Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"open your eyes"

okay most of you may have read a comment on this posted by schwa and for the third time I'M SORRY!!!! I don't know what else i can say. there will never be anymore writting about peopels ever k? just deal with whats past and move on please. We don't think we are better than everyone else, and i (cause i dont really know bout athina tho i doubt she does) dont think ur stupid. okayleave it be whats past is past we cant change that. I deleted all the posts from that except from cupcake whhitch because it wasnt even on that topic. and seriously please stop. I mean she makes one mistake and you think she thinks shes better than you and that she thinks your stupid. that might have been how it sounded on the post but jeeze give her a break. and me too because im just trying to stick up fro myslef and her. plus btw she never reads past comments, so she cant see any of it. and its all deleted now. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop Im SO SOSOSSOSOSOSOSOSOS SORRY okay? can't you just leave it be now?
Goth Girl xox


  1. You need to make a list of every name on your blog and who they are so I know whatt's going on being a new reader and all.

  2. one of my firat posts names the all ( well any of the ones i talk abbout a lot theres a list lmao and the ones in here i dont talk about a lot so.....
    well except like colin and erin they are on the list

  3. I just read it! Now I know some stuff... you have been writing in your blog a long time though, i'll never be able to catch up.
    Anyway, i'm still following & reading :)
