Thursday, April 9, 2009


Sybil here, albeit not with much news. Okay well today there weren't that many anouncements. basically on monday the seating plan will change and schwa will be next to me. then in fromt ashley, then on her left kelsey, then oh Her left Katie. So not much change. Another thing.
I spent a full day working to make my globe all pretty and then Mrs Van DUsen ruined it!!!! okay besides that today we had a laughing attack! i mean there was a bake sale and me and athina were the only ones not going. ( we had no money) and we got talking. I had a really bad day like one thing after another. ill list them after so basically that was a good part of the day. and we did end up getting a cupcake. :P thanks ashley!
Now the list of horor!
1. Bowling was cancelled
2. the powere went out so my alarm didn't go off ( i was late)
3. my mom left for cali
4. I had to go bak to my dads :S *gasp*
5. I'll have to stay there for like a week
6. i was guarenteed a bad week.
7. family dinner on sunday
8.i had an english project to do.
9. i didnt get picked for the music thing
10. i was in a really foul mood, because i couldnt get to sleep last night and when i finally did i had a very inspirational story, so i had to wake up and write it down

Now most of that cheered up. though now my neighbour yehaw is singing country :S and i have to walk to my dads to bring my stuff.

1. i got a cool cupcake
2. we had a funny discution
3. we got to miss gym
4. for a cantebury Jazz presentation ( OMG JAMIE AND JASON AND THE DRUMMER *heart*)
5. Im going on a date with Justin
6. i have a nother story (ill post later)
7. no changing houses for a while
8. its warming up , well to be precise NO more snow.
9. at lunch we had a very long discution on the god of awesome. and emma was depressed
10. that last thing wasnt really good but i was happy cause i have a boyfriend. ( he even has a heart in his name! though that took some coaxing )

WOW i just realized each side had 10 points WOW that was not planned i promise.
So thats about it , ive got to go pack for my dads. BYE
GothGirl xox


  1. the drummers dude name is alex or something like that and me being depressed is a good thing!!??!!

  2. NO thats not how i ment, but for once its not me.... thats good, but im not happy your sad.and im seriously going to have a girls night wwith you and by the end, SMILES ONLY !!! lol
