Friday, August 6, 2010

OH! short note, i forgot to mention my mom cancelled, so we didnt in fact go to the cottage,, much to my dismay. Also i forgot to mention in the last post the rest of the trip with emma.

When i first got there we headed, with her family, to the park to play soft ball. and you've by now realized my detestation of all things sport, so i kind of failed miserably. Though i did manage to hit the ball a few times, so i thank mrs adams from preventing my total humiliation. It was actually sort of fun though. Then emma kicked one of the soft balls and spreigned her foot.... we then walked to her house and i got changed ( because i was never in formed that we were actually going to be the ones PLAYING i hadnt worn proper attire). then we went back this time with our writings. We then sat in the grass somewhat watching the game but mostly writing.

Then when we returned we watched early degrassi episodes (I've finally caught 100% up WOOT) and I read a bit of Vampire academy (which i ended up finishing in like an hour). Then we had our chocolate chip hunt. baked the cookies and slept.

The next day we walked to emma's work and i was surprised. it wasn't at all what i expected. First we did some tag removing in a dark closet. Then we did envelopping, which was actually unexpectantly long. We basically did that the rest of the day. for a while we went and had lunch, then we went upstairs for emma's doctors apointment ( because of her foot injury). It was interesting. Also there was a huge rain storm (AGAIN)) so my mom picked me up. it was a lot of fun though and was probably worth the sore arm i had the next day. I missed emma a lot so it was great that we could hang out again.

Other news. Yesturday i went to Linda's to visit my cousins one last time. Then i had to say bye for another year to Cynthia, Maeve, Quinn, and Ila May. It was great to see them though.

So i head off to gramama's for our camping trip today, so i have barely any internet access for the next 2 weeks. So i probably won't blog till i get back, and then i have the charity weekend right after that.... jeesh summer's almost over. By the time i get back its the 23rd. which is ethan and i's 2 month aniversary (is that an aniversary? or just a mark?) ... then i have the mars watch on the 27th, and then i have styks high due in the 31st and then i have to pick my locker the first and then its school. wow...
Time flies,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Hurricane

Hurricane in ottawa, and we were in it. We biked for hours in the cold and the wet, we slid, we fell, we were attacked. We trecked accross parking lots, deserts, tundras and forests, store after store we searched. We cried, we laughed, we continued on. Pushing boundries in roaring winds, hail, and storms. We walked until we bled, and finally; we got our chocolate chips!

Okay so maybe i exagerated a little, but it would make an interesting story. Back to reality, I'll tell you the real story.

I was over at emma's celebrating my release from house arrest. When she says "i feel like making cookies." I replied with "mmmmm chocolate chip..." As we are exiting the kitchen to find a recipe her sister Kera asks " does anyone have money to buy chocolate chips with. i feel liek cookies". After the initial hysterical laughter, we went on a money hunt and managed to get enough together.
As kera goes on a search for a recipe in her Foods book, Emma and I look online. Soon enough we discovered the perfect recipe. and Emma and I prepare to get the chocolate chips. One thing we forgot to take in account was 1. that it was raining like crazy, and 2. its a holiday so the stores would be closed.

I didn't have a bike due to the distance, i took the bus, so now we had to bike to the store. I took emma's bike and she her sisters. She kept falling because it was too big, and i was having issues because its too big. Then We came to the realisation that emma doesnt really know her right and left. After a while we switched bikes. and kera's bike hated me. i mean im pretty sure it was trying to murder me. It ripped all the skin off one of my shins and killed like crazy.

So now we are soaked and cold and my hairs poofing like the sixties are back. We go to store after store. adter store. back and forth. Farmboy toblockbusters to on the go to pharmaplus etc etc. So then we tied the bikes up and farmboy and conttinued on. looking and looking. Finally we realized that metro is open. We ran over and finally found our chocolate chips!!! We then returned to the bikes (which i got attacked from because they jumped out and broke my knees, not really but ouch) and then we biked home.

WE then made incredibly delicious cookies and enjoyed the rest of the night... that is after we cleaned our wounds :P


PS: Mars watch this month. its the closest its gotten in 60,000 years!!! august 27th it should appear the size of the moon!