Friday, October 22, 2010

The Schwa

Time apart trully makes one realise the preciousness of one thing. For instance my friend Athina. It seems that now we rarely see each other and it's sad. And sometimes i begin to think that maybe we weren't that great friends after all. However when we do get together i'm reminded why it's so awesome to be friends with her, and im reminded of why i miss her so greatly.

Yes i was pleased to be able to see her again today and i was reminded just how much i miss when we could see each other on the daily basis. I love her so much. It's hard to explain. It isn't just that we're very close friends. We are in every way soul twins. I can't wait until i see her again. It's thrilling to hang out again. By the end of the night we were completely in sync again especially with our Telepathetic powers.

But its still not enough time. We don't see each other for months at a time, and very rarely alone and then we only have a few hours to talk. In Dance cases we don't even have that... But i'm not posting to complain. I'm in a very good mood and i just can't wait to see whats next in store for me.

I've also sent a letter to Athina indicating that we should send them the old fashion way. 1. bcause the best literature is on paper, 2. it can be completely unexpected and cheer up your whole week 3. theres something poetic about it and 4. With athina and I it just the only way to go.

Other than that Ive gotten twitter.
now before you all rip my head off for the ubsurdity hear me through. In english class we were assigned a project. It was that we were assigned a character in Romeo and Juliet and we had to make twitter acounts posting as them. I was assigned Romeo. It's actually a lot of fun, even if it is twitter. I actually think i might continue it afterwards oncce in a while about like his life after death. Set in a fantasy world sort of parrallel to that in Midsummer's night Dream. Check it out if you want BTW isn't that the best user name ever?! Romeo In Cognito. that is just poeticaly perfect.

It's snowing today and for some odd reason im not that upset about it. then again Its not yet 40 degres after 4 months of freezing and i have to walk home in the dark and 3 PM. But for the instant it seems sort of in place. Like a calm blanket is convering the world. Protecting everything and whipping the slate so that new life can come again. And that's sort of what i feel like right now. Like its time for a new chapter in my life. One that is much more happy.

Oh. i finished my book. Not editing of course but soon. Hopefully by christmas. Though school is my first priority.


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