacher, Mr.Shelaski, was talking about poverty in Africa, and frankly I didn't care. So what? They live all the way around the world, how is that my problem? Whatever. I rather be outside playing soccer with my friends. I turned my head to gaze out the window, I was so bored.
Slowly I could feel my eyelids getting heavy and my head drooping. The last thing I heard was my teacher droning on.
When I opened my eyes I was sitting on the ground, somewhere sandy and dry. Africa. There was a tree nearby, if you could call it that, and I saw someone hiding behind it. I got up abruptly and yelled "Whose there? Show yourself!" A little girl no taller than my shoulder came scurrying out, nearly tripping over her own feet to do so. Then she dropped to her hands and knees in front of me. I calmed down and then asked "What are you doing?"
She looked up at me like I was daft, then it turned to fright. "You told me come, no?" She had trouble speaking English.
"But why are you on your knees?" She gave me a look once again. She had dark skin, big brown eyes that hid behind long matted hair. She was so frail and thin underneath the rag of a dress she wore it was sick.
"Do I do wrong, Master?"
I sat down next to her, startling her a bit. "Sorry," I muttered and she stuck her nose to the ground again. "Oh, come on! Stop that! What's your name?"
"Banjuki Master."
"Stop all that Master nonsense, my name is Ryan. I'm dreaming right now, but still slightly confused."
"Why? Mast-Ryan."
"Well I fell asleep in class, I suppose. Why do you act like a slave?"
"I am slave. I am Children of African." I think she meant child.
"Oh." I still wasn't sure of this dream, it was fairly odd.
"You funny," she stopped herself and covered her mouth with her hands. "Sorry!"
"Why are you sorry?"
"Master! I speak out of turn! I no speak. Forbidden. Shamed. I go" She got up to leave but I grabbed her hand and she sat again. "But, I go. Punished."
"None of that now. I'm just Ryan, no Master, or sir. Just me! I want you to tell me everything." And I did. I really did, and only the lord knows why.
"Yes, you know speak..." She really had no clue.
"Come, tell me your story." I stopped and just waited. And sure enough she started to tell me her story, however timidly and quiet.
"Me, sister, brother alone. Mother died, father in military. We hungry... hmm. Each day we work and work as slaves. Then come home and cook and walk long time for water...." And it went on. It seemed like hours passed by. This girl spoke telling me the story of famine, hardship, slavery, beatings, and much more. So I sat and for once I just listened. And finally she finished. She had been beaten and fallen sick, and still she rode on. Her sister had died. Her brother shot and her left for dead. The horrors this one girl has seen, and she had told no one! There was no one to tell it to! No one had listened.
It was quiet. She was done and she just sat staring at the ground. I didn't know what to say. What do you say? This girl was around nine years of age and she had gone through more in one day of her life than I had done through all of mine. A single tear welled up in my eye, and slid down my cheek. I watched it fall and hit the ground. I knew what to say. "I hear you!"
She looked up at me and a smile spread across her face, she laughed and cryed at the same time. Exasperated, she sighed out one word that seemed to echo for a million voices. "Finally" I leaned over and hugged this beautiful girl, and suring that moment I knew that it was child of African it truly was Children. She represented them all. Soon she started glowing, white light seeming to pour out of everywhere, and it continued to grow brighter until she was so bright I had to turn away. When the light faded from behind my closed eyelids, I opened them and turned around to a young woman. She was full of wisdom, and sorrow.
"Dear boy, you have heard us, the Children of Africa, now you know the cage we are caught in. The pain we feel. You feel as we feel. But there is something that you have that we, do not."
"What is that?" she smiled and seemed to chime the words,
"A Voice! We have a life of hardship. We cannot speak out of turn, say what's on our mind. We are powerless. Even as one we cannot stand up or make a difference but you can! It's your time, speak, show the world and know that we are all behind you..."
Slowly the image shifted. Everything getting fainter and farther. The last image I could make out was of Banjuki smiling and waving at me.
Then I was in class again. I jumped out of my seat knocking over my chair and interrupting the teacher. Everyone's eyes were on me.
"Sir, can I speak in front of the class please?" Eyes wide he nodded, I never did things such as this. Never. As I turned towards the class I almost sat back down again. But then I closed my eyes and for a moment I saw Banjuki nod reassuringly. I had a voice, and it was my time to speak.
So that's how it happened. I told my class, then my school, then several schools and now I'm telling National television. Each time they listened and I felt even better. I looked at the camera closed my eyes and saw Banjuki, like I always do. I don't know if what I saw was real or not but it didn't matter. I was here right now and I had a voice!
"Hello, my name is Ryan Withershaw, and I'm here to talk to you about something a lot of people don't have; a Voice..." I wasn't always a public speaker; I used to be an average teenage boy. As I stood on stage talking to a large group of peoples, telling them my story, I thought of the beginning. And that's what I'm sharing with you.
It was almost lunch. God, I couldn't wait to get out of my stuffy history classroom. My teacher, Mr.Shelaski, was talking about poverty in Africa, and frankly I didn't care. So what? They live all the way around the world, how is that my problem? Whatever. I rather be outside playing soccer with my friends. I turned my head to gaze out the window, I was so bored.
Slowly I could feel my eyelids getting heavy and my head drooping. The last thing I heard was my teacher droning on.
When I opened my eyes I was sitting on the ground, somewhere sandy and dry. Africa. There was a tree nearby, if you could call it that, and I saw someone hiding behind it. I got up abruptly and yelled "Whose there? Show yourself!" A little girl no taller than my shoulder came scurrying out, nearly tripping over her own feet to do so. Then she dropped to her hands and knees in front of me. I calmed down and then asked "What are you doing?"
She looked up at me like I was daft, then it turned to fright. "You told me come, no?" She had trouble speaking English.
"But why are you on your knees?" She gave me a look once again. She had dark skin, big brown eyes that hid behind long matted hair. She was so frail and thin underneath the rag of a dress she wore it was sick.
"Do I do wrong, Master?"
I sat down next to her, startling her a bit. "Sorry," I muttered and she stuck her nose to the ground again. "Oh, come on! Stop that! What's your name?"
"Banjuki Master."
"Stop all that Master nonsense, my name is Ryan. I'm dreaming right now, but still slightly confused."
"Why? Mast-Ryan."
"Well I fell asleep in class, I suppose. Why do you act like a slave?"
"I am slave. I am Children of African." I think she meant child.
"Oh." I still wasn't sure of this dream, it was fairly odd.
"You funny," she stopped herself and covered her mouth with her hands. "Sorry!"
"Why are you sorry?"
"Master! I speak out of turn! I no speak. Forbidden. Shamed. I go" She got up to leave but I grabbed her hand and she sat again. "But, I go. Punished."
"None of that now. I'm just Ryan, no Master, or sir. Just me! I want you to tell me everything." And I did. I really did, and only the lord knows why.
"Yes, you know speak..." She really had no clue.
"Come, tell me your story." I stopped and just waited. And sure enough she started to tell me her story, however timidly and quiet.
"Me, sister, brother alone. Mother died, father in military. We hungry... hmm. Each day we work and work as slaves. Then come home and cook and walk long time for water...." And it went on. It seemed like hours passed by. This girl spoke telling me the story of famine, hardship, slavery, beatings, and much more. So I sat and for once I just listened. And finally she finished. She had been beaten and fallen sick, and still she rode on. Her sister had died. Her brother shot and her left for dead. The horrors this one girl has seen, and she had told no one! There was no one to tell it to! No one had listened.
It was quiet. She was done and she just sat staring at the ground. I didn't know what to say. What do you say? This girl was around nine years of age and she had gone through more in one day of her life than I had done through all of mine. A single tear welled up in my eye, and slid down my cheek. I watched it fall and hit the ground. I knew what to say. "I hear you!"
She looked up at me and a smile spread across her face, she laughed and cryed at the same time. Exasperated, she sighed out one word that seemed to echo for a million voices. "Finally" I leaned over and hugged this beautiful girl, and suring that moment I knew that it was child of African it truly was Children. She represented them all. Soon she started glowing, white light seeming to pour out of everywhere, and it continued to grow brighter until she was so bright I had to turn away. When the light faded from behind my closed eyelids, I opened them and turned around to a young woman. She was full of wisdom, and sorrow.
"Dear boy, you have heard us, the Children of Africa, now you know the cage we are caught in. The pain we feel. You feel as we feel. But there is something that you have that we, do not."
"What is that?" she smiled and seemed to chime the words,
"A Voice! We have a life of hardship. We cannot speak out of turn, say what's on our mind. We are powerless. Even as one we cannot stand up or make a difference but you can! It's your time, speak, show the world and know that we are all behind you..."
Slowly the image shifted. Everything getting fainter and farther. The last image I could make out was of Banjuki smiling and waving at me.
Then I was in class again. I jumped out of my seat knocking over my chair and interrupting the teacher. Everyone's eyes were on me.
"Sir, can I speak in front of the class please?" Eyes wide he nodded, I never did things such as this. Never. As I turned towards the class I almost sat back down again. But then I closed my eyes and for a moment I saw Banjuki nod reassuringly. I had a voice, and it was my time to speak.
So that's how it happened. I told my class, then my school, then several schools and now I'm telling National television. Each time they listened and I felt even better. I looked at the camera closed my eyes and saw Banjuki, like I always do. I don't know if what I saw was real or not but it didn't matter. I was here right now and I had a voice!
. . .
Hope you guys like it !!!! post any comments please, negative and positive are good, I am going to admit that it has some kinks to work out and there was a part i wanted to add in. Thank you
From a writer's perspective,
GothGirl xox
missing again? finally the deed is done
final damage done, i did an inspection on the house and am surproised to say that not too many holes were formed. So basically the stage 7 was a lesser one. and the only oles were two above the fire place from the drumsticks, and a huge dent in my dad's door where i think he took most of his fusrtation out by punching it. now there was a blood splater there and a bunch of open band-aid rappers. i will tell you how bad a shape his hands are in when he gets home.
And on another important note Schwa still isn't here. :( and i broke up with kiranen. it was nothing much i didnt really stick to the plan, i was having a realy gloomy day. i was totally out of energie. maybe its cauze i dont have my other energizer bunny ( no boom boom lol schwa). But anyway, he kept talking about how cute cats were, and i was bored out of my mind so just turned to him and was like " okay i just want to be friends, k? I mean no more no less, just friends" then he agreed and left. i almost started singing. well actually i did but that was for a whole other reason. I never realized hoe BORING he is. I mean its more than just that he's repetitive, hes repetitive, hes repetitive. on and on and no depth to anything he says. seriously i had more fun washing my bathroom sink. now im starting to get harsh so ill just drop it at that.
I'm starting to get worried about schwa, she hasn't been in in a week. and she missede mr mereki's little visit ( yeah im sure she missed that so much ;) ) i sent her an e-mail stating everything she missed so far and askin her about whats up, hopefully ill get an answer soon.
Love you,
And on another important note Schwa still isn't here. :( and i broke up with kiranen. it was nothing much i didnt really stick to the plan, i was having a realy gloomy day. i was totally out of energie. maybe its cauze i dont have my other energizer bunny ( no boom boom lol schwa). But anyway, he kept talking about how cute cats were, and i was bored out of my mind so just turned to him and was like " okay i just want to be friends, k? I mean no more no less, just friends" then he agreed and left. i almost started singing. well actually i did but that was for a whole other reason. I never realized hoe BORING he is. I mean its more than just that he's repetitive, hes repetitive, hes repetitive. on and on and no depth to anything he says. seriously i had more fun washing my bathroom sink. now im starting to get harsh so ill just drop it at that.
I'm starting to get worried about schwa, she hasn't been in in a week. and she missede mr mereki's little visit ( yeah im sure she missed that so much ;) ) i sent her an e-mail stating everything she missed so far and askin her about whats up, hopefully ill get an answer soon.
Love you,
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