Friday, April 10, 2009


Sybil here,
Today is friday and good friday... why is this friday any better than the rest besides the facct that its a day off?? hmm? anyway. schools out. Not much done today. Though at one point i met soul at the park and then we went to timmies. MICHEAL was ther!!! you know from last year!?? anyways, he looks the exact same. he was like omg jen, is that you. cuz i was all gothed out. i mean it's soul i had to keep up lol. anyways it was funny and his friend had a lemon sweater, it was sweet. After timmies, we went roofing at my moms, no sis, no mom, punk music and soul. i think that counts as fun. later we went to my dads. she'll be coming over again later. she had a few thing to do at home.
Now because Soul has never been mentioned before heres her scoop. Okay well she's goth like moi. she goes to sir win and yes to the new school. thank god! we only started hanging out recently shes on my bus so. Shes so funny, and like the same music as me, actually i plan on getting a whole new shitload of music from her, and ill have to send her soem of mine. I can't really give you a discription of her cuz she changes like monthly. the colour of her hair, her clothes, but always punk/goth. shes really cool and new to barrhaven.
Now that that has been officialy said.... my plan for the weekend has once again been changed. my date with justin hasnt been chaged to sat as planned but instead still monday so tomorrow is my home work day. fun. " how did you spend you saturday?" " Homework " :S yeah fun.

1 comment:

  1. yup that does sound like know the home work :p....unless your me and forgets some of it at and soul is awesome..i haven't really talk to her since last year
