Thursday, April 23, 2009

from good to bad to indiffrence.

sybil here,
im going to start at the begining of the day and hopefully you'll catch on to the title.

First we had a really good school day i mean, mr mereki taught us english but it was still fun! and like we had math art math music in the morning then gym party ELA ELA in the afternoon. i cleared my level 3 in high jump. which is the 1 meter mark. i was so happy, and we had a party in french class, for the december birthdays. and we got all our crap done, and art i really just read a lot, same with math, though in art i also drew i cig and a pow (cow pig) it was soo cute. anyways the party was funny because at the beginning we didnt have any glasses so we had to go on a search.... masically then addam got in trouble with mr mereki and ryland got kicked out of the class room.
then we had band not the brightest outlook of my day. seriosuly lol. but anyways not that bad. then i got home with my mom. and found out that justin can go on mic, lol. i cleaned up my room and such. its all pertty and i found all my socks!!! hurray. lol... so anyways then leah was like yelling atme the usual, but this time she was like i now refuse to talk to you until you start being yourself again. so now she refuses to talk to me. great i know. i got really sad, i mean shes my best friend and i am myslef i dont know what else to do. So basically im lost. and then i find out that i might not be aloud to go to the end of the year trip because she cant afford it. ill have to do the school funding thing. which means i have to talk to miss van dusen tomorrow.
So then i realized something. The thing with leah is NOT my fault, its her, and her choice. I havent chaged. actually most peoples say leah has changed so its not just me thinking that. shes been acting really diffrent and i see no other way i could have done anything, and apart from my few sad moments, i havent really missed her. not that i dont care i do. im not happy, shes my BFF! but like what was i supposed to do. if i ever find the opotunity to make it better trust me ill take it, but im not dumping justin just cause she doesnt like him! thats ludicrous! id never ask her to do that. EVER! i dont care how much i dont like him. id atleast try to ignore it, and id make sure she knows i dont like him but i wouldnt demand she break up with him, or even CHOOSE! its nuts. and you know what i think a part of leah knows that too. just the much smaller part, like germany against say...... SWITZERLAND!!! who do you think won?
Thats been my day, pretty much.... Tomorrow is the dance and a diffrent day, maybe things will go better maybe not. i have much work ahead of me, i plan on working on my oratoire tomorrow after school and more on sunday. It will be done. Oh and before the dance there is a football game students against teachers. it plans to be interesting, i wonder who will win. Last time this happened the students won, that was volley ball though..... hmm. they do have mr laundry and mr moe..... OH that reminds me another plus for today is the fact that mr laundry is coming to teach at the new school. Not only as a gym teacher but french too. SAdly my hopes of having gym that much more barable were shredded hes only teaching gr 7 and 8 :( so gym will still suck!
Love ya,
GothGirl xox