Blake says hi. Okay and apearently a lot of people now read my bolg..... i wonder what they think, most of them probably don't really care. Okay i probably shouldn't have let them read it, ill have uneadless issues. So please stop bugging me anyone who reads this. You're the one wasting your time to read it all. If you think it's stupid that you don't have to read it. No meanness entended.
Okay so anyways. I figured out that i have a few options, and subjects. So here are a few:
- emotions
- expretions
- fads and or trends
- Phobia's
There could possibly be more but I'm not sure yet. So any thoughts.... any other ideas, any opinions, would be great...... let me rephrase that.... if they're positive they'd be great. So thanks.
GothGirl xox
Actually i might just riule out emotions, its pretty lame, and involves too much research. I'm way too lazy.
do fads and trends