Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Srping brings more than just flowers!! its brought Justin

Sybil here, and yet not.... im totally in love, its official.... i didn't really notice until today. Okay well first i should tell you all about my date.
Okay well basically it started out really cold outside, but then it heated up. and we kind of walked around alot and store to store, and found a bargain store which kind of was a WTF when did that get there moment. and we got candy crap and bulk barn and walked around. we saw leah's dad. we spent some time at DQ sitting at a schwaed table. we also hung out a lot at indigo and the starbucks attatched. At the end we went to walmart and sat in the gardining section... They have swings. Yeah it was fun. We talked a bout a whole variation of topics. like year 14, aisle 5, fuzzy peaches, whinnie the pooh, there better be a bathroom. and way more. but they always ended up really fucked up :P lol we had a blast. oh and we made a bet that i couldnt get a tan before my birthday. IM going to win, i already have the start of one.
then i got home and it was still pretty early. i did pilates, and sit ups. ( i need my abs back for summer) and my teeth were KILING ME. or TOOTH. but anyway. and i like want to be back in shape.
Now today. My tooth is in insane pain and blleeding like all the time. i hope it fall out soon i cant take this anymore. and the whole day i missed justin, which was crazy cause i saw him yesturday!! :( ive got it bad. and i said before that i wouldnt be like that. always wanting to be with him and stuff. but i am. I want to be closer and hold hadns, and hug. i want him to kiss me and like hold me. i know i need to give it time we dont see each other that much but.... i still want it. i wonder if he does....? Any thoughts? Anyway, i can't wait till next time i see him. i think he does like me though... i mean like he's already made plans for us during the summer and he keeps like saying, yeah and you'll like come to my house and well swim and like watch a movie downstairs or something... ( twas an example)you should of heard the convo we had today. hung said something and like he got all defensive and was like NO shes my girlfriend and i really like her, i wont let you do that....and it was all cute :P I like him i really do..... i took a pic of him, its not a good one but still... its the best i got. ill post it later. and one of my sis and dad. I was bored one day.
Besides Justin, not all that much has happened. i mean today Athina was officially placed in the spot next to me :P and like i no longer hanve to do announcement for the rest of the year. Also i ran out of lined paper. not good. ill have to get some more...... WHERE??!!?? and like i plan on actually working this week. i would have gone today but..... i dunno i didn't.
Spring time, love time, me time,
GothGirl xox